Chibo Jinghua followed Li Mu's gaze.

When he saw Hattori Heizou lying on the ground, his head was covered with black lines and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

She thought Hattori Heizo left secretly because of work.

And it happened to be seen by Li Mu, so Li Mu came back.

As a result, Hattori Heizo was actually at home and lying not far from him.

"Li Mu, you are serious too, how could you do this? What if you are discovered?"

Chi Bo Jinghua couldn't help but complain, and reached out to pinch Li Mu's arm.

Although she was with Li Mu, she usually did some outrageous things.

But she definitely didn't want her affair with Li Mu to be discovered by others. After all ,

Hattori Heizo didn't feel sorry for her. She couldn't embarrass Hattori Heizo, so she kept secretly having trysts with Li Mu. Li Mu smiled, not caring about the angry Chiha Shizuka, and hugged her gently with both hands, with a smile on his face. A brilliant smile

"Don't worry, we won't be discovered. He has been drugged by me and will not know about the two of us. All this is for your own good."

Chibo Jinghua listened to Li Mu's sweet words, and her heart was filled with warmth! Warmth, sweetness.

At the same time, she finally understood why she didn't even notice that Li Mu came to the room at the beginning. Li Mu

"Li Mu, you are serious, why are you so bad? Actually taking medicine secretly."

Chi Bo Jinghua muttered dissatisfiedly and gave Li Mu a roll of his eyes.

"Okay, no more talking, let’s take a break."

Li Mu lay down with no intention of leaving.

Anyway, Hattori Heizo has fainted now and will not find out about her and Chiha Shizuka.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

It is better to take a good rest and wait until I'll leave tomorrow morning

"Li Mu, it’s getting late, why don’t you leave?"

Chi Bo Jinghua looked at Li Mu who was still next to her and couldn't help but ask.

Although she also wanted Li Mu to stay here, she was more afraid of being discovered by others, so naturally she didn't want Li Mu to stay.

"Go, why are you leaving? I will sleep here tonight, this is my home, you are mine, of course you cannot leave."

Li Mu continued to lie down, acting as if he didn't intend to leave.

"What? Do you want to stay? Chibo

Jinghua exclaimed, startled, and suddenly became anxious.

She never thought that Li Mu would actually stay.

If Hattori Heizo is not here, that's it, she won't care too much.

But now , Hattori Heizo is still there, and she doesn’t want Li Mu to stay.

If they are accidentally discovered, their lives will be ruined, so Li Mu must not stay.

"Li Mu, you should go back, how about you come back tomorrow? Do whatever you want then?"

Chi Bo Jinghua looked pitiful.

Li Mu's heart suddenly softened. Chi Bo Jinghua is so pitiful, how could Li Mu take advantage of others' danger?

"Okay, at worst, I'll leave early tomorrow morning and I won't be discovered."

"What? Leaving tomorrow morning?"

Chibo Jinghua's eyes widened.

If I leave tomorrow morning, why don't I stay here for a while?

"Don't worry, this guy won't wake up in a short time. It will take at least a day or so before he wakes up.

Unless I give him the medicine, that is, if he wants to get up, I have to give him the medicine. At that time, I can give him the medicine before leaving."

Li Mu lay down next to Chi Bo Jinghua very calmly. He let go and kneaded Chi Bo Jinghua tightly. He was not afraid that he would be discovered.

With Li Mu's special ability, would he still be discovered?

Chi Bo Jinghua looked at Li Mu who was stubbornly trying to stay. , there is no way

"Well, you stay here tonight and leave early tomorrow so that no one else can find you."

"Don't worry, you won't be discovered."

Li Mu patted Chibo Jinghua on the shoulder, then picked up a quilt, threw it on the ground, and covered Hattori Heizang

"Okay, now he won't freeze anymore, let's take a good rest."

Chiha Jinghua just glanced at Hattori Heizang, then leaned on Li Mu and squeezed together with Li Mu


The next day.

It was bright and the sun hadn't come out yet, but Chibo Jinghua was already up.

As soon as he got up, Chi Bo Jinghua pushed Li Mu

"Okay, Li Mu, get up quickly. It's already dawn. Can you go?"

"Ah, is it morning?"

Li Mu rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked outside the window.

The sky was still so dark, with only weak light and the sun did not come out.

This was just the darkness before dawn, not daylight at all.

But he had been woken up. Li Mu also lost his sleepiness and did not intend to continue sleeping.

"Okay, I'll go, you wait."

Li Mu opened the quilt, grabbed Chi Bo Jinghua's two feet, then separated them, and leaned forward.

Chi Bo Jinghua was startled, and quickly grabbed Li Mu's arm and blocked Li Mu's feet.

"What else are you going to do? Not leaving? It will be dawn soon."

Li Mu glanced at the clock next to him. It wasn't even four o'clock, let alone dawn.

"It doesn't matter, it's still early, I'll leave at five o'clock."

The Pirate and the Dragon are

Fate_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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