Chapter 1168 It’s really hard for me

"Mingmei got up."

Chen shouted to Mingmei who was lying next to him, and Mingmei woke up.

Mingmei closed her eyes tightly, as if she didn't hear Chen's words at all, but the subtle movements of her body still exposed her.

Now Mingmei simply I haven't slept yet, I'm still awake.

"Mingmei, don't pretend to be asleep, and you are too obvious, I can even see it."Chen patted Mingmei on the shoulder and said to Mingmei.

Mingmei shyly opened her eyes and looked at Chen with an embarrassed look in her eyes.

"Chen, I don’t want to get up now."Mingmei said to Chen.

She was a little uncomfortable, so she didn't want to get up. Another reason was that she was shy. If Xiao Ai knew about it, what would Xiao Ai think of her?

Mingmei didn't know the reason why she was pulled away by Chen so quickly. Come here, it's all because of Xiao Ai.

If it weren't for Xiao Ai, Chen might have to wait for a while before taking action.

"Well, if you don't want to get up, then take a good rest."

Chen covered Mingmei with a quilt, then got up, walked downstairs to the living room, and saw the girls staring at each other.

"What do you do?"Chen looked at them strangely.

197 It seems that we can't eat today's meal." He Ye said weakly

"Can't have breakfast?"Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of Mingmei. Usually, Mingmei is responsible for breakfast.

Then Chen and the others were responsible for eating. Now Mingmei is still lying down, so naturally no one prepares breakfast.

"Aren’t you going to prepare it yourself?"Chen couldn't help but said

"Originally, Yingli planned to go, but we stopped him."Yukiko glanced at Fei Yingli mercilessly.

Fei Yingli also glared at Yukiko angrily. The food I made is no longer so unpalatable.

Well, it is true. The food made by Fei Yingli is indeed delicious now. It's not that unpalatable, but it's definitely not delicious either.

"Then just be hungry." Chen looked at their laziness and was speechless.

"By the way, where has Sister Mingmei gone?"He Ye asked Chen.

He Ye went to find Mingmei before, but when he came to Mingmei's room, he didn't find Mingmei at all.

"He Ye, do you still need to ask this question?"Belmod gave Chen a meaningful look.

Now Bermod has guessed where Mingmei went. If she guessed correctly, she must have gone to Chen's room.

Xiao Ai glanced at Chen , and then walked towards Chen's room. She was obviously going to see Mingmei.

Chen touched his nose. The way Xiao Ai looked at him just now seemed a little unhappy.

At this time, Chen could only say that the woman's heart was deep in her heart. I can't figure it out. Xiao Ai obviously asked me to go, but now she is still glaring at me.

It's so difficult for me.

Chen couldn't help but sigh, saying that it was really difficult for him.

On this side, Xiao Ai is on top. Behind the stairs, Chen's door was opened, and then walked in.

Mingmei, who was resting with her eyes closed, thought it was Chen coming in when she heard the footsteps. However, when she opened her eyes and looked over, Mingmei's face suddenly changed. A change

"Xiao Ai, why did you come in?"

Mingmei looked at Xiao Ai with wide eyes. She didn't know why Xiao Ai came in.

"Can't I come in? Sister, you seem surprised to see me."The corner of Xiao Ai's mouth raised a smile, and she said to Mingmei

"Well, Xiao Ai, can you go out first?"Mingmei asked shyly to Xiao Ai.

Now that she saw Xiao Ai, Mingmei felt particularly embarrassed.

"Sister, I didn’t expect you to be so shy sometimes."

Xiao Ai looked at Mingmei, who was about to bury herself in the quilt, and found it particularly interesting.

"Xiao Ai."Mingmei glared at Xiao Ai in shame, but even so, Mingmei still didn't scare Xiao Ai.

"Sister, could you please tell me what exactly happened yesterday (bec)?"Xiao Ai pulled up a chair and sat down, looking at Mingmei.

"say no more."

Mingmei simply buried her head in the quilt, not daring to look at Xiao Ai at all.

Xiao Ai knew that if she continued to tease her, her sister would be angry, so Xiao Ai didn't say anything else.

But even so, Mingmei still felt I felt particularly uncomfortable. Seeing Xiao Ai here now, Mingmei felt particularly uncomfortable.

Fortunately, at this time, Chen came out to rescue Mingmei.

"Xiao Ai, don't disturb Mingmei's rest here, come out with me quickly."Chen picked up Xiao Ai, ignored Xiao Ai's struggle, and walked outside.

After walking out, Chen directly pulled the door over and closed it.

"I didn't expect you to take action very quickly."Xiao Ai looked at Chen dissatisfied.

"Xiao Ai, isn't this what you want to see? Why are you becoming dissatisfied now?"Chen asked Xiao Ai doubtfully.

"Humph, who said this is what I want to see."Xiao Ai retorted.

Before, she really wanted to help her sister. Now that she has helped her, everyone should be happy, but Xiao Ai felt sour in her heart.

"Are you jealous?"Chen asked Xiao Ai


Xiao Ai pouted, turned his head away, and ignored Chen at all.

Chen smiled softly, and now he was 100% sure that Xiao Ai was jealous. If he wasn't jealous, Xiao Ai would definitely not have such an expression now.

As long as Xiao Ai is jealous, it will happen. Chen already has a thorough understanding of Xiao Ai.

"Come on, go down and have dinner with me, and help Mingmei make some by the way."Chen held Xiao Ai and walked downstairs.

"Isn’t there no one to cook?"

"Who says there is no one to cook anymore? Do you want to eat what I made?"Chen asked Xiao Ai

"Is what you made edible?"There is doubt in Xiao Ai's eyes. Indeed, Chen has never shown his cooking skills in front of Xiao Ai. In fact,

Chen's cooking skills are indeed not very good, but it cannot be said to be too bad. At least Chen feels that Barely enough

"If it doesn't taste good, you can come over and hit me."Chen said to Xiao Ai angrily.

"Yeah? In this case, I'm ready to hit you."Xiao Ai smiled faintly, and then said to Chen

"Haha, do you want to be punished by me so that you can be honest?"

Chen smiled coldly and asked Xiao Ai.

As for what Chen said about cleaning up Xiao Ai, I believe Xiao Ai can understand what Chen meant.

Xiao Ai's face turned slightly red, and then she became angry. He glared at Chen angrily.

Chen didn't care at all about Xiao Ai's eyes, and began to think in his mind whether he should teach Xiao Ai a lesson._Fei

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