Time passed in the blink of an eye, and soon it was Princess Mila's coronation ceremony.

After today, Princess Mila will be the queen.

On this day, in a room, a team of maids were doing makeup for Princess Mira. Li Mu was sitting next to her, looking at Princess Mira seriously.

Princess Mira noticed Li Mu's fiery gaze, her face suddenly turned red, and she lowered her head shyly.

This shy expression was naturally seen by the maids.

The maids couldn't help but snicker.

Princess Mila became even more shy and lowered her head shyly, feeling even more shy inside.

After a long time, the maids put on makeup

"Princess Mila, we are ready and will leave first."

Princess Mila couldn't help it. After hearing what the two said, she waved her hands quickly.

The maids left immediately.

After seeing the maids away, Li Mu closed the dressing room door and locked it from the inside.

Mi Princess La was stunned for a moment, then she thought of something and her face suddenly turned red.

"plum...Li Mu, what do you want to do? It can’t be here, right? No, it’s too conspicuous here, maybe you’ll be discovered"

"It doesn't matter, the door has been locked, even Keith 097 can't get in. You can say you have a rest then.

Anyway, it's still early, and there are still two hours until your ceremony, so you won't be discovered."

Li Mu walked over and gently hugged Princess Mila.

Princess Mila, wearing the queen's costume, was still very interesting and cute.

Princess Mila was looking at Li Mu with such fiery eyes, and her heart thumped. jumping


On the other side, Keith also put on brand new clothes and came over with his maid and bodyguard.

When he reached the door of the dressing room, Keith didn't notice it, otherwise he would have heard the voices of Li Mu and Princess Mira in the room.

And this voice is very tempting.

Keith didn't pay attention and knocked on the door directly:"Princess Mila, have you put on your makeup? Are you okay?"

"I have nothing to do. I want to rest for a while. Come back in an hour."

"Yes, Princess Mira."

Keith didn't have any doubts. After all, he agreed with Princess Mira's characteristics and was very arrogant and willful.

Princess Mira waited for a while and pinched Li Mu's arm dissatisfied.

"Li Mu, you are serious, what if you are discovered?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Li Mu is very confident.

With the character of Keith and others, how could they enter here casually?

And it is even more impossible since Princess Mira has already rejected Keith.

Princess Mira looked at the smile on Li Mu's face and felt something in her heart. , but there was nothing she could do.

Who made her fall in love with Li Mu, so she could only accept Li Mu.

Time passed again for a long time, and Keith waited for an hour, a full hour, and came outside Princess Mila's dressing room again.

"Princess Mila, are you okay? You can go out soon. I also want to meet all the ministers."

"I'm already fine, just wait for me a little longer."

After everything was settled, Princess Mila walked over and opened the dressing room door.

"Keith, I'm fine. Keith glanced at Princess Mira and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Keith noticed Li Mu again and quickly said,"Mr. Li, are you here too?""

"Yes, I just came."

Li Mu said with a smile.

In fact, he had been here a long time ago, but Keith didn't know it.

Keith didn't ask any more questions and was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, Princess Mira, you and Mr. Li are together, why do you lock the door?"

Princess Mila's face turned red suddenly, and her heart skipped a beat.

The reason why she locked the door was not because she was afraid of being discovered.

Li Mu reacted quickly and said quickly:"It's just a habit. When I used to deal with people who were stalking, I would subconsciously lock the door. Lock the door to prevent others from entering. Princess Mira also reacted and said dissatisfied:"Why do you think I closed the door? Could it be that I will run away now?""

Escape will indeed be possible, but definitely not now. There is no way she can escape now."

"I'm sorry, Princess Mira. It's all my fault. I shouldn't doubt you, Princess Mira."Keith quickly apologized.

The corners of Li Mu's mouth raised. A princess is a princess, and this aura is powerful.

When she becomes the queen in the future, she will probably come over with a whip to whip Li Mu.

But the queen seems to be very good and has a bright future. The future.

Li Mu had been thinking about it for a long time.

After Princess Mila scolded her, she immediately returned to her arrogance, and her little daughter attitude in front of Li Mu was gone.

"Li Mu, I have something to do today, so I will leave first. Wait for me here."

"Got it, don't worry. I won't leave."

Li Mu doesn't plan to follow Princess Mira?

After all, Princess Mira is going to see the ministers, and then there will be the coronation ceremony.

This series of things will probably not be resolved in one morning. How could Li Mu go there so stupidly?

With this time, Li Mu Why don't you take a good rest?

"Okay, I'm going to rest. You can do whatever you want."

Li Mu waved his hand, then turned around and sat on the sofa on the side, closed his eyes and rested.

These two tormented Princess Mira every day, and he himself felt a little tired.

Princess Mira just glared at Li Mu, Then he grabbed the hem of his skirt

"Okay, Keith, leave him alone, let's go, it's getting late."

"Yes, Princess Mira."

Keith nodded slightly, and then followed Princess Mira and left the lounge.

This day was indeed very long.

The coronation ceremony took a long time to end.

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