"Kid, I blame you for being nosy."

The murderer's finger was on the trigger. As long as he gently pulled the trigger, Conan would die.

At this moment, Li Mu had already quietly walked to the murderer's side. The murderer was focused on Conan and did not notice Li Mu..

In the distance, on the roof of a building, Okiya Subaru was about to take action with the sniper rifle in his hand. He suddenly saw Li Mu and stopped subconsciously.

Although he didn't know Li Mu particularly well, he also knew that Li Mu was here, and Conan would be fine..Li

Mu glanced at the murderer who was ready to attack at any time, reached out and patted the murderer's back gently.

"Hello, I'm here."

The murderer was startled and quickly took out the submachine gun next to him, but Li Mu beat him to it and kicked the gun away.

Seeing that he couldn't get the gun, the murderer quickly picked up the sniper rifle, turned around, and aimed hard at Li Mu smashed it down.

Although he didn't know Li Mu's specific position, he could sense Li Mu's general position.


Li Mu kicked hard and kicked the murderer away.

With just one kick, the murderer lost the ability to resist and covered his abdomen with both hands. , struggling to death.

Li Mu did not continue to take action, put away all the guns, and then ignored the murderer. Below,

Conan, who had been waiting for a long time, saw that the murderer had not attacked yet, 097 quickly looked over, and happened to see Li Mu

"It's Li Mu. Has he found the murderer?"

Conan was a little unhappy, but also a little bit lucky. At least he was not hit.

Ten minutes later, the police arrived at the Suzuki Tower and arrested the murderer. As for Li Mu and others, they went to make a record.

Ye At about ten o'clock in the evening, in the room next to Sera Masumi's ward, Conan was lying on the hospital bed with his feet fixed by a plaster.

Next to him, the Young Detective Team and Li Mu were all watching Conan.

"Conan, it's true that you actually went to find the murderer alone. Now you're fine. If it weren't for Brother Li, you would be finished."Xiaolan said dissatisfied.

Conan smiled awkwardly and didn't dare to say anything.

After all, this matter was indeed his fault, and he was too embarrassed to say anything, let alone talk back.

"By the way, Conan, why don't you say thank you to Brother Li? If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be so lucky today."

Luckily, it's him who made me injured."

Conan complained in his mind and couldn't help but glance at his feet.

(bgdf) If it weren’t for Li Mu, maybe he wouldn’t even have any problems with his feet. Unlike now, he is still lying in the hospital.

No matter how much he complained in his heart, he still said:"Thank you, Brother Li."

Li Mu looked at Conan who was smiling bitterly, stepped forward, and squeezed Ke

"Come on, smile more. You know, you have done a great service and protected a person from death. Xiaolan and I decided to reward you well."

"award? Conan's eyes quickly asked:"Brother Li, what is the reward?""

He thought Li Mu and Xiaolan were going to reward him with something good, but he was very excited.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and said seriously:"For your safety and to prevent you from continuing to seek death, we decided to reward you at home and reduce your reward in the future. Time to hang out so there won't be any problems."

Conan's face suddenly darkened. Isn't it the same as being imprisoned if he doesn't go out?

"Hahaha, just kidding."



The door to the ward suddenly opened, and a doctor in a white coat walked in.

After the doctor came in, he checked Conan, and then said seriously:"The patient is not in much danger, but he seems to be deficient in calcium and needs to be replenished. There is nothing else.""

"What? Conan is deficient in calcium? Li Mu exclaimed, and then said:"This guy is jumping around every day, so troublesome, and injured many times. How could he be lacking in calcium? I think he is lacking in love.""

That's right. Conan often flies around with a skateboard. It doesn't look like he is deficient in calcium. He is lacking in heart.

Conan's face darkened again.

What does it mean to lack love since childhood? Is he the kind of person who lacks love? It doesn't look like it at all.

The doctor also laughed and explained:"Maybe it's because of too much exercise and multiple injuries, so I'm deficient in calcium. It's not a big problem. After saying that

, the doctor gave another order and left immediately.

After the doctor left, Li Mu smiled and said,"Conan, did you hear that?" The doctor asked you to take a good rest and stop running around in the future."

"Yes, Conan, you must take a break from now on, you can't continue like this."Xiaolan also said seriously

"I understand, Sister Xiaolan. Conan forced a smile and said.

Li Mu didn't say anything more, patted Xiaolan and said:"Okay, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, it's getting late. I'll send you back to rest. Lack of sleep is a woman's natural enemy, let Maoli Detective, stay"

"What? Let me stay?"

Mouri Kogoro's expression changed, and he said with a bitter face:"Why do you want me to stay? It's late at night. This is not good."

"Detective Maori, are you asking a few of our students to stay? Apart from you, everyone else is either busy or the elderly and children. Are you willing?"Li Mu said politely.

Maori Kogoro quickly looked around. There were several students, and an old man, Dr. A Li. Only Li Mu was suitable.

"Li Mu, I think you can stay. You are young and have nothing to do, so why not stay?"

"This won't work. I still have a job and a lot of things to do in the company, so why don't you stay."

If it was Xiaolan and others, Li Mu would definitely stay without saying a word, but if it were someone else, how could Li Mu stay?

Especially Conan, Li Mu's enemy.

"Okay, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, let’s go."

Li Mu didn't wait for Maori Kogoro to speak, so he took Xiaolan Yuanzi and others and left together.

Maori Kogoro opened his mouth to speak, but before he could speak, Li Mu had already left, leaving only him and a group of little ghosts.

"Damn it, this guy actually left us and ran away."

Moori Kogoro cursed secretly, and then set his sights on Dr. Agasa.

He is the only adult here, and he cannot let the kid from the Junior Detective Corps stay to take care of Conan.

Dr. Agasa understood immediately and shook his head. Said:"Detective Maori, I'm afraid I can't do it. I'm old, and I have to take care of the child later and take care of Xiao Ai.""


The Great Voyage: Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball Begins!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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