"Detective Maori, I have heard about it a long time ago. You have unique insights into various cases."

"Where can I compare to President Suzuki? You are a truly successful person."

"No, Detective Maori, you are the successful person. If you can succeed in the detective world, you are definitely one of the best."

In the room, Mouri Kogoro and Suzuki Shiro were bragging to each other.

Fortunately, there was no one else nearby, otherwise they would have despised the two of them.

After complimenting each other for a long time, the two ended the topic.

"By the way, Detective Maori, what do you think Mr. Li is like?"

Suzuki Shiro suddenly thought of Li Mu and couldn't help but want to know more.

Although he knew Li Mu, he also wanted to understand Li Mu in other people's eyes.

Only in this way can he fully understand Li Mu.

After all, he regarded Li Mu as If his future son-in-law, Li Mu, is not a good person, then he will suffer a huge loss.

"Li Mu?"Mouri Kogoro thought.

Li Mu usually treats people sincerely and is indeed a very good person.

"President, I think Li Mu is very good. Regardless of his character, appearance, or family situation, he is a top choice.

Except for his appearance and reasoning ability, which are worse than mine, everything else is very good. Overall, he is just a little worse than me."

Indeed, for Mouri Kogoro, Li Mu often brings him gifts and often treats him to dinner.

Where can such an outstanding person be found?

Suzuki Shiro directly ignored Moori Kogoro's self-praising.

Anyway, he did not think that Moori Kogoro Goro is better than Li Mu.

But since Mouri Kogoro exaggerates Li Mu so much, it means that Li Mu is indeed very good.

Suzuki Shiro nodded, thinking about it.

Li Mu did give him a very good impression, and his family situation was particularly good, so he shouldn't Will covet their family's property

"Li Mu is indeed very good. By the way, he bought me a gift last time. It was a hat. I think it’s pretty good."


Moori Kogoro also remembered what happened last time and nodded similarly.

"Indeed, he also brought me a hat last time. It was green. Although the price was not very expensive, it also represented his feelings."

"Did he give you a hat too? I have one too, right, right over here."

Suzuki Shiro walked aside, took out a hat, and then returned to Moori Kogoro

"You see, this is the hat Li Mu gave me. I have always kept it. After all, it is the junior's wish."

After saying that, Suzuki Shiro put the hat on his head and showed it off.

The point is, this hat is green.

Yes, it is a green hat. It was the green hat that Li Mu gave to Suzuki Shiro.

"Yes, I also have this hat. Although the style is different, the color is the same. Maybe Li Mu likes the green one."

Moori Kogoro also remembered what happened last time.

The last time Li Mu came to his house, he brought him a green hat, although it was not an expensive item.

Fortunately, Li Mu was not here, otherwise Li Mu would have couldn't help but think Laugh.

He gave him a green hat, not just on the surface, but with that meaning. He gave Moori Kogoro a hat because of Eri Fei, gave Suzuki Shiro a hat because of Tomoko, and gave Hattori Heizou a hat. The hat is because of Ikeha Shizuka.

Li Mu does like the color green, but instead of using it for himself, he gives it to others.

If you think about it, this is really exciting.

For example, right now, when Kogoro Mouri and Shiro Suzuki are chatting, Li Mu Giving Suzuki Shiro a hat.

This hat is very green, just like the green grassland, very green.

While the two were discussing this green hat, Li Mu had just finished the garden and was currently dealing with Tomoko.

But Tomoko had already fallen, His brain was in chaos and he had no idea what to do.

The whole person subconsciously flattered Li Mu

"By the way, Detective Maori, what do you think of this hat? Is it particularly suitable for me?"

Suzuki Shiro put the hat on his head and showed off in a special way.

Moori Kogoro glanced at Suzuki Shiro, touched his chin with his right hand, and showed a very serious expression on his face.

"Very handsome. President Suzuki wears this hat, which fully reveals your handsomeness. You are worthy of being the most handsome man ever."

"Yeah? It seems that I am still very young. I remember that when I was young, I was the class idol of our class and one of the top ten in the school. I was once a man of the hour."

While speaking, Suzuki Shiro couldn't help but sigh, remembering what happened when he was young.

At that time, he was indeed the school boy, but he was ranked upside down.

It's a pity, he was young when he was young, and now he is young. It’s different.

Shiro Suzuki is already old, and he doesn’t have the ability in that area. In the end, he is not the cheap Li Mu.

But when it comes to youth, it is estimated that no one in this world has lived longer than Li Mu.

Calculating carefully, Li Mu is at least He is a hundred years old.

In the following time, Kogoro Mouri and Shiro Suzuki discussed their demeanor when they were young.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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