TV station, a car parked in the parking space, and then Li Mu got out of the car.

After getting off the car, Li Mu went directly to the TV station.

Because he had said hello in advance, Li Mu was not stopped and went directly to the lounge.

Li Mu did not go to the lounge of Moori Kogoro and others, but directly to Okino Yoko's lounge.

After all, it is better to be with Okino Yoko than to share a lounge with Mouri Kogoro.

As soon as he opened the door to the lounge, Li Mu didn't see anyone. Apparently Yoko Okino hadn't come over yet.

"Forget it, let's rest for a while, since there's no one else around yet."

Li Mu sat directly in the lounge on the side.

I don't know how long it took, the door of the lounge was opened again, and outside, Okino Yoko also walked in.

As soon as he came in, Okino Yoko saw Li Mu, A little stunned

"Brother Li, it's you - you're here too."

Okino Yoko excitedly closed the door to the lounge, locked it, and then rushed directly to Li Mu.

Li Mu stretched out his hand, hugged Okino Yoko, and pulled him into his arms.

"Yoko, do you miss me?"

"That's right, you don't come to see me very often. Really, I miss you often."

I'm afraid it's hard for outsiders to imagine that Okino Yoko is like a little girl, acting coquettishly in Li Mu's arms.

Especially Mouri Kogoro, if he sees it, he will definitely go berserk.

Their favorite popular idol Okino Yoko actually acted coquettishly in Li Mu's arms.

Li Mu hugged Okino Yoko tightly and felt a little guilty in his heart. He seemed to have too many people. Even if he went to one house every day, he would have to take turns to many houses.

Fortunately, Li Mu could do it all at once. Two, this will save a lot of time

"Okay, Yoko, stop acting like a spoiled brat. If you encounter any trouble in the future, be sure to come to me. I can handle a lot of it."

"Well, I know."Yoko Okino nodded.

She also knows Li Mu's energy. During this period, many people have made trouble for her, and it was all Li Mu who took care of it.

"Okay, let's go out and take a look first. There are so many people here. It wouldn't be good if we were discovered."


Yoko Okino also knows his identity. After all, he is a big star. Once it is exposed, even if it can be suppressed, it will be a loss.

Therefore, Yoko Okino usually needs to maintain his perfect image.

The two left one on the left and the other on the right. After the lounge

"By the way, I heard Detective Mori is here too, why don't you go say hello." said Okino Yoko.

Although it was Li Mu who helped Okino Yoko, Mouri Kogoro is also a fan of Okino Yoko.

Of course, Moori Kogoro's ranking is still with Li Mu

"Okay, let's go and see it together."

Li Mu also happened to go to say hello, and Xiaolan probably came over too.

The two came to the studio, and Mao Lang happened to be sitting on a stool, preparing to be interviewed.

"Detective Maori, you're here too"

"Miss Yoko."Mouri Kogoro became excited and hurriedly came over and said:"Miss Yoko, I didn't expect you to come too. I'm so touched."

"Where, I heard that you, Detective Maori, are also here, so I came here specially to see and say hello."

Okino Yoko has a sweet smile.

It's no wonder that she can become a popular idol. This smile can add a few points. Are you still worried about not being famous? When

Mouri Kogoro saw Okino Yoko's smile, he immediately became happy. Like a crazy man

"Ms. Yoko, that's great for you.……"

Suddenly Mouri Kogoro stopped and looked behind Okino Yoko

"Li Mu, why are you here?"

Li Mu could hear Mouri Kogoro's dissatisfaction, or maybe he was jealous.

"Dad, what do you mean? Can't Brother Li be here?"Xiaolan said dissatisfied.

This stinky uncle actually called him a kid.

Li Mu decided that after returning, he would first bully his idol Okino Yoko, then bully Xiaolan, and finally bully Fei Yingli.

Thinking about it, Li Mu felt a little excited.

"Oh, nothing, come and take a look, after all, the Maori Detective is on TV today, right? Mouri

Kogoro was overjoyed and laughed happily:"Hahaha... It's really good, Li Mu, you are indeed a very good person. You actually came here to watch me on TV.""

······Asking for flowers·······

Li Mu didn't even know what to say to this idiot.

Li Mu was just joking to tease Mouri Kogoro. Moori Kogoro actually believed it, which was really stupid.


Suddenly, a flash light sounded, and Li Mu subconsciously looked at a wretched man on the side.

Xiaolan walked over and took the phone from the man's hand.

"I'm sorry, but it's not okay to take photos of other people without their permission."

"Yes... I'm sorry, I... I couldn't hold it back for a while, I'm sorry."

The obese man Mr. Yamazaki looked apologetic.


But this guy looks like a wretched uncle, which makes people have the urge to hit someone.

On one side, a serious-looking man in his fifties walked up to him, took his cell phone, and then gave it a hard pull.

With a click, the phone was disconnected.

Then the man threw the phone away with all his strength, and snorted disdainfully:"Humph, you are so old, and you are still chasing stars. It's really embarrassing, but don't worry, I will accompany you with this phone.

" The uncle in his fifties is no ordinary person. He is a tycoon in the music industry - Mr. Kimijima Noburo

"How...How can this be done, I...I can't stand it anymore and I'm going back."

After that, YamazakiChoking with sobs, I was about to leave the shooting group.

"Wait, Mr. Yamazaki, don't be angry? calm down."

A person in charge quickly stopped Mr. Yamazaki. If he left, today's shooting might not be possible.

Li Mu glanced at Mr. Yamazaki who seemed helpless, and his expression turned cold. He secretly filmed his own woman without giving him anything. Lesson learned, I don’t know how to write the word"death"

"Okay, that's it, hurry up and shoot, I have to go back, there is no need to waste time."

Mr. Kimijima snorted coldly and returned to his seat.

And Mr. Yamazaki also calmed down his mood under the comfort of everyone. The

Invincible Dating Battle of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with!_Feilu reminds you: reading Three things - collection, recommendation

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