Li Mu took the lead in sending Kazuo away, sending them to the Shinkansen and taking the high-speed train to leave Tokyo and return to Osaka.

Then Li Mu and Dr. A Li sent Xiaolan and her group home respectively.

Outside the Maori Detective Agency, Xiaolan got out of the car and said with a sunny smile:"Brother Li, I am so happy today. I must regret that Yuanzi didn't come."

"Yes, it’s getting late, so I’ll go back first. Goodbye, Xiaolan."

Li Mu waved to Xiaolan, then drove the car and left directly.

The sky had gradually dimmed, the moon in the sky had risen, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the earth, like a layer of silver-white frost..

Outside a high-end community, Li Mu was driving his car. Before he entered the community, he saw a person beside him and waved to him. Beside this person, there was another person.

Although the sky was extremely dark, Li Mu Relying on the moon in the sky and my own eyes, I can still see the faces of these two people clearly.

One is the beautiful concubine Yingli, and the other is her good friend, a former big star, and Li Mu’s wife Yukiko.

After Li Mu saw these two people, he quickly stopped the car, opened the truck window, and stuck out his head

"Yingli, Yukiko, why are you here?"

Fei Yingli opened the car door without saying a word and sat next to Li Mu.

Yukiko quickly sat behind Li Mu and hugged Li Mu from behind with both hands.

"Li Mu, how are you? Are you surprised? We came here and you were shocked."

After a while, Li Mu immediately sat up straight, let go of Yukiko, and at the same time pulled Fei Yingli's hand away.

"Okay, this is not a suitable place, let’s go in and continue."

What if the security guards saw it? I don't know how to explain it.

Fei Yingli and Yukiko's faces were slightly red. They wiped their foreheads with their hands and tidied up their messy hair.

Seeing that the two had tidied up, Li Mu also Without stopping, he drove straight into his mansion.

After entering the living room, Li Mu sat on the sofa and closed his eyes.

"Okay, Yukiko, Eri, how did you get here, and why didn’t you just come in directly?"

Speaking of this, Yukiko's dissatisfied face bulged out.

"Li Mu, I want to tell you that the guy who is looking after you didn't let me in. Why don't we have a relationship? He didn't let me in."

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

The security guard did this just for safety reasons.

Besides, how could he ask the security guard to watch the door?

"Okay, Yukiko, Eri, don't be angry, I will give you a key in the future, so there will be no problem."

Li Mu comforted Yukiko and stroked Yukiko's little head with his right hand.

······Asking for flowers·······

Yukiko naturally didn't care about this, she just wanted Li Mu to comfort her.

Fei Yingli on the side looked at the coquettish Fei Yingli and became jealous. She pinched Li Mu's arm in dissatisfaction.

"Oh, Yingli, you are jealous, right?"

Fei Yingli didn't speak, she just looked at Li Mu silently. The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"By the way, Yingli, what are you doing here today? You must be missing me, right?"


Fei Yingli's face suddenly turned red and she looked down at the hand on her body.

"It's nothing, I want to give myself a holiday recently, and Yukiko doesn't have anything to do.

So, the two of us are going to Hawaii for a vacation. What do you think? Do you want to go together? Let’s relax a bit."

"Yes, just the two of us."

Yukiko also turned sideways and hugged Li Mu tightly.

"Hawaii, vacation?"

Li Mu's eyes lit up.

Most importantly, there are two beauties, Fei Yingli and Yukiko, accompanying him. There is no one else, which is indeed a very good choice.

Li Mu didn't think too much and said quickly:"That's good, let's go tomorrow. Let’s go and drink. I’ll book a flight right away. This time, we must have a good time."

"No, not tomorrow, but today. Let's have fun now."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with the invincible slashing of the red pupil!_

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