After a long time, Li Mu glanced at Tomoko Suzuki

"What's wrong, Tomoko, are you okay now? Tired or not."

Tomoko Suzuki glanced at Li Mu and gave Li Mu a wink.

"You said, I need a good rest now"

"Well, I'll take you to have a rest and come back later."

After seeing off Tomoko Suzuki, Li Mu returned to the"Zero Nine Seven" yacht again.

After a while, Li Mu shook his head, said nothing, put away the fishing rod, and then jumped into the sea.

Here we are. In the sea water, Li Mu snorkeled in the sea, and then slowly approached the Yuanzi and the three people.

As soon as he approached the three people, Li Mu saw the Yuanzi and the three people playing volleyball on the water.

Li Mu did not hesitate and swam directly over.

Just as he got closer, he and Ye He shook his fist and knocked the volleyball away.

Yuanzi swam over to pick up the volleyball.

Li Mu also took advantage of this opportunity and swam next to He Ye.

He Ye also noticed Li Mu and blushed, feeling extremely shy.

"Brother Li, you are here too. Do you want to play volleyball together? We can all be together"


Li Mu agreed without hesitation.

Not long after, Yuanzi came back with a ball.

He Ye could only play ball with Yuanzi in the sea water, very happy and joyful.

Similarly, Li Mu also came over and played with Xiaolan. The three of them were very happy with the fast ball.

Compared to Li Mu's happiness, Hattori Heiji and Conan were a little painful, and they resented Li Mu in their hearts.

Izu Resort.

Hattori Heiji sat in a car and asked with a dark face: Fuji, what's the matter? So, is there any news about that guy?"

Conan also had a headache and showed a dead fish eye.

"No, as I just saw, there is no trace of the transmitter here. They should not be here."

Speaking of this, Conan was a little helpless.

Although the two of them are detectives, but there are no clues, how can they know the whereabouts of Li Mu.

Now Conan only hopes that his tracker can work and let her find Xiaolan and others. Otherwise there is nothing he can do.......

"Kudo, you better take a look. What if you accidentally find out?"

"Okay, let me see."

Conan pressed the switch on his eyes. It was very calm and there was no message at all. Apparently, no trace had been found yet.

"No, they are not within the scope. They should not be here."

"Damn it, where have these guys gone? Why is there no trace of them?"

Hattori Heiji slapped the table with dissatisfaction, feeling resentful in his heart.

"Cough cough cough……"

The driver coughed and said seriously:"Okay, you two, you're angry, but can you please stop hitting my car? My car is innocent." 3.5

Hattori Heiji had a dark face and didn't intend to say anything. He could only look outside angrily.

However, Hattori Heiji had already made up his mind. This time he found Li Mu, and he must teach Li Mu a lesson and let Li Mu know how powerful he is.

Someone subconsciously forgot about the gap between his own strength and Li Mu.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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