Principal Yin said to Xiaoqian:"Stop talking. Your experience, the suffering before and after your marriage to He Yu, makes me want to cry.

Tell me, isn't this more vivid and touching than the experiences of Jinhua and Apeng?"!

When one of the teachers who helped you talked about it, I couldn’t help but shed tears.

It’s so miserable for a woman to reach this point!

You said, isn’t this more vivid and touching than the experiences of Jinhua and Apeng!

It’s just that no one Come and write it into a script and make it into a movie.

Paired with sad music, it will definitely make people cry."

"Principal Yin!

You are so good at joking!

He Yu and I are just ordinary people, how can we be made into a movie?

Apeng and Jinhua are celebrities of the Bai ethnic group in Dali.

They can sing and dance.

If what happened between He Yu and I was made into a movie and exposed to the people of the whole country, we would be scolded and embarrassed.

We both were scolded. We were so ordinary, and we were destined to be like this, but we still had the nerve to appear on the screen.、"

"I mean, the wonderful and painful experience you two have is like a gold mine. If no one comes to dig it out, otherwise it will be shiny and dazzling. Touch a generation!"

When Xiaoqian and the others were talking with gusto, five Bai girls dressed as golden flowers walked up to Xiaoqian and Principal Yin.

They took the hands of Principal Yin and Xiaoqian and started dancing while singing.

Then they asked Principal Yin and the two of them took pictures together.

Xiaoqian was embarrassed to take pictures with them at first.

Principal Yin said to Xiaoqian,"This is rare!

Let you touch the light of Golden Flower and experience what it feels like to be with Golden Flower!"

Under Principal Yin's persuasion, Xiaoqian and the others took a photo holding hands with the five golden flowers.

The tourists nearby felt very happy after seeing this situation and took a photo of the scene.

Principal Yin and Xiaoqian played in Butterfly Spring for a while, and when they were about to leave, the photos were developed.

Principal Yin pointed to the photos and said to Xiaoqian:"Take a good look!

You and them are just a little older, otherwise they look the same.

If you were twenty years younger and put on the clothes of a Bai girl, you would be just like the Golden Flower back then."

"Principal Yin!

You really know how to say, no matter how much I am twenty years younger, how dare I compare with Jinhua?

The golden flower in the movie looks like a beautiful flower.

Even foreign leaders asked our country's leaders to marry her after seeing the movie.

Foreign leaders all wanted to marry her.

This shows how beautiful the girl who plays Golden Flower is!"

"If you really transcend the 1960s, I dare say that you are more beautiful than Yang Likun who played Golden Flower.

Foreign leaders are interested in you.

You will become the first lady of a foreign country.

It is impossible for me to be with you now!

You can go to a foreign country and enjoy all the glory and wealth.

I want to see you, but I can only see you on TV.

In this way, you won’t suffer so much suffering and torture.

Girls all over the country will envy you!"Principal Yin said

"Principal Yin!

Your joke is too big!

I just transcended to the 1960s, how dare I compare with Jinhua?

I was only seventeen or eighteen years old at the time, and still a student.

Besides, why would foreign leaders come to marry me?

There are countless beautiful girls. How could he come to marry me, an ordinary girl, if he doesn’t marry me?

It’s a fantasy."Xiaoqian said

"If you really have the ability to transcend the 1960s, if the director chooses you to play Golden Flower when making a movie.

Then you will be miserable!

Yang Likun was sent to your hometown Dog Street for labor reform in the 1970s just because she played Jin Hua. She was eventually driven crazy and died.

Her grave is on Jinbao Mountain next to the West Mountain in Kunming."Principal Yin said


I heard that too!

How tragic!

Just because she played a golden flower, she ended up like this!

My fate is so great!

If it weren't for God's blessing, I wouldn't be playing Golden Flower. I may die worse than Yang Likun!"Xiaoqian said.

It's true; it's unimaginable to lose one

's life to play the role of Golden Flower. Butterfly Spring is so easy to dress up that one can only miss it.

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