In the bathroom, after Xiaolan finished taking a bath, she left directly and then came outside her room.


After Xiaolan opened the door, she was about to walk in when she saw Li Mu and three others in the room.

Outside, Conan felt a little confused when he saw Xiaolan staying at the door of the room.

"Sister Xiaolan, what’s wrong? Did something happen? Why are you standing here without moving?"

After saying that, Conan walked towards Xiaolan.

Xiaolan also reacted.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about one thing. Now that I have thought about it, that's it."

Xiaolan said nothing more and walked directly in.

Conan was a little confused and stood at the door of the room, pricking up his ears and listening to the sounds inside.

In the room, Xiaolan was afraid that someone would hear it, so she didn't speak. , walked quietly to the side of Sonoko.

Because the voice was very quiet, Conan outside did not hear it.

Beside the desk, Mouri Kogoro looked at Conan who was eavesdropping, and felt a little unhappy.

Whether it was eavesdropping on Xiaolan, It's still Fei Yingli, it's a capital crime.

Mouri Kogoro came over and hit Conan on the head with his fist

"Boy, are you still eavesdropping on something? If you have anything interesting to say, why don’t you hurry up and get away from me."

Conan also reacted, ignoring the pain, and immediately ran to the sofa on the side.

"This little kid didn't learn well at a young age, but he actually learned it. When he grows up, it will definitely make people worry."

While he was talking, Mouri Kogoro was not there. He also leaned against the door and eavesdropped for a while.

He was also very curious about the reason for Fei Yingli's arrival, so he planned to take a closer look.

Conan stood next to the sofa, covering himself with his hands. He glanced at Mouri Kogoro with contempt.

He had just said that to him, and now he was hiding there and eavesdropping. He was completely a villain.

But he didn't dare to say anything.

In the room, Li Mu naturally noticed the shadows outside. , raised the corner of his mouth slightly, lowered his head, and secretly placed it next to Fei Yingli’s ear.

"Eri, look, there is a shadow outside the room. Judging from the size of the shadow, it seems to be Mouri Kogoro."

After saying that, the three of them all turned around and saw the shadow under the crack of the door.

"It’s true that this uncle actually eavesdropped when he had nothing to do. It’s really abominable."

Sonoko couldn't help but complain.

Now is the most critical moment, and he was interrupted by Mouri Kogoro like this.

Fei Yingli and Xiaolan nodded, and subconsciously thought that Moori Kogoro was outside.

They ignored it. How is it possible to see the length of the shadow through the crack in the door? This is all just nonsense that Li Mu said.

"Okay, don't worry about them, let's start ours. Today, I will let you know what happiness is."

Outside the room, Mouri Kogoro just listened for a while, confirmed that he heard nothing, and left directly.

As for breaking in directly, Mouri Kogoro is not stupid.

Once he breaks in, he will definitely offend Xiaolan. Xiaolan will definitely be taught a lesson by then.

Fortunately, he didn't go in, otherwise, he will definitely find that he has a very good ability to forgive. To read the novel without underline, please download


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