"By the way, Yumi, didn't your ex-boyfriend pass by there too? You can ask him to see if he knows anything? Li Mu asked

"Ask him?"Yumi frowned slightly.

She had planned to say goodbye to the guy completely.

But since Li Mu asked, she had no choice but to ask the guy.

This was not only for Li Mu, but also for herself Solve the case and give the deceased an explanation.

After thinking about it, Yumei picked up the phone and called.

A few minutes later, Yumei hung up the phone and said:"Li Mu, I have asked clearly. He said that the suspect seemed to have a pattern under his feet. The sound of chirping."


Li Mu and Conan Shiliang's pure eyes lit up at the same time.

"Could it be glass shards?"Li Mu spoke first before"Zero Nine Seven".

Seeing what Li Mu had said, Sera Masumi and Conan stopped talking.

Yumei touched the back of his head curiously and asked in confusion:"Glass fragments, but why are they glass fragments? Li

Mu had no choice but to continue:"Yumi, that glass shard may be glasses. The murderer struggled with the victim, causing the glasses to break."

And the action of waving the water pipe you mentioned should be to put something similar to a mask on the water pipe to filter out the glass fragments.

If my guess is correct, the glass shard should be hidden in the water tank in the bathroom of this ramen shop."

Yumi and Miike Naoko looked at each other, and then rushed to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Miike Naoko came out first and looked at Li Mu with admiration.

"Brother Li, you are really awesome, there are really a few broken glass in it."

Hey, hey, what's that look in your eyes?"

Conan looked at Miike Naeko, who looked admiringly, and complained in his heart.

And isn't Miike Naeko the childhood sweetheart of Police Officer Chiba? Why does he have a crush on Li Mu?

Of course, Conan is He didn’t dare to say it out loud.

Li Mu wasn’t proud either, and said calmly:"This is all thanks to everyone, Youdao is the result of the cooperation between the police and the people, and we all worked together."


Conan cursed in his mind, and at the same time he understood why Officer Megure treated Li Mu better than him, Moori Kogoro.

"Li Mu, I've got it done here, what now? Who is that murderer? How should we catch the murderer?"

Yumi walked over, holding an evidence bag in her hand.

Li Mu raised his head and glanced at the moon outside, shook his head and said,"That's it for today. Send someone over tomorrow. After all, the murderer is gone. Wait until tomorrow, we It's a trap, and we can catch them all in one fell swoop when the time comes."

"Yes, I think so too."

Sera Zhenzhen smiled, and two cute little ones were revealed.

"Well, let's decide."

Yumi saw that both detectives Li Mu and Sera Masumi had no choice but to agree to this request.

Of course, Yumi also specifically discussed it with the owner of the ramen shop, asking him not to tell anyone, and asking him to cooperate.

Times Day and night.

Li Mu stood not far from the ramen shop and waited patiently.

Next to Li Mu, there were Sera Masumi, Conan Yumi, Miwako, and Police Officer Takagi.

As for Xiaolan and Sonoko, they naturally did not let them come over. After waiting for a while, a man wearing glasses walked into the delicious ramen.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and turned to look at Miwako and Officer Takagi.

"How about it, do you two remember your lines? You won't forget it, right?"

"Don't worry, Li Mu, leave this little thing to me."

"I...I remember it too, Mr. Li."Officer Takagi said nervously.

"Well, after you go in, follow the plan."

Miwako and Officer Takagi wore wigs and sunglasses and walked into the delicious ramen shop together.

Li Mu and others were still waiting outside.

After a few minutes, Conan took off his glasses and nodded:" Brother Li, Sister Shiliang, we can go in, it should be almost done now."

What do you mean, it's almost the same? Conan, this guy, has been listening, and he still has the nerve to say it's almost the same.

Sera Masumi also understood Conan, nodded and agreed:"Okay, in that case, let's go in."

Yumi took two steps, and when she saw Li Mu who was still stopping, she also stopped........

"Li Mu, why don’t you go?"

"No, Yumi baby, this is your credit, I won’t go."Li Mu shook his head and said.

Yumi's face instantly turned red and she covered her face shyly.

"plum...Li Mu, why do you say that? Seeing no one around, Li

Mu took a step forward, hugged Yumi and said,"Didn't that guy just call you Yumi baby?" What's wrong? Is it possible that I can't shout?"

Yumi's face turned pale, she felt anxious, and quickly explained:"Li...Li Mu, listen to me. I have broken up with him. He was the one who pestered me. Moreover, we were innocent before. Do you know about my first time?"

Li Mu naturally knows that after all, Yumi was taken in by Li Mu for the first time.

"Okay, Yumi, don't worry about it. Also, are you free tonight? Later, shall I go to your place? Yumi

's face turned red instantly, she lowered her head shyly and said,"There is no one at home. You can go at any time. Today, I will give you a spare key.""

"Okay, I'll go to your place tonight."

Li Mu suddenly let go of Yumi and looked at the ramen shop on the side.

The door of the ramen shop suddenly opened, and Miwako and Takagi came out holding down a prisoner.

At this time, the police also rushed over and pressed the murderer into the police car. Among them.

Yumi regained her composure at 3.5 seconds, and the blush on her face disappeared.

In the distance, after Miwako was sitting in the police car, she thought of something again, looked at Yumi and said:"Yumi, Li Mu is leaving it to you, please." You send him back, and by the way, Conan and this female classmate"

"Got it, Miwako, just leave it to me."

Yumi was immediately overjoyed and sent Conan and Sera Masumi away. Then Li Mu and her would not be the only ones.

And she could do what she wanted to do, such as having a happy moment with Li Mu.

Li Mu waved to Miwako He waved his hand, then turned around and winked at Yumi.

"Yumi, will you come to your house tonight?"

Yumi blushed and turned her head to the side shyly.

The Great Voyage: The Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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