In the parking garage, Li Mu placed Belmod on top of the car, pressing on her body, vibrating constantly.

The car also shook slightly.

These two people were Li Mu and Belmode.

Although Belmod struggled for a while, he still couldn't get past Li Mu, and Li Mu pushed him onto the car and started.

Jingle Bell...Ding-ding-ding... suddenly, a burst of cell phone ringing came.

Belmod was suddenly startled, then quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead and pushed Li Mu

"Li Mu, wait, let me take a call."

Li Mu did not continue. He let go of Belmod first, then hugged her, resting his head on her neck.

Belmod's cheeks were slightly red, but still I took out my cell phone and answered it

"Hello, bourbon? I understand, I will help you today, you wait."

Belmode immediately hung up the phone, for fear that Bourbon would hear something.


Li Mu's expression darkened, and then he stretched out and continued to press on Belmode. 097

More than ten minutes later, Li Mu and Bell Mode relaxed at the same time, then tidied up his clothes, and returned to the car one after another.


Belmod took a deep breath, picked up the tissue, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first."

"Bourbon."Li Mu suddenly said something.

Belmode stopped and looked at Li Mu with interest.

"how? do you know him?"

"Yes, I know him. His name is Bourbon, or Toru Amuro. Of course, he also has a codename, Zero."

As soon as the words fell, Belmod's pupils shrank.

She is not a novice. Conan knows it, and she also knows it.

Zero is the organization of Neon Country to protect national security. Everyone is given a code name. Then It's the public security police.

Belmod's expression became solemn, and his beautiful eyes were fixed on Li Mu.

"Li Mu, is this true? Is he really a public security policeman?"

"That's right, I'm telling you, he wants you to be careful. Also, what did he ask you to investigate?"Li Mu nodded. (bgdf)

Belmode was silent for a moment, and finally decided to tell Li Mu.

At this moment, Li Mu's power is very huge. What can be found in the investigation?

"He asked me to help him investigate Kusuda Rikudō. According to reports, the man who was killed near Hanaichi Central Hospital"

"Kusuda Rikudo, Kusuda Rikudo."

Li Mu recited it many times, always feeling that he had heard about it somewhere, but now he seems to have forgotten it.

"Kusuda Rikudō was killed after investigating our team members. That person's code name was Keir."Belmod reminded.

Li Mu understood immediately, with a smile on his face.

Belmode noticed Li Mu's smile and asked quickly:"What's wrong, do you know something?"

"Can I trust you?"

Li Mu's sudden words shocked Bellmode.

Yes, does she trust Li Mu?

Bellmode asked herself, she only had hatred for Li Mu at the beginning, but as Li Mu came more often, she gained something different. idea

"Of course, I deserve your trust."

Li Mu smiled. In fact, he didn't care. After all, Belmod knew so much in the original work and didn't tell it.

It can be seen that Belmod also doesn't like the black organization and has already planned to withdraw from this organization.

"Kir, Mizuno Reina, she was actually from CIA, and her father actually committed suicide to protect her.

Moreover, I completed the last mission for you, and I rescued Shuiwu Reina. Later, it was not good to raise her, so I secretly handed her over to the FBI."

Since the matter of Shui Wu Reina and Hondo Yingyou was resolved, there is no need for Li Mu to continue to be imprisoned.

So Li Mu deliberately pretended to be an FBI person and arranged an opportunity to kidnap Shui Wu Reina.

Even, in order to arrange for Shui Wu Reina When the sleeping beauty woke up, Li Mu once again asked Yingyou to appear on the stage and awakened the sleeping beauty.

Yingyou's acting skills were still good. He completely held the scene at that time, and Li Mu was ready to let him develop in the film and television industry.

In the end, the person Li Mu pretended to be , was naturally killed and silenced by Li Mu.

After hearing Li Mu's words, Belmod's pupils shrank. She did not expect that Shui Wulian was a CIA, and was kidnapped by Li Mu. What shocked her the most was the last mission. , before she took action, she was solved by others.

They investigated for a long time, but there were no clues.

Li Mu looked at the shocked Belmod, and put one hand on Belmod's murderous chest.

"Are you shocked? I was very worried about you last time, so I helped you deal with them, and by the way, I captured Mizuno Reina."

Belmode was still a little touched in her heart.

Although she didn't know whether what Li Mu said was true or false.

"Okay, in short, you are a member of the black organization, so you must be careful of three people and three silver bullets."

As soon as he finished speaking, Belmode leaned on the car seat with a smile on his face.

"So, can you tell me, which are the three silver bullets?"

There were two silver bullets she recognized. One of them had already died. Why did three more appear now?"

"The first one is that guy Kudo Shinichi, the second one is that guy Bourbon, he is also very powerful, and the third one is Akai Shuichi"

"Akai Shuichi, impossible, he is already dead."

Belmode shook her head. She saw Akai Shuichi being hit from the video with her own eyes.

Li Mu smiled. Except for a few people, not even Bellmode and Gin knew that Akai Shuichi was still alive.

"That body was not Akai Shuichi, his name was Kusuda Rikudo. As for the fingerprint, it was too simple. In order to investigate him, the FBI once asked him to touch Conan's mobile phone.

To be precise, Conan took the initiative to help them, so the corpse's hands were placed in fireproof pockets just to mislead you.

The most important thing is that I knew about this all the time, because I was the one who arranged for Shui Wu Reina to send her back to your organization with the help of the FBI. Shui Wu Reina also told me about this matter."

Belmode was extremely shocked after hearing what Li Mu said.

If Li Mu hadn't said it, she might not have known that she and Gin had been kept in the dark.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible God-Slayer Begins!

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