In the ice and snow, white snow covers the entire earth, bringing a blanket of silver to the world.

In the snow, countless people are skiing and sitting on sleds, looking very happy.

In the crowd, Li Mu hugged Hui Yuan Ai and drove the sled, charging into battle on the snow.

"What's wrong, dear Xiao Ai, are you jealous?"

Hui Yuan Ai turned her head arrogantly and sneered:"Would you be jealous if I were with other men?"

"Jealous, of course not."

Hui Yuan Ai's face darkened, and he was about to say something, but Li Mu said first:"I'll just kill that person, why else would I eat tofu?"

Although Li Mu's words were full of murderous intent, Hui Yuan Ai's heart was full of warmth.

In this way, Li Mu and Xiaolan played happily all day long, while Conan stayed alone for most of the day.

At night, after Li Mu finished eating, Sitting in the living room of the restaurant with everyone.

Li Mu and Xiaolan Yuanzi were eating, but Conan kept staring at Li Mu, fearing that Li Mu and Xiaolan had done something sneaky.

On the other side, Yuantai and the other three The little devil drove a sleigh and drove directly in the snow in the dark night.

But the three people who were so carried away did not know where they drove. They only knew that the weather was pitch black and they could not see anything.


Yuan Yuan! The three of them didn't pay attention and crashed directly into the snow on the side, and the three of them fell down.

"It's over, what should we do? The doctor will be angry."

The trio is in some pain and don't know what to do.

"By the way, I remembered, we can call Conan over, she must have a way."

Ayumi thought of Conan immediately, and she was convinced that Conan would have a solution.

"Well, all I have to do is call Conan over."

Mitsuhiko reluctantly picked up the detective badge and informed Conan.

In the living room (bgdf), although Conan didn't want to go, he still got dressed, followed the transmitter of the detective badge, and went to greet the three people.

Li Mu saw Conan getting in the way. After leaving, Yuanzi said:"Yuanzi, Xiaolan, I'm going to rest first, you should also rest early."

While speaking, Li Mu winked at Yuanzi.

Yuanzi understood immediately and grabbed Xiaolan's hand.

"Xiaolan, let’s take a rest too"

"Really? Then let's go and have a rest now."

Xiaolan was a little anxious and quickly followed Yuanzi.

Poor Xiaolan didn't notice the smile on the corner of Yuanzi's mouth.

"Well, Dr. Ali, let’s go and have some rest. We’ll go out and have some fun tomorrow."

Mouri Kogoro also felt that it was getting late, so he had no choice but to leave.

Li Mu watched Xiaolan's back, and while others were not paying attention, he ducked and followed Xiaolan.

On the other side, Conan looked at the fallen figure The sleigh on the ground twitched the corner of its mouth

"Hey, do you want me to move this? Can I do it?"

Although this car doesn't look big, it's not something a kid like me can handle.

"Forget it, let's inform the doctor. Without adults, we can't build this sleigh at all."

Conan picked up the phone and was about to make a call.

"Ah, doctor? Yuantai said with a bitter face:"Conan, we just didn't want to notify the doctor, so we called you. Is there nothing you can do?""

"Yes, Conan, can you please not inform the Doctor and them?"

Conan looked at these three people and took back his phone helplessly.

"I understand, don't inform the doctor, right? Then we can only inform you tomorrow. Now let's find a way to go back."

Conan looked at the dark night nearby again and covered his forehead helplessly.

"But, will anyone else appear here this night?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, a car drove slowly from a distance.

Conan reacted, walked up quickly, and waved his hand so that the people in the car could see him.

In fact, the driver also paid attention to Conan and stopped immediately. Got out of the car and left with Conan.

Not long after, Conan and others returned to the hotel under the leadership of the owner of the car, Mr. Muto.

After arriving at the hotel, Mr. Muto notified Conan's family, except for Li Mu and Xiaolan Waiting for others, everyone else went out.

As for Li Mu, naturally someone came to call him, but at this late night, people were still in Zongheng, who had time to go out.

And Xiaolan Yuanzi also found an excuse and did not go out.

After all, , Xiaolan is now being 'beaten' by Li Mu in all directions. It's too late to enjoy it, and there is no time to go out and take care of Conan.

In the living room, Conan did not see Xiaolan, and looked around curiously

"Strange, where is Sister Xiaolan?"

Conan doesn't know yet, but Xiaolan and Li Mu are very happy now.

The Invincible Date Battle of The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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