"By the way, where's Sister Xiaolan? I'll go see her."

Conan thought of Xiaolan and hurriedly walked to the car.

Li Mu grabbed Conan's collar and pulled him hard.

"Little Guitou, do you have any thoughts on this case?"

At this time, Xiaolan should still be cleaning the traces in the car. If Conan passes by, he will definitely find it.

After hearing this, Conan subconsciously touched his chin and said:"I don't know yet, after all.……"

Suddenly, Conan stopped, touched his head and said with a giggle:"Brother Li, how could I know? After all, I am just a child." On the other side, Xiaolan also cleaned up the traces, tidied up her clothes, and got out of the car..

At the same time, the police had also arrived, made arrangements, and sent away the body of Miss Hatsune in the car, and then took everyone to the"Zero Nine Seven" restaurant.

In the restaurant, Officer Mumu asked roughly and said,"So, Li Mu, you saw the victim's car and it has been parked there for seven or eight minutes."

"Yes, it is indeed like this, Xiaolan also knows it."Li Mu nodded and said

"Yes, Officer Megure, that's it."

Although Xiaolan didn't know, she thought Li Mu knew, and there was no possibility that Li Mu had committed the crime.

"That's it."Officer Memu touched his chin and asked again:"By the way, can I ask why you were in the car for seven or eight minutes?"

"Oh, like this, there was no difference before we came, so Ms. Hatsune's car parked for a while, and I parked the car, chatted for a while, and looked for an umbrella, which lasted about seven or eight minutes."

Li Mu knew that it was naturally because he sensed the arrival of Miss Hatsune, but there is no scientific basis for this.

"So that’s it, I know."

Officer Mu Mu didn't doubt Li Mu, he just asked him out of habit.

"So, the murderer is not sure, do you not know who the murderer is?"

"This is not certain, maybe someone killed Miku, such as the waiter."

While speaking, Mr. Bianchang looked at the bourbon who was serving him with resentment.

"Oh, who is it? is it him?"Officer Memu also looked at Bourbon.

Bourbon was startled, and quickly waved his hand and explained:"No, it's not me, I'm just a detective, investigating whether he has any philanthropy or something?"

"reconnaissance...detective? Officer Memu was stunned for a moment, then muttered:"It's actually a detective again. There are too many detectives here.""

"There are quite a few, and that uncle should also be a detective, but I am Miss Hatsune’s detective, and he is Mr. Banba’s detective."

Bourbon glanced at a man next to him.

Officer Megure:"…………"

There are too many detectives in this world. There are four, no, four and a half detectives at once.

"Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. We will know it when the DNA in the deceased’s fingernails is found."

Officer Mumu interrupted everyone, and then stood aside, asking some unimportant matters.

Conan sat aside and looked at Li Mu suspiciously, thinking of what just happened.

What happened to Li Mu and Xiaolan just now? Things in the car

"Wait, is Xiaolan in the car with him?……"

Conan instantly thought of a possibility, his face turned pale, his body staggered, and he almost fell to the ground.

Impossible, impossible.

Conan shook his head quickly to prevent himself from thinking about such things.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that this was what happened.

Bourbon on the side looked at the weird Conan and smiled:"Kid, what's wrong with you? Do you have a headache?"

Conan also reacted and said quickly:"Sorry, I was just thinking about something."

"Oh, by the way, you said you were a detective, so what did you investigate? Is there anything strange, any aspect is fine"

"Hey, kid, do you also want to be a detective?"

"Well, I also want to be a famous detective like Uncle Maori."

Conan is still very cute like this, at least much cuter than before. He doesn't even deserve a beating as much as before.

Bourbon touched Conan's head and said,"Actually, Miss Hatsune asked me to investigate something. , that is, they were in the same hotel before and were sent to an orphanage due to a fire, and were adopted by others without a clear investigation........"

Conan didn't think of anything, but Li Mu's eyes suddenly lit up and he walked out quickly.

Arriving next to the explosion, Li Mu searched under every car.

Li Mu didn't react at first, but as he learned more about it, Li Mu thought of something about the plot this time.

This is also Li Mu's advantage. Although many of them have been forgotten, some of them are particularly memorable, such as this sad and tragic story.

Suddenly, Li Mu saw a nail under the car with a little blood on it.

"Forensic officer, there is a victim's fingernail here with blood stains on it. Take her for analysis and be careful."


The forensics officer subconsciously nodded in agreement.

But after a moment, the forensics officer realized that Li Mu did not seem to be a police officer.

However, considering the identities of Li Mu and Officer Mu Mu, the forensics officer still picked up the nails.

"By the way, take this and identify the DNA with Mr. Banba's hair. Also pay attention to identify the chromosome of the gene."


After Li Mu gave the order, he came to the restaurant again.

Something seemed to have happened in the restaurant at this moment. Mr. Banchang was arguing with the police about something.

"Officer Megure, what happened?"

"Mr. Li, after our identification, the residues in Mr. Banchang's DNA nails are somewhat similar to 3.5, but more accurate identification is needed."Officer Megure said

"Then let's get it appraised, otherwise it won't matter no matter what, only evidence determines everything."

Li Mu looked at Mr. Banchang and persuaded him.

"Yes, Banchang, go and have it appraised, I believe you."

Mr. Banba glanced at Li Mu and Mouri Kogoro, nodded helplessly and said:"Okay, just think of it for my innocence."

Afterwards, Officer Takagi collected some samples and sent them for investigation.

Li Mu and others were also sitting in the restaurant waiting.

Conan on the side was absent-minded, secretly watching Li Mu, and the questions in his mind could not be answered.

Xiaolan Che ~Are you shocked?

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Concubine is a different world starting from scratch!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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