"Shuichi? what to do?"

Teacher Judy became nervous. It is impossible to retreat now.

If you move forward, the car in front will explode and it may be affected.

Shuichi Akai did not speak, just looked ahead silently, stepped on the accelerator hard, Ready to rush over.

Bang bang bang!

Li Mu pulled the trigger again.

Because of his domineering attitude, Li Mu didn't need to aim at all. He fired several shots in a row, all of them hitting the tires.

The car skidded and hit directly - On one side of the mountain

"Quick, get out of the car."

Akai Shuichi shouted, and quickly got out of the car with Conan and Teacher Judy, and hid in a blind corner.

Of course, it was only relative. If Li Mu really wanted to kill him, he would definitely be able to kill him.

But Li Mu was just Just want to have fun.

In the blind spot of the mountain, Conan looked nervous and said:"There are no bunkers nearby. We can't go out. If such a big thing happens here, the police will definitely come."

After saying that, Conan deliberately used the telephoto function of his glasses to stare straight ahead.

"Forget it, I won’t scare you anymore."

Li Mu fired a few more shots to scare the two of them, then jumped far away and took out another car. It is convenient to have a space ring. You can put a lot of deck cars or real cars in it.

After releasing the car, Li Mu drove to the place where the accident occurred and stopped.

Conan and others' expressions suddenly changed as they heard the footsteps in their ears.

"Be careful, someone is coming."

Akai Shuichi warned, and at the same time took out a gun from his pocket.

Teacher Judy also took out a gun and looked at the direction Li Mu was walking in vigilantly.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, and then walked directly over. He just walked over , Akai Shuichi and Teacher Judy directly pointed their guns at Li Mu.


After Li Mu saw the two people pointing at him, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly ran to the side and hid behind the car.

"etc! Conan suddenly interrupted Akai Shuichi and said uncertainly:"Teacher Judy, the one just now should be Brother Li.""

Teacher Zhu Di also saw Li Mu and was also a little unsure.

"It seems like it's really him?"

After hearing this, Conan secretly hid in the corner and slowly stretched out his head.

While paying attention to the mountains in the distance, he also paid attention to where Li Mu was.

After seeing Li Mu's car, Conan stood up and said seriously:"Zhu Teacher Di, that is indeed Brother Li, not anyone else."

Teacher Judy breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this and hurriedly hid the gun.

Although Akai Shuichi said nothing, he still hid the gun.

Conan secretly came to Li Mu and said softly:"Brother Li, it's me, you don't have to Worry."

Li Mu took a peek at Conan next to him and said softly:"Have you been kidnapped? Are those two people terrorists? Are they too arrogant?"

Conan's head was full of black lines. He didn't say anything, but he was just careful and vigilant. He said:"Brother Li, someone is going to attack me here. Be careful."

Li Mu pretended to glance at the nearby bullet holes, quickly walked to his car, and then drove away.

The car stopped next to Conan. Li Mu knocked on the door and said,"By the way, my car is bulletproof. Do you want to leave together?""

"That's up to you."

Conan didn't know what politeness meant and sat directly in the car.

Needless to say, Shuichi Akai also sat in the rear driver's seat.

While driving in the car, Conan looked at Li Mu with suspicion in his eyes.

"Brother Li, don’t you ask me what happened?"

He was also doubting why Li Mu happened to be here, and even thought that Li Mu was the bad guy.

Naturally, Li Mu did this, but it was impossible for Li Mu to admit it.

"Do you still need to ask? It must be your curiosity, you are out there trying to die every day, or you are the FBI behind you."


Conan was about to say something else, but Li Mu took the lead and said:"By the way, Teacher Judy, I remember that you didn't get the consent of the police here, right? Your gun and your companion's gun were smuggled in, right?

You Isn't it a very interesting thing to say that I handed them over to Officer Megure?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Conan's expression suddenly changed and he smiled flatteringly.

······Asking for flowers·······

"Brother Li, Teacher Judy and the others have permission, and that...That's a fake gun, used to scare people."

"Yes, yes, this is a fake gun, used to scare people."Teacher Judy also hurriedly explained.

If the police find out, plus what happened last time, he will definitely be sent back to the country.

Li Mu stared at Conan closely. This sentence must be to deceive the children.

Conan seems to know it too. I couldn't hide anything from Li Mu, and I couldn't say anything. I could only rub my head and giggle.

"Conan, since the gun is fake, how about hitting you in the head with it, it will definitely be fun."

Li Mu's smile gave Conan a headache. As for hitting himself in the head with a gun, that was an idiotic act.


Conan giggled helplessly and said nothing.

Li Mu naturally couldn't talk to Conan in a boring way, and looked ahead seriously.

Half an hour later, Li Mu continued to drive towards the Metropolitan Police Department.

Conan also noticed this and asked quickly:"Brother Li, how about we stop here? We can go back by ourselves.""

"Don't you want me to take you to the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"No, no need, we will go by ourselves."Conan quickly shook his head and said.

Even if he wants to go to the Metropolitan Police Department, at least he has to wait until they get rid of the gun, and then the two of them go to the Metropolitan Police Department together.

"Okay, get out of the car."

Conan and others quickly got out of the car and walked to the side of the road.

Li Mu drove away.

Akai Shuichi saw Li Mu off and said seriously:"That guy seems to be very powerful, not simple."

Conan's head is full of black lines. Li Mu's punch can maim people, so he can be considered an ordinary person. I'm afraid Li Mu is the strongest man in the world among the people he knows.

On the other side, after Li Mu left, he used The car mirror looked at Conan until the two people could no longer be seen. After driving like this for a while, he happened to encounter Yukiko's villa and stopped quickly.

Looking at the villa in front of him, Li Mu touched his chin and said,"I was arrested by the FBI today. I was frightened and needed someone to calm me down."

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Concubine, a different world starting from scratch and!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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