He Yu wanted to publish the article he wanted to write in the national newspaper.

So I invited Lao Xiao to take a car to Jizu Mountain in Dali overnight to pray for the blessing of Bodhisattva to realize his wish.

Strangely enough, they climbed to the top floor before entering the Guanyin Bodhisattva Temple and had just lit the incense.

For some unknown reason, He Yu saw a sudden flash of light on the Bodhisattva's face.

He Yu looked outside and saw no one with a flashlight!

He felt very strange.

Is the Bodhisattva manifesting his spirit?

The two of them quickly took three sticks of incense and lit them, then inserted them immediately.

He knelt down and kowtowed three times.

Then, each made a wish silently.

When he was about to leave Guanyin Bodhisattva, He Yu saw it again. Guanyin Bodhisattva seems to be smiling slightly at himself.

The light on his face was still shining brightly.

He was thinking to himself; 'It must be the Bodhisattva who has given me some guidance and asked me to quickly complete my masterpiece.

I hope my article will be published in a major national newspaper! ’

He hurried down the mountain with Lao Xiao, got in the car, and asked the driver to drive faster.

Lao Xiao felt strange and asked him:"When we came last time to burn incense, we walked around the temple for a while. Why did you rush to leave after we finished kowtowing this time?" ?

Did you feel like there was a good sign and you wanted to turn back in a hurry?"

"My Brother Xiao!

Didn't you notice that the Bodhisattva's face glowed with a golden light, and he was also smiling at the two of us?"

"I didn’t see it!

We both have mortal eyes!

How come you can see it but I can't?

Is this strange?

Are you kidding me?

Is there something wrong with your eyes? Let me take a look."

After Lao Xiao finished speaking, he went to look at He Yu's eyes hard, looking left and right. Then he said,"Is there no problem?

Are you delusional?

Or are you delusional?"

"No! I did see it clearly.

Maybe you didn't pray for anything this time.

The last time Bodhisattva came to bless you, you had already given birth to a precious son.

So you came here this time just to accompany me.

Therefore, Bodhisattva did not send any signal to you!"

"Based on what you said, I have a hunch that the Bodhisattva must bless your magnificent work to be completed successfully.

And if you send it, it will be published immediately!

Just go back and write as hard as you can!

Until then, I will also benefit from your glory!"

"What you said is absolutely true!

You are the God of Wealth, and what you say is also golden.

If I can realize my dream, thank you for coming with me.

I will definitely buy a pack of Dachongjiu cigarettes and a bottle of Maotai liquor for you!"

"Are you telling the truth?"

"It's true, can I still coax you?"

The two of them were chatting and laughing along the way, talking so happily and getting along so well!

Before they knew it, the car was driving back to Fuyuan.

After returning from Jizu Mountain, he worked hard day and night, forgetting to eat and sleep, for three days and three nights.

He finally got it. The article was written! He carefully revised every word, every word, every description, and even every punctuation mark in the draft several times. He checked it over and over again. When he was satisfied! He carefully copied it on the manuscript paper. When he was very satisfied, he showed it to Director Ai for review. After reading it, Director Ai said:"It's so well written! The deeds are true and vivid, the words are appropriate, the words are bold, the writing is gorgeous, and the words are copied as if they were printed. Such manuscripts will definitely be selected. Go deliver it quickly! Hard work pays off! I wish you immediate success!


"Thank you, Director Ai!

I hope so!

When I went to Jizu Mountain to burn incense and worship Buddha, Lao Xiao and I had a premonition.

My dream will definitely come true!

I told Lao Xiao that if it can come true, he will not accompany me on this trip in vain.

I will definitely buy a pack of Dachongjiu cigarettes and a bottle of Maotai liquor for him!"

"Oh yo yo!

Will you make a wish to him if the article can be published?

I'm not throwing cold water on this!

Don't be happy too early. It's better to calm down!"

It's true: the Bodhisattva's face is shining and smiling, which is indeed a good sign. He Yu will not drive to Haikou without being very sure.

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