Chapter 1006: When did you care so much about Belmode?

It's past one o'clock in the morning. Conan and Hattori Heiji now look sleepy and can't help but want to sleep.

But at this moment, Hattori Heiji's expression changed as he noticed the door, and then he pushed Conan.

"Look, they're not gin and vodka." Hattori Heiji asked Conan. Hearing this, Conan looked over and was shocked. Yes, it's them.

"Quickly lower your head and don't look at them."Conan pulled Hattori Heiji and said to Hattori Heiji.

Gin and vodka are both killers, and vodka is average, but gin is a top killer. If you keep staring at him, you will definitely be discovered.

Hattori Heiji also understands, He immediately shifted his gaze and started talking to Conan in a low voice.

"It's really them,"One Nine Seven", it seems they have some mission."Belmode glanced at the gin and vodka lightly.

Chen also glanced at the two of them lightly, and then drank by himself.

"Chen, you didn’t come here just to see them, right?"Belmode asked curiously

"Of course this is not the case. In fact, I have no purpose for coming here. I just come to watch a show." Chen replied to Belmod.

What else could he have planned? With just gin and vodka, what was there to think about?

Gin and vodka were sitting at the bar, looking at the bartender.

The bartender looked at Qin. Liquor and Vodka glanced at each other, and then whispered:"Brother, those two people over there seem to have some purpose in coming here."

Gin looked along where the bartender pointed, and immediately saw Hattori Heiji and Conan, and Hattori Heiji and Conan's hearts skipped a beat.

"It seems that I have been discovered, what should I do?" Hattori Heiji asked Conan.

At this time, Hattori Heiji couldn't calm down anymore. He was discovered. He didn't know if they would do anything. Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji became nervous.

"Don't worry, this is a bar, and there are a lot of people in the bar. They shouldn't dare to do anything in a place like this."Conan comforted Hattori Heiji.

In fact, Conan didn't know if Gin dared to take action. After all, for such a fierce killer, there seemed to be nothing he dared not do.

"The eldest brother is just a high school student and a kid, so there should be no problem."Vodka said to Gin

"When we came in just now, the high school student glanced at me and asked Vodka to investigate the identity of the high school student."

Gin said to Vodka, but this time it was difficult for Vodka. As a follower, he is not good at investigating.

"Brother, you should let Absinthe help with this. I can't do this."Vodka said with a grimace.

"Hum, Absinthe, I suspect she is organized now, and if I could meet her, I would kill her with my own hands."Gin said with a cold snort, and a cold murderous aura overflowed from his body.

Absinthe has been unable to contact him for a long time.

"You heard it, Gin said he was going to shoot you."Xiao Ai glanced at Bellmod and said to Bellmod.

Bellmod is absinthe. At this time, Bei's eyes flashed coldly. Although he was smiling, there was no warmth in the smile.

Although they were in in the corner, but now their hearing is very powerful, and no movement in this bar can escape their ears. It is not surprising that Xiaoai and Belmod can hear it, but now Belmod is very angry

"It seems that Gin must be taught a lesson."The cold light in Belmode's eyes flashed away, then he stood up and walked towards Gin.

"Should we go there? Aren't you worried about her getting hurt?"Xiao Ai asked Chen

"Xiao Ai, since when did you care so much about Belmode?"Chen stared at Xiao Ai suspiciously.

"Care about her? I care what she does, I just care whether you care or not."Xiao Ai took a sip of Coke.

"Xiao Ai, do you think Gin’s ability can hurt Belmod now? Chen asked Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai shook his head,"No, that's a pity.""

Gin can't even beat her, let alone Belmod. No, if you think like this, you don't think you are inferior to Belmod.

Suddenly there was a hint of dissatisfaction in Xiao Ai's eyes. Xiao Ai didn't think so. He is not as good as Belmod, but in fact, Xiao Ai's strength is really not as good as Belmod......

"Big brother, big brother"

"What's vodka?"Ginjiu frowned. He was thinking about something, but was interrupted by Vodka. Ginjiu's eyes showed dissatisfaction.

"That, is absinthe."Vodka pointed to the back, only to see Belmod walking over with a frosty face.

The bartender looked at Belmod, and he remembered that Belmod walked in with a man and a little girl, but he didn't I don’t know Belmode.

This bartender is just an ordinary gangster in the organization. He can’t even compare to vodka. Even gin and vodka are just new acquaintances. He is just a member of the peripheral organization.


Gin's cold eyes were on Belmod's body, which revealed a strong murderous intent. This murderous intent could make ordinary people pee.

Even vodka would make people sweat. In a place like this, murderous intent can be released without any scruples. Is it really good?

As for the bartender, he looked at Gin in horror, with deep fear in his eyes, and he almost sat down on the ground in fear.

"Gin, I have to say, you're not bad at scaring children. I just heard that you said you wanted to kill me with your own hands?"

Belmod ignored Gin's murderous intention. In the past, Belmode didn't care about Gin's murderous intention at all, and now he doesn't care even more.

"Gin, believe it or not, you dare to show murderous intent towards me, and you are the one who will die."Belmod said lightly.

But Bell 2.6 Mode's faint words made Gin have to believe it, because Gin now felt a strong sense of crisis.

"Absinthe, why are you here."Gin changed the topic, and then asked with a frown.

This place is a new stronghold. Belmod should not know about it. He is the only one who knows about the organization here. Why did Belmod come here?

Is it really the case? Is it a coincidence?

Gin shook his head secretly. This is definitely not a coincidence. Absinthe must have come here because of him.

Gin subconsciously became vigilant and was very afraid of Belmod.

"Absinthe, let me ask you, have you betrayed the organization now?"Gin asked Belmode.

"What do you think."Belmod smiled faintly.

Gin frowned, secretly put his hand into his coat, and held the pistol in his arms._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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