More than an hour later, Conan and others easily solved the case even though they did not have Li Mu's help.

As soon as the case was solved, Conan said quickly:"Sister Serang, let's go, Sister Xiaolan is still waiting for us."

His words were impatient.

"Okay, let's go now."

Sera Masumi nodded, then followed Conan and left the scene of the crime.

"Alas, you……"Before Officer Megure finished speaking, Conan and the two had already left.

"If you all leave, who will take the notes?"

Officer Megure muttered to himself, but he had no choice but to leave the clothing store with Officer Takagi and the murderer.

"Okay, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, it's almost done, we can go."


Xiaolan Yuanzi looked at each other, feeling a little shy.

But they still walked to the door, picked up the clothes they bought today, and left.

Not long after walking downstairs, Li Mu met Conan and Shiliang Zhenjun.

Shiliang Zhenjun and the other two also noticed Li Mu and the others.

"Xiaolan, are you okay?"

"without...No, nothing happened to me."

Xiaolan quickly shook her head to explain, and wiped the sweat on her forehead with her right hand.

"Sister Xiaolan, are you okay? Why is there sweat all over your forehead? Are you hot?"

Conan had doubts in his heart and a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, why are you and Yuanzi sweating? This hypermarket has central air conditioning, so it shouldn’t be hot, right?"

Masumi Sera is also a little confused.

Both of them are detectives, and the anomalies of Xiaolan Yuanzi and the two naturally attracted their attention.

Although the weather is not low today, it is not high either. It is impossible to sweat, and there are still so many Sweat.

Xiaolan's face turned red. Where did she get so much sweat? It wasn't a good thing Li Mu did.

"Nothing, I just ran behind the stairs, it was so hot"

"Yes, I ran too fast, so it was a little hot." Yuanzi also nodded in agreement.

Otherwise, we can't say that she and Li Mu were doing sports on the rooftop.

Seeing this, Li Mu quickly changed the subject and said,"By the way, how is your case? It should be solved, right?"

When the case was mentioned, Conan suddenly became proud.

"Sister Xiaolan, we solved today’s case. It was me and Sister Serang who solved it."

After saying that, Conan looked at Li Mu proudly.

That expression seemed to say, even without you, I can still solve the case.

Li Mu didn't care about the proud Conan at all. Compared with Xiaolan, he would still care about solving the case.

How pitiful Conan, he knew how to solve the case, but he didn’t know what Li Mu had done.

If he knew, he would definitely be angry.

Maybe even furious.

Haha, Li Mu was really happy

"Okay, Xiaolan, it's getting late. We've wasted a lot of time today. It's time for us to go back."

Li Mu ignored Conan and walked downstairs.

Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others quickly followed.

Conan felt even more proud. Look, he had frustrated Li Mu's sense of accomplishment.

He solved the case for the first time and beat Li Mu.

He subconsciously forgot Well, Li Mu didn't interfere at all in this case.

If Li Mu had intervened, he might have solved the case and beat him to it.

After the three of them left the Ginza Supermarket, they went directly to a nearby restaurant to eat.

After all, it took a long time to solve the case, and it was time to eat.

Of course, this dinner was treated by Li Mu.

After lunch, Li Mu, Xiaolan and others left and returned to the Maori Detective Agency.

When they arrived at the agency, Mouri Kogoro saw Xiaolan and others walking in, and couldn't help but glance at

"What, is this what you bought? After shopping for a whole day, there are only so few things."

An idea flashed in Conan's mind, and he also discovered something unusual.

It took them so long to solve the case. Li Mu and Xiaolan went shopping for so long, but they didn't buy anything.

"Sister Xiaolan, didn’t you buy anything at that time? What have you been doing for so long?"

Shiliang Zhenchun realized at the same time that they had been solving the case for more than an hour, and Xiaolan actually didn't buy anything.

Li Mu's mouth twitched. At that time, the three of them were roaming the battlefield, and there was no time to buy anything.

Xiaolan Although he was shy, he still said:"I don't have much money, and I won't have it anymore after buying these, so I didn't buy too much.""

"You can ask Li Mu to buy it. Li Mu is very rich anyway."Seliang Zhenchun is still puzzled.

"no. Xiaolan suddenly shouted and said seriously:"I regard Brother Li as a friend and a good brother. How can I use his money? I will never let money tarnish our friendship.""

Seliang Zhenzun was stunned.

This was the first time she had seen such a serious Xiaolan.

But Sonoko had a smile on her face and hooked Xiaolan's arm.

"Yes, it is precisely because of this that I regard Xiaolan as my best friend, because she does not regard me as a friend because of money."

Li Mu also admires him.

It's a pity that only Xiaolan can do such a forced explanation.

But he didn't say it out loud to avoid embarrassment to Xiaolan.

Then he will be the unlucky one.

Xiaolan will definitely be very angry, maybe They will also punish him.

Therefore, we must treat this matter as if we knew nothing and heard nothing, and let it pass like this.

Sera Masumi was also startled by the serious Xiaolan, and said quickly:"I'm sorry, Xiaolan, I shouldn't have said that."

The same goes for Conan. He didn't dare to say or ask any more questions for fear that Xiaolan would be angry again.

"Sister Xiaolan, we shouldn't talk about you."

Xiaolan is also glad in her heart that she has finally deceived these people.

Of course, those words just now are actually Xiaolan's inner thoughts.

She still believes that friendship can never be tarnished by money.

"Okay, it's nothing, I'm not angry at all, I'm just talking."

Xiaolan smiled again, then walked into her room and put the clothes she bought in the room.

Masumi Sera said hello to everyone and then left the Maori Detective Agency.

The Great Voyage The Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!

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