After a long time, Li Mu left immediately. Miwako also got dressed and left.

After arriving at the search class, Li Mu met Xiaolan who had just finished taking notes.

"Xiaolan, are you okay? When will the transcript be ready? Xiaolan also reacted and said quickly:"Brother Li, it's you. You are here too. Why didn't I notice you just now?""

"Oh, I was waiting for you downstairs just now, but you haven't come over yet. I think maybe I didn't say it, so I came over to see you first."Li Mu explained.

Later, Miwako also rushed over.

When she saw Li Mu, Miwako's cheeks were slightly red, and she felt very shy inside.

Li Mu could clearly see that there was a faint blush on Miwako's back cheeks.

"Okay, Xiaolan, let's leave when Detective Maori comes back."


More than ten minutes later, Maori Kogoro also made a note, and then left with Li Mu.

Returning to the Maori Detective Agency, 097 Xiaolan looked at Li Mu and said:"Brother Li, it's getting late, why don't you? stay"

"Yes, Li Mu, you'd better stay, it's already very late today."

Conan grimaced and looked at Li Mu with an unhappy expression, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, this was the request of Xiaolan and Mouri Kogoro, and he himself had no way to resist.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, touched the back of Conan's head, and left happily.


Conan was very unhappy, especially Li Mu's smile, which made him feel even more unhappy.


A few days later, at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu looked at Conan in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised, and he couldn't help but snicker.

"Hahaha, Conan, what happened to you? Could it be that you peeked at someone and got beaten up?"

At this moment, Conan was in a very embarrassed state. His entire leg seemed to be broken. There was a bandage on it and a crutch beside him.

Conan turned his head dissatisfied and did not explain.

Next to him, Xiaolan smiled awkwardly and said:" Okay, Li Mu, don't bully Conan. He's already miserable enough."

"this one?"Li Mu paused, then chuckled.

Conan gritted his teeth angrily, wishing that it was Li Mu who was injured.

On the other side, Maori Kogoro was on the phone, and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up, Maori Kogoro:"Hey , Xiao Guitou, I have already booked a hot spring hotel. You can go with me, so that you can get better faster."


"Really, travel, then let's go, let's go now."

Li Mu is also interested. Hot spring tourism seems to be a very good trip.

Moreover, during the hot spring trip, he and Xiaolan can have an intimate two-person trip. As for Conan and the others, Li Mu simply ignored them.

The same goes for Mouri Kogoro. Interested, he laughed and said:"Then, let's leave now, so that we can save a lot of money."

Conan, Xiaolan:"……"

"So, let's go, Detective Mori (bgdf), you can drive."


Mouri Kogoro immediately became interested and quickly packed up and saluted.

After everyone packed up and saluted, Li Mu and others drove away.

More than an hour later, Li Mu and others arrived near the hot spring hotel.

After arriving at the hot spring hotel, Li Mu and others We directly booked two private rooms.

In the private rooms, Li Mu and others were soaking in the same hot spring, enjoying the steaming hot springs.

In the hot water, Mouri Kogoro had a wet towel on his forehead, looking like he was enjoying it.

"It's really good. The hot springs are great. It would be a great pleasure if you could soak in the hot springs every day."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and glanced secretly at the hot spring hotel next to them. Next to them was Xiaolan's private room.

As for why it was a private room, it was so that he could sneak past without worrying about being discovered by others.

Think about it, There was a smile on Li Mu's lips.

Next to him, Conan noticed Li Mu's smile and asked curiously:"Brother Li, why are you smiling again? Is there anything to be happy about?"

"this one? Li Mu paused, then smiled and said,"I'm sorry, I won't tell you.""

Of course it's impossible for Li Mu to tell.

Conan glanced at Li Mu and turned his head dissatisfied, looking very unhappy.

This guy must not let him go.

Li Mu saw that it was almost time to come in, and rubbed Conan's little head

"Okay, Conan, I'm leaving first to do something very important. You can also enjoy this hot spring."

Yes, a very important thing, very important.

Conan noticed Li Mu's smile and felt a very bad feeling in his heart, but he just didn't know what was going on.

Li Mu picked up a towel and covered it He held his own body, and then came to the outside of Xiaolan's private room alone. After secretly glancing around and confirming that there was no one else nearby, Li Mu secretly opened the door and went directly in. The

Invincible Date of the Concubine of the Great Voyage The big battle begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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