After breakfast, it was already past nine o'clock, so Li Mu took a few little ghosts to pick mushrooms in the woods.

"Life is the same every day.

Occasionally, you will have a sudden thought.

As long as you have Doraemon, your dream will be extended indefinitely.

Share it with me when you are happy.……"

Along the way, everyone in the Young Detective Team was singing songs and jumping forward as they walked forward.

Li Mu followed behind and watched, holding onto Hui Yuan Ai with both hands.

Hui Yuan Ai's cheeks were slightly red, and she squeezed into Li Mu's arms shyly.

As they walked, Li Mu suddenly slowed down, widening the distance between him and the young detective team.

The two were silent for a moment, and then Hui Yuan Ai said,"Li Mu, you seemed very happy yesterday evening. Tell me, when did you hook up?"

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth.

"Why, isn't it - a little sour."

Haiyuan Ai's face turned red instantly, and he covered his young cheeks with both hands, his heart pounding.

"I...I'm not jealous. Don't overthink it."

Li Mu directly ignored Hui Yuan Ai.

Don't look at what she doesn't want now. Wait a little while, when she wants it, her body will be sincere.

Don't talk about using her mouth then, she will definitely use her whole body to make Li Mu happy..Hai

Yuan Ai noticed Li Mu's smile, puffed up her face angrily, and lightly kicked Li Mu's feet with her little feet.

"Like your sister, you are really cute."Li Mu joked with a smile.

"What sister."The two of them said in confusion.

"By the way, Brother Li just said that he likes cute young girls like me, and it would be best if they are sisters."

After saying that, Haihara Ai showed a cute expression.

For a moment, Mitsuhiko and Genta's eyes widened, with a blush on their faces, looking stupid and stupid.

Then Mitsuhiko reacted and looked seriously He turned to Li Mu and said:"Brother Li, you can't like classmate Haiyuan. She is a child now. You are so old, you can do it to Sister Xiaolan."

For the girl he liked, Mitsuhiko sold Xiaolan without hesitation.

Yuantai also reacted, nodded, and looked at Li Mu seriously

"Yes, I think you and Sister Xiaolan are a good match. Why don't you stay together and not disturb Haiyuan Ai."

Conan's head is full of black lines. These guys who are heterosexual and inhumane, actually betrayed his sister Xiaolan for Haiyuan Ai. Are all the little devils these days so precocious?

"No, I don't agree. How can Sister Xiaolan be with Li Mu?"Conan shouted quickly.

Li Mu smiled and reached out to touch Conan's head.

"What's wrong, Conan, now you call me Li Mu, are you polite?

Also, I have heard for a long time that you like adults and are mature at heart. Your parents also asked me to watch you to prevent you from being abnormal, oh no, to prevent you from falling in love. It seems that you are indeed in love."

······Asking for flowers·······

"What? Conan, do you like sister Xiaolan?"

Ayumi suddenly became anxious and looked at Conan with some amusement.

She had suspected that Conan liked Sister Xiaolan before, and she even went out of her way to tell her. It turned out that Conan really liked Sister Xiaolan.

Conan was also anxious and quickly pretended to be Xiaolan. The child said:"Brother Li, do you like sisters? But what are sisters?"


As Conan changed the subject, everyone focused their attention on Li Mu again.

Li Mu touched his chin and said seriously:"Are you talking about this? Then I will tell you that when I was a child, there was a girl who looked very similar to Haiyuan Ai. She confessed to me and said she liked me.

That girl also One of my sisters also confessed her love to me, and they even said they didn’t mind if I married two, and they could marry me together.

Alas, it’s my fault that I’m handsome, so many girls like me. I also feel a little desperate, if only it could be less."

After saying that, Li Mu pretended to be deep in thought.

At the same time, Li Mu put his hand on Hui Yuan Ai's waist and squeezed it gently.

Hui Yuan Ai became shy. Why did she feel that the girl Li Mu mentioned who looked very similar to her was her.

Li Mu seemed to say that her sister and she liked Li Mu at the same time, but she also confessed her love.

The Invincible Dating Battle of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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