"Everyone, it’s time for the new Phantom Thief to appear soon. How powerful is he? Let us wait and see."

As the reporter reported, many people sat in front of the TV.

Most of them were attracted by the names of Phantom Thief Lady and Arsene Robin. As for Li Mu, they said they did not know the Phantom Thief Li Mu pretended to be. Of course. , Li Mu himself has a good reputation as a writer.

"Xiaolan, tell me, this Phantom Thief is about to appear, is he handsome or not? Yuanzi asked excitedly.

Xiaolan smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Officer Nakamori and Suzuki Jirokichi beside them also became nervous.

Although they looked down on Li Mu, a strange thief, they did not dare to be careless, otherwise they would lose Jingzhou. Not good.

While waiting, Conan pricked up his ears and turned to look at the sky

"Listen, is it the sound of thunder?"

"Thunder, how is this possible, the weather is so good today."Officer Zhongsen shook his head and said.

But the next second, bursts of thunder and lightning roared.

Boom, boom... boom, boom...

Everyone looked up and saw a small black dot 097 approaching slowly.

Look carefully. Go, not long after, when everyone saw it clearly, everyone was stunned.

In the sky in the distance, a carriage, no, to be precise, it should be an ox cart driving quickly.

These days, oxen Although there are no carts, they have never seen an ox cart flying in the sky and thundering.

"Xiao... Xiaolan, did I see it wrong? Is this... an ox cart?"

Yuanzi wiped his eyes and was stunned.

"No...I don't know, no...but I shouldn't be wrong about this, right?"

Xiaolan was also stunned, feeling that her world view collapsed.

Not only Xiaolan, Suzuki Jirokichi and others around her were in a daze, but even Conan himself was a little confused.

This is unscientific.

On the other side, Kuroba Kaito He also thought that Li Mu was his mother's new boyfriend, so he came here to investigate.

It would be better if he didn't investigate. Once he investigated, Kuroba Kaito was stunned. The bullock cart was flying in the sky. What kind of trick was this.

And Kuroba, who had been observing Li Mu, Qianying also looked curious, then became excited, and made up her mind (bgdf) that she must ask Li Mu.

Li Mu flew over from the air on the Shenwei Wheel, then landed on the ground and stopped among the crowd.

As soon as he landed, Li Mu waved his hand, and the Shenwei Wheel disappeared.

Although he wanted to shock them, thinking about it, it seemed a little inappropriate to bend the world.

After landing safely, Li Mu looked at the dazed waving and shouting He said:"What's wrong, everyone, aren't there any reporters coming to interview me today?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the nearby reporters rushed over and caught Li Mu in the middle.

At first, they thought he was just a clown learning from Kidd, but now it seems that he is much more powerful than Kidd.

Especially. Li Mu's clothes were also very gorgeous today. He was wearing King Arthur's armor, a mask on his face, and his hair was decorated. He looked very handsome in this outfit.

For a time, countless women were fascinated by Li Mu.

"Excuse me, sir, how did you do it just now? The cow pulled the cart flying in the sky."

"Is this your magic trick? Is magic really that amazing?"

Li Mu looked at the excited reporters and waved his hand gently, and everyone stopped asking questions.

"First of all, what we just did was indeed magic. As for the secret of magic, we cannot say that.

Secondly, I just did a preliminary round today. As for the real match, it will be Sakamoto Ryoma’s exhibition in four days.

Secondly, today I will use special means to steal Suzuki Jirokichi’s pet dog Lupine."

"So how are you going to steal Lupine?"A reporter asked doubtfully.

Li Mu smiled and raised the corners of his mouth.

"I will use the invisibility technique today to steal Suzuki Jirokichi's dog."


Everyone looked at Li Mu in surprise.

In the distance, Officer Zhongsen rushed over, leading a large number of police officers and surrounded Li Mu.

"Boy, although you are not Kaitou Kidd, I will definitely catch you today. Just stop."

Officer Zhongsen rushed over, pushed the reporter away, and then pounced on Li Mu.

Just when a group of police officers were about to approach Li Mu, everyone was a little nervous, and their hearts were in their throats.


Li Mu waved his hand, and in a flash, he disappeared directly.

After becoming invisible, Li Mu jumped up, flew into the sky, and then rushed towards where Suzuki Jirokichi was.

"Where are people? Why is the person missing?"

Officer Zhongsen quickly looked around, looking for Li Mu's figure quickly, but he couldn't find it.

The reporters were also stunned, and then they realized and shouted to the camera:"Everyone, have you seen that new guy? The Phantom Thief became invisible and disappeared among the police."

Everyone cheered in front of the TV.

They didn't care at all whether Li Mu stole anything, but they felt that Li Mu's wonderful performance was very good.

Compared to the cheers of the audience in front of the TV, Conan was a little confused. His eyes were full of doubts.

He had just seen with his own eyes that Li Mu just disappeared.

That's right, he just disappeared.

And in front of his eyes, no flash bombs or smoke bombs were used. Li Mu was a real person.

But such a person actually disappeared.

After being in a daze for a moment, Conan quickly shouted to Suzuki Jirokichi who was also in a daze next to him:"Uncle Suzuki, be careful of Lupine."

Suzuki Jiroji also reacted and quickly looked at the guards around him.

"Come on, watch Lupine for me, don't let him be captured"


The guards around him reacted and surrounded Lu Bang in the middle.

Layer after layer, they were wrapped tightly.

Li Mu looked at such a tight blockade, the corners of his mouth raised, his figure flashed, and he came closer in the blink of an eye. The iron cage where Lupine was.

Then Li Mu sprinkled some poison to stun Lupine, so that Lupine would not smell his own scent. Lupine also smelled something abnormal in the air, and was about to shout, Then he fell down in a daze.

Li Mu grabbed the dog's cage with his right hand and took it away with it.

"Lupine, I accept it."

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Concubine: A Different World Starting from Scratch!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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