When Tomoko Suzuki heard Li Mu call her 'aunt', she felt a shy blush on her face.

Swish, swish...

While Li Mu and Suzuki Tomoko were talking, there were a few footsteps in the distance.

Suzuki Tomoko looked along the light, and then saw Fei Yingri and Yukiko, and was slightly stunned.

"Lawyer, is that you? And Yukiko?"

"Mrs. Suzuki, are you here too?"

Fei Yingli, Yukiko and Suzuki Tomoko were all stunned, looking at each other in disbelief.

No one expected that they could see each other here, and they were a little panicked for a moment.

They naturally knew each other. , after all, Xiaolan, Sonoko, and Kudo Shinichi are best friends, and they naturally get to know each other over time.

Fei Eri Yukiko is worried that her affair with Li Mu will be discovered by Suzuki Tomoko, and the news will be spread.

As for Suzuki Tomoko, she subconsciously thought that she was having an affair with Li Mu. , afraid that he would be discovered by Fei Yingli and Li Mu.

But Li Mu was particularly calm. They were all his women anyway, so he was afraid that they would tell 097 to go?

Moreover, Li Mu also planned to get rid of these three people. When the time comes, the three of them would sleep in the same bed and do it together. The matter of reproducing offspring seems to be a good choice.

However, after a moment, Suzuki Tomoko reacted instantly and smiled quickly:"Behind this is my villa. I was on vacation when I came here this time. I didn't expect to meet you. Is it possible?" Are you together? Fei

Yingli calmed down her mood and pretended to be calm:"I also came here for vacation, with Yukiko, but I happened to meet Li Mu, so I came here together.

After all, the consumption level here in Hawaii is very high, so when we met Li Mu, we came over to take advantage of it and save our own costs."

Yukiko looked at Fei Yingli with admiration.

As a lawyer, her acting skills are even better than her (bgdf) professional actor.

Oscar owes her an actor.

"Yes, we did happen to meet a rich man. Can we not take advantage of him?"

Tomoko Suzuki was a little suspicious, looked at Fei Yingli up and down, and began to guess in her mind.

Wait, could they be the same?…...

Tomoko Suzuki suddenly became suspicious.

The thoughts in Suzuki Tomoko's mind flashed away, and she smiled and said:"Really? Then why not let's go together, so that it will feel particularly lively"

"Okay, let's go together. The more people we have, the more fun we have."

Fei Yingli didn't refuse, even though she was very reluctant to give up. She finally got together with Li Mu, and finally such a troublesome person appeared.

But she couldn't refuse. If she refused, she might be suspected by Tomoko Suzuki. Of course,

Li Mu would not refuse, and he still had some expectations in his heart.

Suzuki Tomoko was overjoyed after hearing this, and quickly looked at her daughter aside.

"Ayako, come with me"

"good mom."


Li Mu suddenly realized that there was an eyesore on his side, called Suzuki Ayako.

With Suzuki Ayako, how could he deal with Suzuki Tomoko? He couldn't take the three of them together.

Otherwise, this matter would probably happen quickly. Then Yuanzi will know, Xiaolan will know, and then everyone will know.

Finally, everyone who knows Li Mu must remember to prevent fire, theft, and Li Mu.

Is it possible to kill someone to silence him?

Li Mu just thought about it for a moment, and then put this matter into his mind. The matter was forgotten.

At this time, Fei Yingli and Yukiko also noticed Suzuki Ayako on the side.

"Isn't this Ayako? I didn’t expect that after so many years, we have grown so old."

"Yes, she has become more beautiful. I guess it’s time to get married soon, right?"

"Where, the two aunts are beautiful, still so young and beautiful." Suzuki Ayako said politely

"Okay, let's go together."

Suzuki Tomoko pulled Suzuki Ayako and walked towards the bonfire party prepared by Li Mu.

When passing by Li Mu, Suzuki Tomoko stopped specifically and whispered:"What's the matter? Is there anything wrong with looking at my daughter now? Could it be that he also likes her?

I can tell you that she is already engaged and is the fiancée of the Fuze family, but she cannot be yours.

After saying that, Suzuki Tomoko looked at Li Mu warily. Li Mu glanced at Suzuki Tomoko and comforted:"Don't worry, I'm not interested in Ayako. I just want to think about how to get her. Otherwise, how can I be with you?" , do something good for your physical and mental health."

Suzuki Tomoko's face turned red instantly, and she glanced at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes.

"Hum, I hope you will do what you say and don't have any bad intentions towards my eldest daughter."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the invincible slaying of the red pupil begins!_

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