At night, Li Mu lay on the passenger seat, looking listless.

All day today, Li Mu sat in the car, tracking Nakaoka Kazuma with Miwako.

If it weren't for Miwako flirting with him, Li Mu would have felt very bored.

The car was driving, and suddenly, for some unknown reason, Kazuma Nakaoka in front suddenly accelerated the speed of the motorcycle.

Miwako seemed to notice it, and said quickly:"Li Mu, you have to be careful, I'm going to speed up."

"Ah, oh, I know, speed up."

Li Mu leaned on Miwako very calmly, and held Miwako tightly with both hands.

Miwazi's face turned slightly red, and she said shyly:"Zero Nine Seven" Li Mu, what are you going to do? This is a car. Don't you still think about it?……" collapse!

Li Mu gave Miwako a slap on the head

"What are you thinking, would I do that on the street? I'm just afraid that if you drive too fast, I'll fly out, so hold on tight."


"Okay, hurry up, I'm going to speed up."

Li Mu clearly felt that the speed of the car was getting faster, and he followed Nakaoka Kazuma in front without letting him get away.

Not long after, Nakaoka Kazuma encountered a roadblock set up by the police. , was forced to stop.

Just like that, a boring police chase stopped. As soon as

Li Mu and Miwako got out of the car, Nakaoka Kazuma rushed out

"What is going on with you, why are you spying on me, what did I do wrong?"

"Humph, don’t you know what you did wrong? How dare you disturb me and……"

Miwako immediately understood what Li Mu was going to say and quickly blocked Li Mu's mouth with an apology on her face.

"Sorry, we are just confirming that you have not committed a crime. I hope you can calm down."

"Are you kidding? How can you tell me to calm down?"

Nakaoka Kazuma rushed towards Miwako angrily, raised his fist, and was about to hit someone.

Li Mu suddenly rushed forward, grabbed Nakaoka Kazuma's arm, and then threw him over his shoulder.


Nakaoka Kazuma After Ya was knocked down, he immediately regretted it. Li Mu was really too powerful, and the blow hurt him so much.

"Hum, Kazuma Nakaoka, I'm arresting you for checking a date and assaulting a police officer."

Miwako's face darkened, she snatched Nakaoka Kazuma from Li Mu's hands and put on handcuffs.

"Li Mu, the previous sentence is redundant."

Li Mu reached out and gently pushed Miwako, and said with a smile:"Okay, Miwako, what do you care about? Aren't I telling the truth?"

Miwako glared at Li Mu with beautiful eyes.

Although this was the truth, Miwako was still a little shy, especially when there were other people here.

Nakaoka Kazuma, who was lying on the ground, also had black lines on his head. It is illegal to disturb a police date. Got it

"Okay, Li Mu, I'll take him to the Metropolitan Police Department first. You can go with me."


There were no other cars nearby, so Li Mu naturally had to go with Miwako, otherwise how would he leave here.

Not long after, Miwako brought Li Mu and Nakaoka Kazuma to the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Li Mu, look around for yourself. I'll take him to the interrogation room."

"Ok, bye."

Li Mu waved to Miwako, and then wandered around the Metropolitan Police Department alone.

Although the police in the Metropolitan Police Department have a particularly heavy task, there are currently not many police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Some police officers go out to investigate, and some police officers He also needed to rest, so he wasn't there.

Li Mu stood in front of the floor plan of the Metropolitan Police Department and took a rough look at the conditions on each floor.

When he saw the Traffic Section, Li Mu thought of Yumi and took the elevator directly to arrive. The floor of the Transportation Department.

I looked around carefully and saw that only one office light was turned on........

Li Mu walked over and saw that it was none other than Yumi.

Click, click, click...

In the office, Yumi's eyes lit up when she saw Li Mu outside, and she quickly walked over and opened the door.

"Li Mu, why are you here? Could it be that you came with Miwako?"

After saying that, Yumei looked around from time to time.

"Miwako is not here. She is currently interrogating the suspect. It will probably take a long time, so I came to find you."

"Yeah? Miwako is not here."

There was a faint smile in the corner of Yumi's eyes.

"Well, come on you and me, anyway, I am the only one here in the Transportation Department tonight, and there is no one else."

On the other side, Miwako spent a long time to interrogate Nakaoka Kazuma.

"I'm too tired, so I'd better go find Yumi and then go back and have a good sleep."

Miwako stretched and then came to the Transportation Department.

When she arrived at the Transportation Department, Miwako looked at the dark office and murmured to herself:"Isn't it possible that Yumi isn't here? Why don't you call and ask."

Speaking, Miwako dialed Yumi's mobile phone.

Ding Ling Ling...Jingle bell...

A ringtone of 3.5 rang in the silent office, and a faint light flashed.

Fortunately this is not a horror world, otherwise this ringtone alone would probably scare a lot of people to death.

"Yumi’s cell phone ringtone?"Miwako followed the voice and came outside the Transportation Department office.

Looking through the window, Miwako could see a faint light.

"It seems that Yumi forgot her cell phone. Forget it, I'll go back by myself."

Miwako didn't see Li Mu and left directly.

Yumi waited for a while, and after Miwako left, she secretly picked up her phone and set the ringtone to silent mode. The

Invincible Date Battle of The Great Voyage Begins!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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