At night, Li Mu held a bag in his hand, and Xiaolan held Li Mu's arm.

The two returned to the Maori Detective Agency side by side.

When she arrived at the office, Xiaolan let go of Li Mu's arm, embarrassed to continue holding Li Mu's arm.

Upstairs, Conan kept paying attention outside.

As soon as he saw Li Mu and Xiaolan, he immediately ran out, full of resentment.

"Sister Xiaolan, you didn’t take me out to play either, and left me alone at home."

Xiaolan originally planned to leave Conan behind, so how could she still take Conan with her.

However, Xiaolan was too embarrassed to say anything more. She smiled and said,"Sorry, Conan, I will definitely take you out to play next time."

Conan's face suddenly darkened, and he actually wanted to do it next time.

"Okay, Xiaolan, it's getting late, go back and make dinner quickly."

Li Mu patted Xiaolan. As for Conan, it's better to just ignore it.

"Okay, Conan, no more talking, I'm going to make 097 dinner."

Xiaolan didn't say anything else and hurriedly walked towards the office.

Li Mu ignored Conan and walked into the detective office.


"This guy is too arrogant."

Li Mu entered the detective office and saw Maori Kogoro drinking.

Maori Kogoro also noticed Li Mu and quickly waved his hand and shouted:"Hey, Li Mu, why don't we go out to eat, you treat me?"

"Dad, you are eating at home today, you are not allowed to go out to eat, and you are not allowed to let Brother Li treat you."

Xiaolan scolded sternly.

With such a shameless father, Xiaolan was speechless, but she had no choice.


Mouri Kogoro was frightened by Xiaolan's (bgdf) and did not dare to say anything. He drank the wine tremblingly.

Xiaolan nodded, as if you were sensible, and got ready in the room.


At night, around nine o'clock, Xiaolan lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep all night.

She was still thinking about Li Mu, looking at the time on her phone, waiting in her mind for when Li Mu would come.

After waiting for a while, Xiaolan suddenly heard something coming from her ears. She quickly sat up and looked at the door on one side.

After a while, the door opened, and Xiaolan could vaguely see a figure.

Through the faint neon lights outside, Xiaolan could clearly see that this person was Li Mu.

Xiaolan felt happy and shy at the same time.

On the next day, Li Mu sat on Xiaolan's sofa early and waited.

At about six o'clock, after Conan woke up, he looked at Li Mu on the sofa, not to mention how unhappy he was.

But what can he do? In the final analysis, he is just staying at Xiaolan's house and has no say.

Conan found a place to sit down and happened to see a bottle at the door of Xiaolan's room. He quickly walked over and picked it up.

Looking at the bottle, Conan looked at Li Mu

"Brother Li, isn't this the lubricant you bought yesterday? Why are you here?"

Xiaolan was cooking. After hearing Conan's words, her face froze.

Shouldn't she have thrown it away? How could it be discovered by Conan?

In fact, Xiaolan did throw it away, but she happened to throw it away on her own clothes. Then he threw it on the ground and was kicked out by Xiaolan.

This series of coincidences allowed Conan to see the thing.

Li Mu was also stunned for a moment, and then said righteously:"Of course, I accidentally dropped it. Here, otherwise I would throw it away?"

"But why did you use it? Didn't you use it to repair the car?"Conan continued to ask.

Now Conan seems to regard Li Mu as the murderer.

Li Mu looked at Conan who was so serious, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

This kid is definitely looking for a fight.

"Of course it is used. I was here yesterday to repair the car. Although it is not a new car, it is a priceless car. I even tried it for a night. What's wrong? Do you have any questions?

Do you want to find some more evidence, witnesses or something, to prove that I committed theft, murder, extortion, etc."

"Conan, what do you mean, is Brother Li a bad person? There is nothing going on in our family."

Conan was frightened when he saw Xiaolan was angry and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"I'm sorry, Brother Li, I didn't doubt you."

Li Mu couldn't help but laugh, which made Conan feel a little unhappy.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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