The next morning, when Li Mu woke up, he picked up some clothes and started to put them on.

Then he walked to the kitchen, made a healthy porridge, and then walked next to Yumi

"Drink this bowl of porridge. You will feel better after drinking it."

Yumi slowly opened her eyes and then sat up.

"Li Mu, I want you to feed me, otherwise I won’t eat."

"OK, I'll feed you."

Li Mu looked at the coquettish Yumi, picked up the spoon, and gently blew away the heat.

Yumi looked at Li Mu who was so serious and couldn't help but take another look.

Gradually, Yumi was attracted to Li Mu

"Okay, Yumi, eat."

Yumi opened her mouth and took a sip.

After finishing breakfast, Li Mu put the bowl away and tapped Yumi's cheek.

"Yumi, I'm leaving. You should pay attention to your rest. Don't work so hard during the day, and you won't get a salary increase."

"Got it, Li Mu."

Yumi looked at Li Mu happily and watched Li Mu leave.

After Li Mu left, Yumi rested for a while, then quickly put on her police uniform and left her home quickly.

Just as she went out, a man appeared in front of Yumi

"Yumi baby, why are you 097 today? You look a little tired. Are you too tired? Yumi was startled by Haneda Hideyoshi.

After coming to her senses, Yumi said dissatisfied:"Don't come out so suddenly to scare people. Also, don't you know I'm so tired?""

When she and Li Mu were happy yesterday, although she restrained her voice, Haneda Hideyoshi should know.

In fact, Haneda Hideyoshi didn't know.

Haneda Hideyoshi thought that Yumi was talking about her work, and he quickly expressed concern:"Yumi Baby, you'd better work less. Look, your face is a little pale. Yumi blushed and said angrily:"Idiot, I'm a traffic policeman, how can I not go to work? Do you think everyone is you?""

After saying that, Yumi ran away.

As for why Yumi looked bad, it was because Li Mu bullied her all night yesterday, which made Yumi unable to bear it.


After Li Mu left Yumi's apartment, he went back to accompany Fei Yingli.

Especially since Fei Yingli was currently pregnant, Li Mu basically stayed with Fei Yingli during the day until they went out to hang out in the evening.

Fei Yingli also thought that Li Mu was looking for him, so she didn't stop him. Instead, she was looking forward to Li Mu going out.

In the evening, after school, Li Mu came to the Maoist Office.

As soon as he arrived at the office, Li Mu saw Ye Zheng leaning against the window.

As soon as he saw Li Mu, He Ye waved excitedly.

"Brother Li, come up quickly."

Li Mu did not hesitate, and quickly came to the second floor and entered the Maori Detective Office. As soon as he entered, Li Mu felt a very resentful gaze focused on him.

When he turned around, he saw a very unhappy Hattori Heiji.

Every time Heiye was so nice to him, Hattori Heiji would glare at him in displeasure.

Li Mu ignored Heiji Hattori and said to Heiye with a smile on his face:"Heiye, what are you doing here today? Did you miss me and come here to see me?

Kazuya's face turned slightly red.

On the other hand, Hattori Heiji was immediately dissatisfied and glared at Li Mu:"Stop talking nonsense, who will miss you? I'm here today, but there is something very important." After hearing this, Li

Mu stopped asking. He walked aside, picked up the teacup, and poured himself a cup of tea.

Hattori Heiji was a little dissatisfied and said,"Li Mu, why don't you ask me anything?" I can tell you?"

"No, what can you do? It’s nothing more than a troublesome case, and it will definitely be free of charge, but you can’t spend your time. Do you think there is anything good about it?"Li Mu turned around and said.

After hearing this, Maori Kogoro's face changed drastically, and he quickly said:"It can't really be like this, right? I don't have money, and you actually ask me to work. I don't want it?"

Hattori Heiji's face suddenly darkened.

Even if he had something to do, he wouldn't go to Mouri Kogoro, a useless uncle.

Moreover....And he didn't come here to do business with Mouri Kogoro today.

Hattori Heiji suppressed the urge to hit someone and said quickly:"My birthday is coming soon, so I want to invite you to come with me."

The reason why he celebrated his birthday was naturally thinking of Li Mu's last birthday, and he also wanted to celebrate his birthday this time. It's a birthday

"Birthday? Li Mu paused for a moment, then smiled and said,"It seems that your birthday is not long after mine, Hattori?"

You can tell me earlier, and you can celebrate your birthday with me then, and I can celebrate your birthday. Hattori

Heiji's face darkened again and he shouted:"Why should I celebrate my birthday with you? I don't need you to celebrate my birthday. Also, are you going or not?""

"Go, of course, why don’t I go."Li Mu nodded.

After Li Mu passed by, it didn't matter what the birthday party was. Instead, he planned to be with He Ye.

The most important thing is that Xiaolan will also go by then, and Li Mu will naturally go there too.

He Ye heard that Li Mu was about to go, and he suddenly felt happy, with a sunny smile on his face.

"cut. Hattori

Heiji looked at Mouri Kogoro aside and said,"How about it, Uncle Mouri, Xiaolan, do you want to go too?""

"Of course, I will go when the time comes."Xiaolan nodded and said

"Well, next Saturday happens to be my birthday, so you must come over then."

Hattori Heiji ordered again.

"Don't worry, we will definitely get there. After all, you came here to invite me in person, so I have to give you such a favor."

Hattori Heiji's face darkened again. What does it mean to invite him in person? He just invited Li Mu by the way. To be honest, he really didn't want to invite Li Mu to his birthday.


Hattori Heiji took a deep breath, then squeezed out a smile and said:"That's right, after all, it's you, how could I not come over and invite you in person? Well, it's getting late, I should go back, that's the end of it for today.."

After saying that, Hattori Heiji left with Kazuha.

When leaving, He Ye secretly turned his head and looked at Li Mu with some reluctance.

Li Mu winked at He Ye, and He Ye left happily.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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