Chapter 1052 It seems that Xiao Ai doesn’t like you very much.

"Kudo Shinichi, I don’t have much time to waste with you."Chen said to Conan

"By the way, Yukiko asked me where you were before."

Chen suddenly remembered that yesterday, Yukiko asked if she knew the whereabouts of Kudo Shinichi, and immediately said to Conan.

Conan's heart tightened when he heard this, and he stared at Chen closely. He didn't know whether Hinata Chen had figured out the whereabouts of Kudo Shinichi. The fact that he has become an elementary school student is revealed.

But Conan is very worried. Even now, Conan is worried that the fact that he has become an elementary school student will be exposed.

"You're nervous and I didn't tell her, right?"Chen looked at Conan and smiled slightly, and then asked Conan.

Conan just stared at Chen without speaking. Indeed, Conan was very concerned about this.

"Don’t worry, I didn’t tell Yukiko."Chen said.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief. He also believed Chen's words in his heart, because if Chen really told Yukiko about turning him into a primary school student, Yukiko would definitely call to ask.

Now Yukiko didn't call to ask, this It has been explained that Yukiko doesn't know yet. He was too nervous just now and didn't react for a while. He glanced at Conan lightly, and then turned around and left.


When Chen was about to walk out of the alley, Conan shouted to Chen

"You'd better stay away from my mother and Xiaolan, otherwise……"

"Otherwise, what can you do to me? You can only threaten them verbally, but in fact you can't do anything. Chen glanced at Conan and said lightly.

"Ri Xiangchen, don't underestimate me."Conan roared angrily.

In Conan's heart, his biggest enemy has become Ri Xiangchen. Even the black organization that poured poison into him will be moved to the back of his mind.

"Then tell me, how can I take a high look at you?"Chen turned his head and glanced at Conan, and then asked Conan.

Conan didn't speak, and stared at Chen through gritted teeth.

"Kudo Shinichi, in fact, if you don't come to provoke me, I will ignore you, so I advise you not to provoke me in the future. This is also a piece of advice I give you. Chen looked at Kudou Shinichi and said lightly.

"Haha, you provoked me first."Conan sneered, looked at Chen angrily and said

"is that so?"Chen scratched his hair, as if it was indeed what Conan said, but so what.

Chen turned around and left directly, while Conan could only watch Ri Xiangchen's leaving back.

He did not attack impulsively again, for He lost his mind, and now his mind has returned.

If his attack can have an effect on Ri Xiangchen, Conan will do that, but his attack cannot have the slightest impact on Ri Xiangchen.

"Damn Ri Xiangchen."Conan angrily punched the wall next to him. His fist was scratched and blood flowed out. Conan ignored it.

"Do you want to tell dad about this?"Come, his expression was a little painful.

He didn't know whether he should say it or not. If he didn't say it, he would feel sorry for his father. But if he did, there would probably be no room for redemption between his father and his mother.

In Conan's heart The incomparable hatred is all for Ri Xiangchen. If he hadn't appeared, maybe nothing would have happened.

I remember that it was after Ri Xiangchen appeared that he was drugged by people from the black organization. Maybe if that guy Ri Xiangchen hadn't appeared, He wouldn't be like this either.

Well, this is what Conan is thinking, blaming all his unlucky experiences on Ri Xiangchen.

If Ri Xiangchen knew what Conan was thinking, he might not be able to help but slap him Shoot him to death.

Even if he doesn't show up, Kudo Shinichi will still be drugged and turned into a primary school student.

The reason why he has his current fate has a lot to do with his excessive curiosity.

Curiosity can kill Dead cat, a cat has nine lives to be killed, let alone a human being.

After Chen left, he came to the school by himself. When Chen arrived at the school, Koizumi Hongzi had already arrived at the school.

"Have you sent Xiao Ai to school?" Chen asked Koizumi Hongzi

"No."Koizumi Hongzi shook her head, and then said slightly angrily:"She drove me away halfway."

I kindly sent you to school, but you drove me away halfway. Koizumi Hongzi will never send Xiao Ai to school again."

"Tsk tsk, it seems that Xiao Ai doesn’t like to see you very much."Chen looked at Koizumi Hongzi with a smile.

"I can't wait to see her."Koizumi Hongzi snorted softly, and then said.

Obviously because of Xiao Ai, Koizumi Hongzi felt very annoyed and angry.

"By the way, what did you and Kudo Shinichi talk about?"Koizumi Hongzi asked Chen

"Kudo Shinichi? Chen, have you seen Kudo Shinichi?"Yuanzi suddenly came over and asked Chen

"Yuanzi, your ears are very good."Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help but said. She didn't use a loud voice, and deliberately lowered her voice.

In the end, Sonoko was still heard, which shows that Sonoko's ears are really sensitive.

"Thank you for the compliment."Sonoko said to Koizumi Hongzi with a smile.

"Yuanzi, I don’t think Hongzi was complimenting you just now. Also, it’s wrong to eavesdrop on others. Chen said to Yuanzi

"It’s not that I eavesdropped on purpose, it’s just that your voices were a bit loud. My ears are better, so I heard them."Yuanzi said

"is that so? In that case, Xiaolan and Heye, did you two hear it?"Chen asked Xiaolan and Heye.

Xiaolan and Heye shook their heads. They really didn't hear what Chen and Hongzi said just now. They only heard after Yuanzi called out.

"Chen, have you really met Kudo Shinichi?"Xiaolan looked at Chen and asked in surprise.

She didn't show up for who knows how long, but she was actually met by Chen.

Hattori Heiji, who was sitting not far from Chen, immediately leaned closer and deliberately eavesdropped.

It was completely nonsense that Hinata met Kudo Shinichi, and it was almost the same as meeting Conan. Thinking of Conan's mysterious appearance today, he should be looking for Hinata. Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji felt a little worried, worried that Hinata would treat Conan What did he do?

So he didn’t care to listen to what was behind him, stood up and walked out of the classroom. Chen also noticed the departure of Hattori Heiji, but Chen didn’t care about Hattori Heiji’s movements.

"Well, I did meet Kudo Shinichi. The two of us chatted for a while. He seemed to be working on a big case."Chen nodded towards Xiaolan and said

"That's it."Xiaolan nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Now she and Kudo Shinichi are just childhood sweethearts._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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