Night, at the dinner table.

Hattori Heiji looked at the food on the table, frowning slightly and feeling a little dissatisfied.

"Mom, why are you cooking today? Why not let Li Mu cook? What he made was extremely delicious."

Although Hattori Heiji has a prejudice against Li Mu, it has to be said that Li Mu is definitely the best in terms of cooking skills.

Ikebo Jinghua frowned slightly, feeling a little dissatisfied.

She also knew that Li Mu's cooking skills were better, but that's it. Speaking of her, she was still a little unhappy.

Naturally, Li Mu also noticed the expression on Chiha Shizuka's face. He suddenly slapped the table and seriously accused Hattori Heiji.

"How did you say that? Your mother worked so hard to make dinner for you, but you actually said that. Have you considered her feelings?

If you think about it carefully, who is it? I have worked hard to bring you up, but who is it that takes care of you from dawn to dusk every day, for fear that you will catch a cold? Do you still have face?"

Li Mu still respects father's love and mother's love.

Of course, Li Mu will never let go of attacking Hattori Heiji.


Before Hattori Heiji could speak, Shizuka Ikeha covered his eyes and choked softly.

"Woo woo woo……"

Chi Bo Jinghua cried. As for whether she was really crying or fake, only Li Mu knew.

"Heiji, how did you speak? How can you say that to your aunt, she works so hard to cook for you, are you still a human being?"

Kazuha frowned slightly and began to accuse harshly.

At this moment, Kazuha discovered that Hattori Heiji actually had such a big flaw.

"That's right, Heiji, my aunt is very serious today. How can you say that?"

Xiaolan was also very unhappy.

Not only because Hattori Heiji said something about his mother, but more importantly... she was also responsible for today's dinner.


On the other hand, Mouri Kogoro didn't say anything, and directly hammered with his fist On Hattori Heiji's head

"Brat, why are you talking to a lovely lady, and she is your mother? It’s so abominable that you actually said that."

"That’s right, Hattori-nii, you shouldn’t say that and apologize to auntie quickly."

Conan had no choice but to abandon Hattori Heiji for the sake of his own reputation.

Hattori Heiji had black lines all over his head, and he was speechless inside.

He was just complaining, but he wasn't serious. Is there any need to be so serious?

Li Mu naturally paid attention to it. Hattori Heiji's expression looked very sad.

"I still vaguely remember my mother's appearance. She was so gentle and lovely, so kind and so considerate.

It's a pity that it has been decades and I have never seen her again. I have always regretted why I didn't listen to her carefully at that time.

Now, you have such a lovely, charming and loving mother, but you don't cherish her properly."

To be honest, Li Mu has not seen his mother for many years after traveling through time. However

, the figures of his parents are still deeply imprinted in his mind.

Everyone felt a little sad after hearing Li Mu's words.

They understand Li Mu, but I don’t know Li Mu’s life experience

"Brother Li, I'm so sorry."

Xiaolan and Heye looked apologetic.

They have known Li Mu for so long, but they still don't know about Li Mu. For the first time, they felt that they didn't know anything about Li Mu.

Next to them, on the main seat, Hattori Heizang He suddenly put down Kuai and stared at Hattori Heiji with a gloomy look.

"Heiji, are you still embarrassed to eat now? Why don't you go back to your room quickly and think about your mistakes behind closed doors? You are not allowed to come out without my order."

Hattori Heiji glanced at the serious Hattori Heizo, and a sudden fear emerged in his heart.

Hattori Heiji had no ability to resist his father.

"Yes, Father, I know I was wrong.

By the way, Mom, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you. Your dinner was very good."

Chibo Jinghua saw that it was almost done and wiped his eyes.

"Okay, Heiji, since you know you are wrong, let's eat together."

Hattori Heiji didn't dare to obey, and turned to look at Hattori Heizang.

"Since your mother said so, then sit down and eat, but remember, you are not allowed to talk like this in the future."

"Yes, father."

Hattori Heiji breathed a sigh of relief, sat down quickly, and continued to eat dinner.

Although Hattori Heiji didn't speak, in fact, he had scolded Li Mu to the core.

If it weren't for Li Mu, he wouldn't have been scolded by so many people. , let alone bear the reputation of an unfilial person.

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji was very unhappy.

The dinner was finished quickly.

After dinner, Li Mu and others all stayed at Chiba Jinghua's house.

Including Heiye And Xiaolan.

Heye and Xiaolan went in to take a bath first, followed by Maori Kogoro and Conan.

It took about two hours before everyone finished taking a bath and came to the yard to chat.

It was about nine o'clock At that time, everyone returned to their respective rooms and prepared to rest.

Li Mu also returned to his room, stayed for a while, and after confirming that others were asleep, he secretly left the room alone.

After leaving the room, Li Mu secretly came When they arrived outside Shizuka Ikeba's room, they picked up a stick of incense, lit it, and let the smoke drift into the room. After the thick smoke drifted into the room, Shizuka Ikeba and Heizo Hattori trembled, and then fainted.

Pirates and dragons

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