The next day, after Li Mu got up, Hui Yuan Ai had secretly returned to her room.

After getting up, Li Muhe only saw Xiaolan, Yuanzi and other adults when he came out.

However, Conan and the members of the Young Detective Team have disappeared, obviously going back to important things.

Li Mu didn't care. It had nothing to do with him anyway. If he had time, he might as well chat with Xiaolan and others. It was very happy.

I don’t know how long they had been playing, but several workers on the reservoir found Kogoro Mori.

"What? You said there was a bomb? The staff member was startled and said quickly:"Detective Maori, keep your voice down, don't be discovered by others.""

Mouri Kogoro also reacted and said quickly:"Yes, yes, yes, what did you just say? Is there really a bomb?"

While speaking, Mouri Kogoro secretly looked around.

With this expression, he looked like a thief.

The staff also glanced around and said softly:"Yes, there was an explosion just now. The telecommunications base station was destroyed. It's been blown up. We're afraid that the reservoir has been blown up, so we want the Maori detectives to go and have a look with us."

"Well, in that case, let's set off immediately without any problems."

Moori Kogoro walked to the staff's car. Li Mu and others also got in the car, and then drove in the direction of the reservoir.


At the same time, in the direction of the reservoir, Mr. Yamao kicked Conan away hard.

Conan After being kicked away, Mr. Yamao did not attack. Instead, he held a gun in one hand and a stun baton in the other.

Mr. Yamao walked to Conan's side and picked up a remote control.

This remote control is the one used to control the bomb. device

"Forget it, I just think you came here alone, so I'll deal with you like this."


Just when Mr. Yamao was about to press the button on the remote control, a gunshot rang out, and Mr. Yamao fell to the ground.

Conan looked up and saw that this person was none other than Ms. Mizuki.

Ms. Mizuki picked up the He picked up the shotgun, came to Conan's side, and said worriedly:"Little brother, are you okay?"

"I have nothing to do, Miss Mizuki."

Conan stood up, then picked up his watch-shaped tranquilizer gun, ready to attack at any time.

At this moment, Mr. Yamao stood up again and hugged Miss Mizuki directly.

"Miss Mizuki."Conan quickly pressed the football and kicked Mr. Yamao.

Mr. Yamao was hit in the head directly by the ball, then fainted and the remote control in his hand also fell.

No one noticed that the remote control fell. At that time, he accidentally touched the button on the remote control.

At this time, the Young Detective Team and Mr. Muto rushed over. As soon as they came over, Mr. Muto grabbed Mr. Yamao and held him down hard.

Conan and Ignoring Mr. Yamao, he looked at Miss Mizuki and said,"Miss Shu, you were the one who caused Touma to lose his memory eight years ago, right?"

Touma also reacted and quickly said,"Yes, it was him. Although I took off my glasses, this is her."

Miss Mizuki's body was trembling slightly, and her eyes were confused.

Her affair was discovered and she was about to go to jail. What should she do?

"Yes, that was how it was originally."

Miss Mizuki lowered her head and told everything about what happened eight years ago.

When Miss Mizuki finished speaking, Mr. Muto took a step forward and looked at Miss Mizuki

"Mizuki, no matter what time, I will be waiting for you"


Miss Mizuki threw herself into Mr. Muto's arms and burst into tears.

Suddenly, Ayumi pointed to the remote control on the side and said,"Conan, look over there. Is that thing glowing again?"

Conan looked at the glowing remote control and his expression changed drastically.

"Everyone, run, it's about to explode."

As soon as he finished speaking, the bomb on the reservoir exploded. The reservoir was also exploded, and Conan was directly separated.

"You guys, run quickly, we’ll meet up at Beizhisawa Village."

Conan shouted, then quickly picked up the skateboard on one side and left quickly.

Standing on the skateboard, Conan was running on the snow.

"Damn it, what should I do? If the water in the reservoir is allowed to come out, Beizhisawa Village will definitely be submerged."

······Asking for flowers·······

Conan looked at the water in the distance, his expression suddenly changed, and he was thinking quickly in his mind.

If he doesn't find a way to solve this problem, everyone in Beizhisawa Village will drown.

Suddenly, Conan had a flash of inspiration. Looking at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, he suddenly thought of something.

If an avalanche can be triggered, it will definitely trigger heavy snow and cover the water with heavy snow.

After thinking of the method, Conan did not hesitate, stood directly on the skateboard, and rushed towards the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

Conan showed what cheating is, and this cheating life does not need to be explained.

On the other side, Mouri Kogoro was driving his car when he happened to encounter a flood of water in the distance. He was startled and drove away quickly.

"What's going on? Could it be that the reservoir was really blown open?"


Yuanzi's face turned pale. If such a large reservoir was exploded, so much water would be enough to submerge the entire Beizhisawa Village.

Once Beizhisawa Village is flooded, they can hide there.

Others also looked very unhappy, and some of them were probably about to collapse.

Li Mu looked at the water in the distance and frowned slightly.

If he doesn't think of a way, the endless water will probably submerge Beizhisawa Village and everyone together.

When the time comes, he will still have to think of ways to save people. He can't watch Xiaolan and Yuanzi being submerged by the endless water.

After thinking about it, Li Mu stretched out his hand and put it outside the car window.

Suddenly, a piece of ice rushed out.

Ice Age.

Li Mu roared, and an endless white cold light covered the entire snow at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Then the ice rushed towards the distant reservoir, directly covering the water and the entire reservoir.

The flood was covered by Li Mu's ice.

After taking care of the ice, Li Mu immediately retracted his hand and pretended that nothing happened.

In the car, Mouri Kogoro and others looked at the ice covered in confusion, not knowing what to say.

As for the car driven by Kogoro Mouri, it had already been frozen by the ice and could not be driven.

" this fake?"Mouri Kogoro murmured to himself.

The Invincible Date Battle of The Great Voyage Begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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