I'm going to be a brother!

These words were like thunder, hitting Kuroba Kaito's heart.

He still didn't understand that his mother had become pregnant by the man in front of him.

Heiyu Qianying listened to Li Mu and you understood what Li Mu meant. Her cheeks turned red and she lowered her head shyly.

As soon as he lowered his head like this, Kuroba Kaito thought that what Li Mu said was true, and felt extremely angry in his heart.

It's really unbearable.

Next to her, Nakamori Aoko opened her mouth. She didn't know what she should say, but she was a little shy inside.

Subconsciously, Nakamori Aoko looked at Kuroba Chikage's flat belly


Kuroba Kaito hesitated for a moment, unable to say a complete sentence.

It is rare for Li Mu to be so angry.

You know, even Conan can't make Kuroba Kaito so angry. It's pitiful how angry Kuroba Kaito is now.

Li Mu didn't mind that there were too many things going on and continued to challenge:"Kai Dou, don't be angry. I believe you can understand your mother's painstaking efforts. By the way, we hope to have a girl so that you can have another sister. What do you think? How is it?"

What do I think?

Kuroba Kaito choked, wishing he could tear Li Mu into pieces, what else would he think?

In fact, Kuroba Kaito has no objection to Kuroba Chikage finding a man.

After all, his father had been dead for so many years, and it was time for his mother to find a reliable man to rely on in the next life.

He always felt that Kuroba Chikage did not treat him as a family member.

The most important thing is that he feels that Li Mu is not a good person.

The last time the car was shaken, and this time the uniform was tempting, no matter how you look at it, you feel that there is something slightly abnormal in Li Mu's heart.

And they are actually together. Why are they wrapped in scarves and wearing sunglasses, covering themselves tightly, like a man having an affair?

Wait, cheating.

Kuroba Kaito's eyes lit up and he glanced at Li Mu seriously, as if he wanted to see Li Mu clearly.

In this way, he could investigate Li Mu's identity, confirm whether Li Mu already had a wife, and then ask his mother to get rid of Li Mu.

Li Mu didn't know what Kuroba Kaito was thinking, so he didn't care. He hugged Kuroba Qiankage tightly with a look of affection on his face.

Black Feather Qianying also leaned on Li Mu, resting her head on Li Mu's arm, looking very happy.

"Okay, Kaito, your mother and I have something to do, so we'll leave first. You have to go to school well."

Li Mu said, then he hugged Kuroba Qiankage and left.

When Kuroba Kaito saw Li Mu's leaving figure, he gritted his teeth in anger, his teeth chattering.

"Damn it, just wait, I will definitely find you, don’t even want to be with my mother."

Next to her, Nakamori Aoko looked at Li Mu and Kuroba Chikage, and she always felt that the two were very suitable. They are a perfect match for each other.

She just didn't understand why Kuroba Kaito objected to the two of them being together.

"Kaito, I think my aunt and that guy are pretty good. I think that guy is pretty handsome. Why do you want to stop them from getting together?"Nakamori Aoko said in confusion.

"He is quite handsome. That man covers his face to prevent others from seeing him. He is probably ugly, even uglier than me."Kuroba Kaito muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Uglier than you?"Nakamori Aoko took a serious look at Kuroba Kaito.

"If it is uglier than you, it means that person is really ugly, and his ugliness has probably exceeded the lower limit."

"That's right, now you know how ugly that man is."

After three seconds, Kuroba Kaito's expression changed and he became gloomy.

"Qingzi, what do you mean? Am I really that ugly?"

"Hahaha, what do you think?"

On the other side, after Li Mu left with Heiyu Qianying, Heiyu Qianying put his little hand on Li Mu and pinched him dissatisfied.

"Li Mu, you were serious just now, how could you say that? Kaito, he even misunderstood"

"So what? It was just a joke and a good relationship with him."

Li Mu didn't care, and hugged Heiyu Qianying tightly, moving his small hands on Heiyu Qianying's body, not really eating Heiyu Qianying's tofu. Heiyu Qianying's cheeks were slightly red, and he didn't say much, leaning against Li Mu, Enjoying the warmth of Li Mu.

After a while, Li Mu lowered his head and looked at the shy and cute Black Feather Qianying

"Honey, where do you think we should go now? Do you want to go to your house?"

"Go to my house?"Black Feather Qianying hesitated for a while and nodded slightly.

"Oh well! Kaito might have something to do today, so he probably won't come back, so just go to my house."

Li Mu also thought that tonight seems to be the day when Kaito Kidd appears. He probably won't be able to come back if he doesn't stay at Suzuki Sonoko's house for a few hours.

During this period, Li Mu can stay at Kuroba Chikage's house and work with Kuroba. Yu Qianying lived a happy world for two people.

Li Mu hugged Kuroba Qianying and came to his car, then got in the car and drove away.

In less than 30 minutes, Li Mu arrived at Kuroba Qianying's house.

Arriving at Kuroba Qianying's house , after Li Mu got out of the car, he and Kuroba Chikage entered the house of Kuroba Chikage side by side.

As soon as he opened the door, there was an old man standing at the door.

The old man was the former Kaitou Kid's assistant - Terauchi Kinosuke.

Huang Nosuke in the temple was stunned for a moment when he saw Li Mu and Kuroba Qiankage.

He never expected that Kuroba Qiankage actually brought Li Mu home.

Kuroba Qiankage noticed Huang Nosuke's doubts in the temple and explained:"This is my friend. Let's take a rest here today. We have already met with Kaito."

"Really? Madam, come in quickly!"

Huangnosuke in the temple heard that Kuroba Kaito knew it and didn't say anything more.

Since the mother and son have already talked, it means that Kuroba Chikage and Kuroba Kaito have already reached an agreement, and Kuroba Kaito He has already agreed.

The two masters have already discussed it, so naturally he won't say anything more.

Poor Kuroba Kaito was tricked by her mother like this.

He obviously didn't know anything, but his mother was like this Trap him.

The new book of Pirates and Dragons begins!

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