"Li Mu, where have you been these days? What happened?"

Li Mu glanced at Xiaolan and others who were resting in the distance, and then leaned against Suzuki Tomoko's ear.

"I'll accompany Yingli and the others."

"Yingli, I remember she went on a trip for more than half a year. Why should you accompany her?"

Suzuki Tomoko also knew that Fei Yingli went on a trip.

But it was precisely because of this that Suzuki Tomoko was a little confused. Since she missed Li Mu, why didn't she come back and let Li Mu go instead.

Li Mu did not hide it and said softly:"Eri Mu is pregnant. , I went out to give birth to a baby during this period. I gave birth to a baby some time ago."

"What? she……"

Tomoko Suzuki exclaimed, and just as she was about to say something, Li Mu covered her mouth

"Keep your voice down so they don't hear you."

Tomoko Suzuki also realized that she seemed to be too excited.

But it's no wonder Tomoko Suzuki was excited.

"Li Mu, what's going on? Is it a boy or a girl? Does Xiaolan know?"

"It's a girl. As for Xiaolan, I don't know yet. I will tell you when I find the right opportunity."

Li Mu glanced at Xiaolan, and there will definitely be no chance now.

"Okay, Tomoko, let’s not talk anymore. Let’s take a rest, have a good dinner, and go out for a walk."


Suzuki Tomoko nodded, then came to Xiaolan and others, closed her eyes and rested.

As for dinner, of course Li Mu is responsible for this kind of thing, how could they cook dinner.

Of course, they still know how to cook dinner, but After being tormented by Li Mu for so long, who still has the energy to make dinner.

After finishing the dinner, Li Mu and the others were not in a hurry to rest, but went shopping in a nearby commercial street.

It was only after six o'clock, and it was impossible for Li Mu to be like this. As for Playing games would be even more impossible.

At the same time, Conan was walking on the commercial street with his skateboard, playing games from time to time.

After searching for an afternoon, although Conan was already a little tired, for Xiaolan, Conan could only continue to search. Suddenly

, Conan saw several bodies, his eyes lit up, and he rushed out quickly

"Sister Xiaolan."

Xiaolan heard Conan's voice, looked up, and saw Conan running over.

Yuanzi's face darkened, and she said dissatisfied:"It's this little devil again, why is he here?"

Now that Conan is here, it will be inconvenient for Yuanzi to be too close to Li Mu, and he will naturally be unhappy.

"Okay, Yuanzi, stop talking."

Although Xiaolan felt a little regretful, she was innocent and kind-hearted, and naturally she would not resent Conan.

After Conan arrived, he took a serious look at Xiaolan, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with Xiaolan, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister Xiaolan, where did you go to play this afternoon and how was it?"

"Oh, Conan, we just walked around in the afternoon and didn't do anything. What's wrong?"Xiaolan said with a smile

"No...nothing."Conan shook his head quickly.

Although Conan was very curious, he obviously knew that he shouldn't ask more questions.

Suddenly, Conan saw that Li Mu and others did not have any packages in their hands, and he became confused.

Not to mention Li Mu, only Sonoko, Tomoko Suzuki and others all He's a rich man, how could he not buy anything?

"Sister Xiaolan, you have been shopping all afternoon and haven’t bought anything?"

"What's the matter, little ghost head, can we spend it as we please when we have money?"

Yuanzi bent down and stared at Conan dissatisfied. 097

"No...no."Conan shook his head quickly, still a little afraid of Sonoko.

Similarly, Conan didn't think too much, just thinking that Li Mu and others didn't buy more things.

After all, Li Mu obviously went shopping with Suzuki Tomoko Suzuki Ayako, so it should be won't do anything

"Okay, Conan, since you're here, let's go shopping together instead of standing here talking nonsense."

Li Mu saw what Conan wanted to say, so he quickly interrupted.

Otherwise, if we continue chatting, Conan might find something. After all, his eye for gossip is still very powerful.

"Oh, okay, Brother Li."

Conan nodded and looked at Li Mu and others suspiciously.

Unfortunately, no matter how Conan looked, he couldn't see any doubts, so he had to give up in the end.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_Watch

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