After his wife's analysis and reminder, He Yu became more enlightened.

He was walking into the office to discuss with Lao Xiao how to deal with the new director.

I saw only two people, one of medium height, with a monkey-shaped face and yellow eye hair.

Another one followed, of average height and with a smile on his face.

The man walking behind asked:"Who is Chief He?"

He Yu heard that he was polite and gentle.

He replied:"That's me!

But I'm just here for the job. When the new director comes, I'm going to go back to school to do my old job.

What do you want to do with me?"

The person who asked the question He smiled and said,"Let me introduce you. This is Director Sun, who is here to take office. I am here with Director Sun. My name is Kong Linfei, and I am here to manage personnel work."

Since the visitor is so polite.

He Yu said:"Welcome to both of you. Since you are the new leader, who will be arranged to take over my job?

And he is Comrade Lao Xiao who manages the finance. I don't know who will be appointed to take over his job." Work?"

The two of us are waiting for the new person to arrive to hand over the operation!

As long as Director Sun arranges for someone to take over our work, we will leave immediately!"

"yes! Xiaohe and I are discussing who will take over our job.

As soon as the person who takes over our job arrives, we will leave immediately!

Director Sun smiled unnaturally and said:"Please don't be impulsive, sit down and talk carefully.

Who informed you two to leave?

Why didn't I know?

You two are doing a good job in the Bureau of Culture and Education!

As long as I am here After one day in office, I will let you two work here with me for one day!"


The superior leader notified me to come to the Bureau of Culture and Education and said that you two have done an excellent job and asked me to cooperate with you and continue to do your job well.

How could it be possible for you two to leave?"

"Director Sun is right!

Don't refuse!

We just arrived, so we don’t know what’s going on.

Fuyuan Education Front has tens of thousands of schools and thousands of teachers and leaders.

There are also Xinhua Bookstore and Cultural Center. Literary and artistic propaganda teams need to strengthen management.

You have been working here for several years, and you are all very aware of the situation.

I hope you two can help.

Let’s work well together."Kong Linfei said.

He Yu silently thought: 'Listening to Kong Linfei's tone, he is quite reasonable, gentle and refreshing. It should be more beneficial.

He is here to serve as the chief of the personnel department and is Director Sun's right-hand assistant.

I don't know if he will be transferred in the future. Who will come in, and will they get along well with each other?

After Lao Xiao arranged the dormitories for Director Sun and Kong Linfei, he started cooking in the canteen. He and Director Sun and Kong Linfei ate together.

Director Sun secretly watched I thought, 'This old Xiao seems to be doing his job honestly and can cook for himself and eat together.

I think it's pretty good.

But I also thought, this person must be the one who was in charge of finance under the original surname Ai. The financial authority of the schools in the county is Manage it in his hands.

Can he be used by me?

I can only observe slowly in the future.

If he is loyal and honest to me, then let him stay and help me work for a few more years.

If not, let him work for a year and then find another one. Find a reliable person to replace him.

As for that He Yu? He is an elusive person.

He is not only high-level and capable.

He has managed the county's education very well, especially in rural areas as poor as Laodongshan. The school has done so well that it has caused a sensation all over the country.

He is a man of great ability.

But I know nothing about education

, so I can only rely on him temporarily.

If he can work hard for me obediently and help me honestly, he will be a great person. He has many talents.

But this person has too much reputation and is a threat to himself, so he must be carefully controlled so that his power does not expand too much. He will still be of great use to himself.

If he is not loyal to him in the future Honest.

He was doing things behind his back, and he was willing to go against his will, so he just let him go without any politeness.

Really: I wonder if the new director can be trusted after he takes office ? They are all suspicious of each other, and we will just wait and see what they say and do in the future.

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