Chapter 1132: Getting carried away!

Officer Megure looked at the extremely excited Kudo Shinichi and couldn't help but interrupt him.

"Brother Kudo, what happened to you? Could it be that he was robbed?"Officer Megure asked Kudo Shinichi.

This is Officer Megure's duty. He must ask Kudo Shinichi what happened.

"Also, brother Kudo, where have you been during this time? Why haven't I seen you?"

Officer Megure was also very strange about Kudo Shinichi's disappearance some time ago. To be honest, after Kudo Shinichi disappeared, there was really no one to help them solve the case.

Hearing these questions from Officer Megure, Kudo Shinichi was originally excited. His face changed slightly and became a little ugly.

Looking at Officer Megure, Kudo Shinichi opened his mouth, but the final question he wanted to ask was still not asked.

Originally, Kudo Shinichi wanted to ask and save him. Did you see Hinata Chen when you were there? Later, Kudo Shin 14 still kept it in his heart.

Forget it, let’s not ask these questions. I guess if I asked Officer Megure, I wouldn’t be able to find out anything, and it would be of no use at all.

"Officer Memu, I was robbed. As for the person who robbed me, I didn’t see clearly. Also, I had a big case some time ago and it was inconvenient to show up."

Kudo Shinichi was perfunctory for the time being, and casually made up a reason to send Officer Megure away.

"Oh, then do I need to take you to the hospital?"Officer Megure is also a veteran, and it can be seen that Kudo Shinichi has something to hide.

Perhaps Officer Megure is not good at reasoning, but in terms of observing words and expressions, even Kudo Shinichi is completely inferior to Officer Megure.

But since Kudo Shinichi hid it, and Officer Megure was unwilling to ask more questions. The main reason was that even if he asked, Kudo Shinichi would not tell him.

"Officer Megure, please don't take me to the hospital."Kudou Shinichi shook his head. Now Kudo Shinichi wants to go home.

"Please, Officer Megure, please send me home."

Officer Megure did not refuse. After all, Kudo Shinichi had helped him too much in the past, so it was nothing to help Kudo Shinichi now. He brought Kudo Shinichi to his home, and then he and Kudo Shinichi After talking for a while, Officer Megure left.

"Phew, I finally changed back, but I don’t know what Ri Xiangchen’s purpose is."

After Officer Megure left, Kudo Shinichi's expression darkened slightly. Although he had changed back, it might not be a good thing for him.

If he dared to show up, the people from the black organization would never let him go. He, and Kudo Shinichi, still don't know what purpose Ri Xiangchen has.

Anyway, in Kudo Shinichi's opinion, Ri Xiangchen will definitely not have any good purpose, and he must be vigilant and cautious.

In case he is attacked by Ri Xiangchen What should I do if someone plots against me? Although it is unlikely, it is not impossible. It is always better to be careful.

"Forget it, don’t think about it so much anymore."

Kudo Shinichi couldn't imagine what Hinata's purpose was, but overall, it was definitely a good thing for him. He opened the door and came home, and then Kudo Shinichi saw Kudo Yusaku, and was slightly surprised. My father was actually discharged from the hospital


Kudo Yusaku was even more surprised than Kudo Shinichi. His son actually changed back?

But he immediately became vigilant. Could it be that someone else used the disguise technique to disguise him?

"Are you really Shinichi?"Kudo Yusaku frowned and asked Kudo Shinichi.

Although it seems that it is disguised by the disguise technique, Kudo Yusaku also knows that some people are very powerful in the disguise technique, and they will also see it after the disguise. Not coming out

"Dad, I am really Shinichi, I have changed back."

Kudo Shinichi sat down, and then told Kudo Yusaku what happened before, and Kudo Yusaku confirmed that he was really Kudo Shinichi.

"Ri Xiangchen gave you the antidote, are you sure it is really the antidote?"Kudo Yusaku is very worried. What if it is fake? What if the poison given by the other party is fake?

Even if it has changed back now, there is no guarantee that there will be no problems.

"Come on, let's go to the hospital."Kudo Yusaku said to Kudo Shinichi

"Go to the hospital?"

Immediately Kudo Shinichi hesitated. He really didn't want to go to the hospital. What if the black organization discovered it? It

's not that Kudo Shinichi was worried too much. The main reason was that it was really possible. You know, the black organization The organization is in the dark, and there are many people. There is no guarantee that there are no members of the black organization in the hospital.

"Just disguise it so that others can't see it."

Kudo Yusaku is still worried about Kudo Shinichi's condition and must check him no matter what.

"That's fine."

Kudo Shinichi couldn't screw it up, so he had to agree in the end, hoping not to be discovered by people from the black organization.

"But after finishing the meal, I feel like I'm going to starve to death."

Kudo Shinichi felt that after he changed back, his body seemed particularly weak and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, after dinner, I will take you to the hospital."

Kudo Yusaku didn't refuse, and then went to prepare to cook. Yes, Kudo Yusaku can also cook, but the food he cooked must not be good.

Ding ding ding~!

Kudo Shinichi's cell phone rang, I picked it up and looked at it, and then I realized it was Hattori Heiji's.

"Hello, Hattori"

"Who are you?"After hearing the voice, Hattori Heiji paused, and then his expression became serious.

He was fighting Conan 197, but the other person's voice was not Conan's voice at all, and Hattori Heiji became vigilant.

Well, Conan turned into a child before , the voice was also a child's voice, but now that it has changed back, the voice has naturally recovered.

"I am Kudo Shinichi. You can find out if you come to my house. Come over quickly."

Kudo Shinichi also knew that it would be difficult to explain to Hattori Heiji, so after Hattori Heiji came over, he would just let him take a look.

"Oh, and remember to ask the doctor to come too."Kudo Shinichi thought of Dr. Agasa and immediately said to Hattori Heiji.

The reason why he asked Dr. Agasa to come over was because Kudo Shinichi wanted to celebrate a happy event. This was really a great joy for him. I was finally able to change back.

So Kudo Shinichi really wanted to find some close people to come over and celebrate.

"All right."Hattori Heiji doesn't know what happened, but you can find out by going to his house and taking a look. Anyway, it's just across the street, so it's not that far away."

"Dr. Agasa, don't do research anymore, let's go to Kudo's house." Hattori Heiji said to Dr. Agasa who was still doing research in the laboratory.

"What are you going to do in Xinjia?"Dr. Agasa asked Hattori Heiji very puzzledly. There should be no one in the Shin family now._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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