"Fujiko, why are you so shy? Is it possible...are you also interested in me?"

Fujiko Mine blushed instantly and lowered her head shyly.

Although she had a crush on Li Mu, she was still very shy when it was said like this.

Li Mu saw Fujiko Mine's shyness and reached out to grab Fujiko Mine's arm. , with his head leaning on Mine Fujiko's face, and his eyes staring into Mine Fujiko's eyes.

I have to say that the shy Fujiko Mine is still very cute and lovable.

It's no wonder that Lupine the Third was so fascinated that he wished he could All given to Fujiko Mine.

Ordinary men simply can’t resist this charm.

"Fujiko, what's wrong? Your face is so red. Is it hot? Or are you really interested in me?"

"That's... no, I don't have feelings for you, so don't think too much about it."

Mine Fujiko blushed and turned her head shyly, embarrassed to look directly at Li Mu.

Li Mu's eyes seemed to have magic. The sight made Mine Fujiko's heart beat with a burst of fire.

In fact, Li Mu did have some A burst of charm, a charm that makes people fall in love.

Otherwise, Li Mu would not have managed to get so many women.

Li Mu focused on Fujiko Mine and took a serious look.

Fujiko Mine also has magic, a magic that makes people seem to linger.

"Fujiko, do you know? I found that I really fell in love with you."

After saying that, Li Mu put his right hand on Mine Fujiko and put his arms around each other, as if we were good brothers.

At the same time, in a hotel not far from this hotel, Lupine III was still leaning on the window , looking outside boredly

"Fujiko, where are you? Why haven't you come back yet? Didn't I say you would come back? On one side ,

Jigen Daisuke, who was resting, pulled back the quilt and said dissatisfied:"Hey, stop talking about that woman. She must be lying to you. Stop being so stupid."

And he might be lying under that man's quilt now, having just made out with that man."

"Impossible, Fujiko is definitely not this kind of person? How could she be lying in the arms of another man? Even if she was, it should be me." Lupine III shouted anxiously.

He didn't know that Fujiko Mine had warmed Li Mu's bed not long ago.

But even if he knew, so what, he couldn't change all this. Fujiko Mine already had Li Mu in his heart.


The night passed like this. In the early morning of the next day, Li Mu got up, got dressed, and left the hotel with Fujiko Mine.

Li Mu drove back to his home and parked the car in the parking lot.

"Fujiko Mine, you have arrived at my house. We can get off the car."

Fujiko Mine didn't say anything. She picked up her bag, opened the car door and prepared to get out of the car.

Li Mu looked at Fujiko Mine who got out of the car and couldn't help but take another look at Fujiko Mine.

Whether it was Fujiko Mine or Xiaolan and the others, they were all Such an outstanding woman, but Fujiko Mine is even better than them in terms of figure.

After Fujiko Mine got out of the car, she also noticed Li Mu’s gaze.

This gaze was like that of a hungry beast.

And she was the delicacy in Li Mu’s eyes.

"What's wrong? Fujiko Mine, when did you become so shy? Shouldn't you be very bold?"Li Mu asked curiously.

In his impression, Fujiko Mine dressed very hotly, not inferior to some hot girls.

And he remembered that Fujiko Mine always liked to tease him in the past, but today she is so conservative.

Maybe this is what girls do. How shy!

Fujiko Mine's face turned red after listening to Li Mu's words. She walked to Li Mu's side and opened the driver's door.

Then Fujiko Mine sat directly next to Li Mu and stared at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes.

Those shining eyes were tight. Staring at Li Mu, there was murderous intent in his eyes, as if he wanted to eat Li Mu.

"You are right, how could I lose to you? I must teach you a lesson today."

Li Mu looked at Fujiko Mine who took the initiative and raised the corner of his mouth.

Since Fujiko Mine has taken the initiative, does Li Mu still have the right to refuse?

On the other side, Mira complained while watching TV:"That guy Li Mu is really, no. Do you know where to go? He hasn't come back yet."

I think she traveled thousands of miles and left her hometown just to accompany Li Mu.

As a result, Li Mu actually left her at home and disappeared by herself. It was really annoying.

If there is a chance, she must teach her a lesson. Li Mu let Li Mu know the fate of leaving her alone.

Li Mu also shivered subconsciously, but he only thought that he had caught a cold, and did not think much about it, but continued his own business.

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