"Oh, is it so?"Belmod walked to Li Mu and Yukiko and teased Yukiko

"Yukiko, why are you saying that you and Li Mu don't have anything? You just threw yourself into each other's arms and acted like a spoiled child, and you still say it's nothing?"

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth, but did not interrupt Bermod and Yukiko.

Yukiko was anxious, blushing, and said quickly:"This...It's just between me and us...Wait, Li Mu, you just said Li Mu, is it possible that you two know each other?"

After saying that, Yukiko looked at Li Mu, and then at Bermod on the side, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

Bermod did not deny it, nodded and said:"Yes, we are indeed good friends, don't you know? ?"

"Oh, good friend?"

Yukiko nodded, then pulled Belmode and walked to the side of"Zero Nine Seven"

"Sharon, what did you just see?"

Belmode smiled, pointed at his eyes and said:"Yukiko, although I am old, my figure is very well maintained, I am very beautiful, and my eyes are not blind. Yukiko blushed and said quickly:"Sharon, you can't tell anyone what happened just now. We are good friends, you won't tell, right?""

"this one?"Belmode paused, smiled and said:"Does your son know about this?"

"Xiaoxin, he knows that I have found someone new, but he doesn’t know about Li Mu and me." Yukiko said with a headache.

After all, Li Mu is Xiaolan's boyfriend, and she can be regarded as Li Mu's lover.

Once Conan knows about this, everything about Li Mu, her, Fei Yingli and others will be exposed. It will be very difficult at that time Trouble

"Okay, Sharon, what do you want to do to keep this secret for me?"

"Okay, I'll keep it a secret for you."Belmod nodded.

After all, she also has an unusual relationship with today. If Yukiko is exposed, she will be in trouble if the media involves her.

Yukiko breathed a sigh of relief and nodded happily:"Sharon, thank you very much. Yes, we are indeed good friends.

Seeing that Yukiko and I had reached an agreement, Li Mu came over and said,"Okay, Yukiko, why did you come to see me today?""

What happened? Of course I miss you.

" Yukiko complained in her heart.

She really wanted to stay with Li Mu today, but who would have thought that Li Mu also brought Belmod.

She couldn't be in front of Belmod. Doing something very sweet with Li Mu.

Yukiko brainstormed for a while and said quickly:"Of course I'm going shopping with you. I want to change into some new clothes. Can you accompany me?""

"Of course, Yukiko, please wait for me while I go change my clothes."

Li Mu clicked on Yukiko's face, then walked upstairs and changed his clothes.

In addition to changing his clothes, Li Mu also wore a hat on his face.

If it wasn't summer, Li Mu would have put on a scarf himself, To prevent other people from seeing it.

But even so, Li Mu was still wearing clothes with a relatively long collar.

After going downstairs, Belmode looked at the well-dressed Li Mu and smiled:"Li Mu, what's wrong with you? Why are you dressed so tightly? ,What's matter?"

"It's okay. After all, Li Mu and I are both big stars. Naturally, we can't just go out like this. We will be easily discovered by others."

Yukiko quickly explained.

She couldn't say that she and Li Mu were having an affair, for fear of being discovered by Xiaolan and others.

After all, Tokyo is only so big, and if you don't dress up well, it will be easily discovered by others.

Belmode He smiled, but did not expose Li Mu and Yukiko’s lies.


Ginza, as the largest shopping mall in Tokyo, every inch of land here is precious.

Even a small store requires very high rental fees.

Therefore, the prices of the products here are also very expensive, and they are also some famous brand products.

"Come here, I saw a very nice dress here last time. I have wanted to buy it for a long time. Today you will pay for it for me."

As soon as Yukiko arrived at Ginza, she immediately became excited and pulled Li Mu towards the stairs.

Belmode smiled, covered her face with a silk scarf, and followed Li Mu.

When they reached the fourth floor, a ten As soon as Li Mu and others entered the high-end clothing store, a person came over........

The waiter's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the clothes of Li Mu and the others.

Although the clothes of Li Mu and the others are relatively simple, they are all high-end clothes and very expensive.

For a rich person like this, once she buys clothes, she will get enough commission.

"Come, you and me, this is the dress. Yukiko pulled Li Mu into the store, pointing to a piece of clothing hanging on the wall, her eyes shining brightly.

The waiter noticed Yukiko's gaze and immediately became happy, praying in her heart that Li Mu would buy the dress.

Li Mu looked up From the looks of it, this piece of clothing is worthy of being the treasure of the store here. A piece of clothing is close to two million yen.

In the future, it will be more than 100,000 RMB, not to mention now, the RMB at this time is not worth much, and the economy Just developed

"Okay, I bought it, swipe my card"

"Yes, sir."

The waiter hurriedly walked over and swiped the card.

After swiping the card, the waiter hurriedly came over and said:"Okay, sir, do you want me to pack it for you?"

"No need, I'll try it here."

Yukiko picked up the clothes and walked to the changing room on the side to try on clothes.

Li Mu looked at the changing room, then looked at Yukiko's beautiful figure, and thought about Uniqlo in his mind.

If possible, Li Mu would also I want to have a Uniqlo incident on 3.5.

Of course, Li Mu doesn’t know how to take selfies, and he went to put it on stupidly.

While Li Mu was thinking, in the changing room,Xizi stretched out her little head and said with a smile on her face:"Li Mu, come here and accompany me. This dress of mine is not easy to wear.""

"Okay, I'll go in right away."

Li Mu's eyes lit up. Not only did he not refuse, but he walked in very happily.

Belmod laughed, not knowing what Yu Xizi was thinking. Not only did he disturb him every time he walked, but he stood still and waited.

As for the waiter, it was even more so. I understand, this kind of thing is not uncommon for her, and she has even been a heroine.

So the waiter didn't say much, and didn't disturb Li Mu and Yukiko.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine Invincible Dragon Ball begins!_Watch the ununderlined version For novels, please download Feilu Novels

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