Li Mu chatted casually for a long time, then wiped his tears and looked at Rumi Wakasa seriously.

"Sorry, teacher, I made you laugh. By the way, there are so many students. You should go talk to other teachers."

"Yes, I almost forgot."

Wakasa Rumi also reacted and hurriedly walked towards the other parents.

After Conan watched Teacher Wakasa Rumi leave, he looked at Li Mu with a black streak in his head and murderous eyes.

Just now, Li Mu was talking nonsense about how pitiful he was. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Fortunately, Li Mu finally stopped, otherwise everyone's eyes would be on him and he wouldn't know what to do.


In the afternoon, after the parent-teacher meeting.

Li Mu left first, and Conan looked at Li Mu's back resentfully, his teeth gritting loudly.

Next to him, Dr. Ali said nothing, looking at Conan with some pity.

Conan calmed down for a while, and then looked at Dr. Ali seriously.

"Dr. Ali, next time I ask you to attend a parent-teacher meeting, you can’t let Li Muchen add 16."

"Sorry, Dr. Ali is my parent, you should go and invite someone else."

Conan took Dr. Ali's arm and winked at Conan before leaving.



The next day, Li Mu came to the Maori Detective Agency again.

As soon as he arrived at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu met Conan's resentful gaze.

But Li Mu simply ignored it.

No matter how sharp your gaze is, Li Mu is still indestructible.

Li Mu randomly found a place to sit down, and not long after, Xiaolan walked out of the kitchen.

As soon as she came out, Xiaolan was overjoyed when she saw Li Mu.

"Brother Li, it's you. You're here. Do you want to have breakfast together?"

Li Mu ignored Conan's murderous gaze and smiled:"Okay, Xiaolan, thank you for breakfast today."

"Brother Li joked."

Xiaolan quickly put breakfast on the table, and then sat next to Li Mu.

After breakfast was ready, Maori Kogoro also put down the newspaper and came over to eat.

After breakfast, Xiaolan suddenly thought of something and said quickly:"By the way, Brother Li, are you free this weekend?"

"I'm free, of course I'm free."

Li Mu agreed without hesitation.

How could Li Mu say that he didn't have time when a beautiful woman invited him?

But Conan thought of something, and his face suddenly darkened.

Xiaolan was also overjoyed and said quickly:"Li Da, Nan and their young men The detective team has a wild camping trip. Although their teacher will go there, they still need a parent. I hope you can take over."

Li Mu's face also darkened, and Conan's face turned even brighter. He thought Xiaolan invited him to do something very happy. For example, vacation, travel, honeymoon, etc.

In the end, Xiaolan actually asked him to accompany Conan.

Li Mugang was about to refuse, but suddenly thought that there seemed to be Hui in the Youth Detective Team.

Even without Xiaolan, it would be good to have fun with Haiyuan Ai.

After thinking about it, Li Mu patted his chest and said without hesitation:"Xiaolan, your problem is my problem, I agreed to this matter, I will accompany Conan and the others."

Conan suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart.

After all, Li Mu is a person who can't afford to go early without any profit, especially to accompany him. Li Mu is so diligent, there must be a conspiracy.

How did he know that Li Mu was thinking about Hui Yuan Ai? , I don’t mean to play tricks on Conan.

Of course, you can have fun with Conan if you have the opportunity.

"Really? Great, thank you, Brother Li."

Xiaolan was also overjoyed, with a smile on her face.

Conan's heart ached, and Xiaolan didn't take him into her heart.

Sunday came soon.

On this day, outside Didan Primary School, Li Mu drove a business car The car stopped at the gate.

Because there were many people going there and saluting, Li Mu specially drove a commercial car.

When Li Mu arrived, the Young Detective Team and Teacher Rumi Wakasa were already standing at the gate.

"It's Brother Li who's here."

Bumi's eyes lit up, and she immediately walked over and took a look at Li Mu's car.

Other members of the Young Detective Team also came over and looked at the car carefully.

"Great, has Brother Li changed his car again?"

"Yes, Brother Li seems to change cars frequently and is really rich. Conan glanced at Li Mu's car with a look of disdain.

Of course, Li Mu was still very jealous in his heart.

Teacher Rumi Wakasa also came over and said with emotion:"This is an imported high-end business car. Conan, your father is really jealous." rich."


He wanted to explain to Teacher Wakasa Rumi that he was not Li Mu's son.

But at this point, he could only acquiesce.

However, Li Mu didn't want to be a child anymore, and said quickly:"Teacher Wakasa Rumi, you don't have to say that.

Conan has found his biological parents, and he has been taken back. Now I am his elder at most."

Conan's face turned dark again. Does this count as throwing him away after using it up?

Hui Yuan Ai and everyone in the Young Detective Team covered their mouths and snickered.

But Rumi Wakasa is very serious.

"Conan, no matter what, Mr. Li has raised you for several years. You must not be ungrateful. You must respect Mr. Li well when you grow up."

Li Mu looked at Conan, the corners of his mouth raised.

"Yes, teacher, I will definitely repay Li Li when I grow up....My father’s kindness will never be forgotten. His kindness in bringing me up will never be forgotten."

"Be good, okay, good son, get in the car, daddy is taking you on a trip"


Conan walked to the car with a dark face.

The others quickly followed Conan and swarmed into Li Mu's business car.

Haibara Ai sat in the passenger seat and pulled down his hat to cover himself. hair.

However, her eyes have been secretly paying attention to Li Mu. Every time she sees Li Mu, her face turns red.

Li Mu also noticed Hui Yuan Ai's gaze and winked at her.

Hui Yuan Ai's face turned red instantly. , quickly lowered her head shyly, covered her eyes with a hat, and stopped looking at Li Mu.

"Okay, everyone, let's go. This time, we will definitely have a very good summer vacation."

Li Mu waved his hand and shouted meaningfully.

Hui Yuan Ai heard the hidden meaning of Li Mu's words and blushed even more, like a ripe red apple, bright red, waiting for others to pick it.

Big The Beloved Concubine of the Sea and Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!_To read the novel without underlining, please download Feilu Novel

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