Early the next morning, Li Mu still met at the Maori Detective Agency.

In addition to Li Mu, there are two unexpected people.

The two of them were Kazuha and Hattori Heiji who came from Osaka.

After Hattori Heiji saw Li Mu, he frowned slightly and felt a little unhappy.

"Kudo, does this guy come here every day?"

"Yes, he comes here basically every day and almost regards this place as his own home. It’s so shameless."

Conan is also very dissatisfied with Li Mu. He comes here every time and gets along very harmoniously with Xiaolan.

This makes Conan very jealous.

Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu resentfully, then thought of something and winked at Conan He blinked and said:"Hey, Kudo, it seems that you are here now, so you can't talk about him, right?"


Now we can have fun together.

"Okay, okay, just kidding, let’s not talk about you, let’s talk about this guy, I’m really unhappy."

Hattori Heiji stared at Li Mu again, wondering if he could teach Li Mu a lesson.

"Okay, Hattori, let’s not talk anymore. What do you want to do today? Conan asked doubtfully.

"He Ye, what do you want to do today?"

On the other side, Xiaolan also asked.

When the purpose of coming was mentioned, Heye quickly said:"Xiaolan, it's going to be a holiday soon. Do you want us to go out to play and relax?"

"Okay, then we, Yuanzi, and Li Da can go out together, how about it?"

Xiaolan is also interested, and all she thinks about is Li Mu.

If she can go out to play, she can be with Li Mu, and no one else will disturb us.

"Yes, that's what I thought too. It's just a few of us, and no other people are allowed to go, so as not to disturb us."

Kazuha nodded, lowered his voice, and even glanced at Hattori Heiji and Conan.

The meaning was obvious, he just didn't want Hattori Heiji to follow them.

Xiaolan also looked at Kazuye and nodded. He said:"How about we discuss it and move them away so that no one can disturb us."

Thinking of the island life last time, Xiaolan still has some expectations in her heart.

Although I feel sorry for Hattori Heiji and the others, for my own sake, I can only feel sorry for Hattori Heiji and the others.

Hattori Heiji naturally also noticed the gazes of Kazuha and others. , I couldn’t help but doubt in my heart

"Kudo, are they looking at you or me?"

"this...Maybe it's because I'm looking at you. After all, I have nothing to do, so it's impossible for you to look at me."

Conan was also a little suspicious, guessing what Xiaolan and the two had in mind.

The two of them didn't know that Xiaolan and Ye were going to leave, and then they went to have a private world with Li Mu. After hearing what the two said, Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, With a smile on his face.

Since Xiaoran and Kazuha want to get Hattori Heiji, they have to find a way to get rid of them.

"Hey, Kudo, why do I feel a bad feeling?"

"Yes, it seems to be shrouded in malice."

Hattori Heiji and Conan felt uneasy in their hearts and quickly looked at Li Mu.

When they saw the smile on Li Mu's lips, they subconsciously thought that Li Mu wanted to prank them.

"Xiaolan, let’s find a way later. We must send Heiji and the others away."

"Okay, I agree. Let them leave when the time comes. We will be with Li Mu."

"Hey, Kudo, you are a child, go ask them what they are talking about, they are so mysterious."

Hattori Heiji couldn't bear the doubts in his heart.

"Okay, I'll go and ask."

Conan wanted to refuse, but thinking about it, he was a child, so it was convenient for him to ask.

"Sister Xiaolan, what are you talking about? You are so happy."

Xiao Lan glanced at He Ye, and then looked at Conan seriously.

"Conan, this is a girl's private matter, why do you have to ask more questions?"

"That's right, Conan, you little kid, why would you ask such a thing."He Ye also nodded and scolded.


Conan apologized quickly, then turned around and left.

Hattori Heiji looked at Conan who was 'returning defeated', and he was even more confused.

The two of them were originally detectives who pry into the privacy of girls, and now they actually started to pry into girls' privacy. Privacy.

After a long time like this, Li Mu saw that it was almost noon and said,"Okay, it's almost time for today. How about we make lunch at home and eat together?"......."

"OK, that's it."

Xiaolan and Ye agreed immediately.

As for the decision of Hattori Heiji and the others, it was no longer important.

At noon, in the kitchen, Xiaolan stood at the door of the kitchen, paying attention to the outside from time to time.

Heye stood beside Li Mu. Next to him, he said softly:"Brother Li, we plan to go out for fun this holiday. Is there any way you can let Hattori Heiji and the others pass the quarter card? I don't want them to disturb us."

"this one..."

Li Mu's eyes rolled around, and then he said:"The method is very simple. We casually say we want to go out for the holidays, but we randomly decide on a place, and you come over one day in advance in the evening.

Don't come over then, just go directly At my house, I secretly brought you and Xiaolan there tonight, just to get rid of them."

"Okay, this is the way to get rid of him."

Kazuye nodded seriously.

In the living room, Hattori Heiji and Conan shuddered, feeling a little bad in their hearts. Li Mu looked at Kazuye seriously, with the corners of his mouth raised. During this holiday, Li Mu was very happy. Here we go.

I would bring Sonoko there by the way. If possible, I would bring other people with me, and I would definitely be very happy.

At noon, at the dining table.

Li Mu asked while eating:"By the way, Kazuha, Hattori, do you want to go out this holiday?" Have fun and go on vacation to Izu"

"Okay, Brother Li, let’s go together then."

Kazuha agreed without hesitation.

Although Hattori Heiji was confused as to why Li Mu invited him, how could he refuse at this moment?

"Okay, Li Mu, I will go there when the time comes. By the way, when will we go there?"

"Of course it’s early that morning, so you can’t be late. We’ll set off at about nine o’clock, remember."

Li Mu chatted for a while, but Li Mu decided to go ahead one night anyway.

"okay, I get it."

Hattori Heiji agreed without hesitation.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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