In a small forest, Conan, the Young Detective Team and others were camping.

Suddenly, a cell phone rang.

Conan looked at his ringing phone, picked it up and took a look at it.

"It's Hattori, what's the matter?"

Although he didn't know Hattori Heiji, Conan still answered the phone

"Hattori, what can you do?"

"It's nothing. I want to ask you where you are now. I'll go find you right away?"

"Find me?"Conan was even more confused. He had no idea why Hattori Heiji was looking for him like this.

"Nonsense, don't talk too much, tell me where you are"

"Ah, I'm here now……"Conan was startled and subconsciously revealed his location.

Then, before Conan could ask any questions, Hattori Heiji hung up the phone.


Conan complained, and then put away the phone.

"Conan, what's wrong? Who called you?"Teacher Judy asked curiously

"It was nothing, it was Hattori, and I didn’t know what happened to him. He asked me where I was without saying a word. Conan complained.

After saying that, Conan thought of something else. He looked at Teacher Judy and said with a smile:"Teacher Judy, I'm sorry to trouble you this time.""

"It doesn’t matter, I didn’t say this myself. Besides, it’s good to give yourself a holiday once in a while."

On the other side, after Hattori Heiji hung up the phone, he got on the Shinkansen directly, then transferred to a car, and arrived at the campsite where Conan and others were. When they arrived at the campsite, Hattori Heiji looked at these little devils and was completely confused..Didn’t you say that Xiaolan and Ye were also here? Why is there no one there?

"Kudo, where is she? Why aren't you here?"

This time, it was Conan's turn to be confused.

When did He Ye come to his place? Why didn't he know?

"Hattori, why is she here? This time it’s just us and no one else."

"What? There is no one else, but Heye said he would go play with Xiaolan and the others. Is it possible that there is no one else?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the expressions of Conan and Hattori Heiji changed at the same time, as if they had thought of something.

"Could it be that he went out to play with Ye/Xiaolan and Li Mu?"

As they spoke, their expressions changed suddenly, and they felt very uneasy.

Xiaolan and Ye Limu went out and did some bad things.

For example, the three of them went behind their backs and were eaten and taken over by Li Mu..When he thought of this, Conan Hattori Heiji could not leave here immediately to find Kazuha and Xiaolan.

Unfortunately, the people of the Young Detective Team are here, and Conan may not be able to leave even if he wants to.

"Hattori, you go find Xiaolan and the others. Ran, I'm afraid I can't leave and can only stay here."

Hattori Heiji glanced at Conan and knew that he couldn't leave here, so he nodded in agreement.

Then Hattori Heiji left the campground without looking back.

It was already two hours later when he returned to Tokyo, and the sky was also dark. It's already noon

"Uncle Maoli, where did Heye and the others go? Why didn't you tell me just now? They went to different places."

Mouri Kogoro was watching TV and suddenly became impatient when he heard Hattori Heiji yelling.

"Black kid, this is none of my business. Don’t forget. You ran away on your own just now. I didn’t even have time to finish."


Hattori Heiji's face suddenly stiffened, and he seemed to remember that he seemed to be too anxious this morning.

"Hahaha, Uncle Maori, isn’t this urgent? By the way, where did Heye and the others go? Where to play?" Hattori Heiji smiled flatteringly.

Maori Kogoro despised Hattori Heiji in his heart, but still said:"They said they were going to the beach today. As for where they are going, I don't know."

"Any more? Are there any other clues?"

"Gone. Hattori

Heiji immediately disappeared into the Mori Detective Agency, then picked up the phone and called Conan, and the two discussed it together.

A few minutes later, Hattori Heiji hung up the phone and gritted his teeth and said:"Damn it, I actually went to the beach to talk to Ye like this. Li Mu was not the only one who saw the swimsuit. No, it absolutely can’t be like this."

······Asking for flowers·······

He Ye's swimsuit can be seen by many people, but it cannot be seen by Li Mu.

At least Li Mu couldn't see him when he was away.

Then Hattori Heiji picked up his mobile phone and researched many things about seaside tourist attractions online.

It's a pity, it's summer now, there are so many people going to the beach, and there are more than a dozen open.

It is destined to be impossible to find Li Mu and others among the dense crowds at more than a dozen tourist attractions.

What's more, Li Mu didn't go to the beach, so it would be even harder for Hattori Heiji to find him, or he wouldn't be able to find him at all.


Of course, what happened to Hattori Heiji has nothing to do with Li Mu.

At this moment, Li Mu was happily playing in the hot spring resort with Xiaolan and others.

Although it is a hot spring resort with a hot spring theme, there are many other tourist attractions.

Therefore, Li Mu and others did not go to the hot springs at the beginning, but had fun around the hot spring resort.

Near the resort, Li Mu accompanied Xiaolan and others, walking among the constant flow of people.

A handsome man and three beauties walking together instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

Especially those men, each looked at Li Mu with jealous eyes.

That look seemed to ask again, brother, how did you do it?

"Brother Li, there is a candied fruit here. Let’s buy some candied fruit and eat it."

He Ye looked at the man selling candied haws on one side and suddenly became excited. He quickly took Li Mu's arm and ran over.

Li Mu followed He Ye and came to the small vendor. He bought three candied haws and handed them to three cute ones. beauty

"Come on, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, you can eat too. Xiaolan took the candied haws and said with a smile:"Thank you, Brother Li, but don't you want to eat it?""

"Of course I will eat it, but I want to eat it with you. Shall we share the good things together?"

The Great Voyage's Beloved Concubine's Invincible Cutting Red Eyes begins with!_

Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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