After hearing this, Fei Yingli hesitated for a moment, then raised her head arrogantly.

"Okay, Xiaolan, for Mr. Li's sake, forget it this time. If you continue to follow me next time, don't blame me for being rude."

"Yes, Mom."

Xiaolan nodded and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

As long as Fei Yingli is not angry anymore, she will feel relieved, for fear that Fei Yingli will continue to be angry.

Conan, on the other hand, looked at Li Mu and Fei Ying hesitantly, always feeling that Li Mu and Fei Yingli were not angry anymore. Yingli's relationship seems to be unusual.

But he didn't say anything, otherwise something would go wrong by accident, and he would be finished by then.

"Okay, I have something else to do today, that’s it, goodbye."

Fei Yingli said hello and left directly.

She was afraid that if she stayed, Xiaolan would have random thoughts again.

Xiaolan looked at Fei Yingli who was leaving and was about to say something when Li Mu grabbed her arm.

"Xiaolan, if you continue, Lawyer Fei will definitely be angry."

Xiaolan thought about it, so she didn't say anything.

Conan's face changed slightly, and he stared at Li Mu with gritted teeth.

In his eyes, Li Mu's hand moved to Xiaolan's hand again.

Conan hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand to snatch Xiaolan's hand from Li Mu's.

Li Mu had been paying attention to Conan. When he saw Conan reaching out his hand, he flicked his right hand, grabbed Conan's hand, and pulled him away.

"Okay, Xiaolan, let's go home."

Xiaolan's face turned red and she lowered her head shyly.

There was always something ambiguous about what Li Mu just said.


On this day, Li Mu went to the Maori Detective Agency as usual.

Unknowingly, Maori Detective Agency has become a place that Li Mu must visit every day.

Even if Xiaolan goes to school, Li Mu will go there in the afternoon.

After arriving at the Maori Detective Agency, Sonoko has been waiting here for a long time.

When Yuanzi saw Li Mu, he quickly whispered something to Xiaolan in a panic.

Li Mu's ears were very sensitive and he heard Yuanzi's words instantly.

"Yuanzi, are you going to Maple Leaf Forest? In that case, let's go together?

Yuanzi was startled and said in a panic:" Li...Li Mu, did you hear it too? you...How could you hear that?"

"Of course, if your voice is so loud, I will naturally hear it. Okay, do you want to go together?"Li Mu said fiercely.

Yuanzi hesitated for a moment, and finally said firmly: Let's go together, Xiaolan. Let's go together when the time comes, okay?"

"OK, we can go together."He nodded and did not refuse.

Conan's eyes lit up and he said quickly:"Sister Xiaolan, let's go together too."

"What? Are you going too? Yuanzi said with a disgusted face:"Little ghost head, what are you going to do? That's not a place you, a little ghost head, can go to. You'd better leave." Conan complained in his heart, but still said:"No, I have to go too, is it okay, Sister Xiaolan?""

Xiaolan looked at the pitiful Conan, her heart softened, and she nodded helplessly in agreement.

Yuanzi had no choice but to nod in agreement.

"Okay then, let's go together, my car is not far away."

Although Li Mu wanted to let Conan leave, Xiaolan agreed, so he did not reject Xiaolan's intention.

After the group left the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu drove away with Conan and others.......……

An hour later, Lin Fei looked at the former maple forest not far away and parked the car in a nearby parking lot.

Stop and sit and look at the maple forest at night, the frost leaves are as red as the February flowers.

I have to say that this maple forest is very beautiful and is very suitable for couples to come here for a date.

Lin Fei would definitely be very happy if there wasn't a certain little guy who was getting in the way.

Thinking about it, Lin Fei lowered his head subconsciously and looked at Conan on the side.

Conan also noticed Lin Fei's gaze, and his face lit up with a sweet smile.

Yes, this smile is very sweet, Lin Fei wants to destroy him

"Okay, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, is that the maple forest over there that you mentioned?"

Yuanzi looked at the maple forest in the distance and became excited.

"Yes, that's the maple forest I'm looking for. Okay, let's go together."

"Okay, but let’s find a place to stay first."

Li Mu walked to a hotel in the distance and found the owner of the hotel.

"Boss, give me two rooms"

"Two rooms?"Xiaolan was stunned and said in surprise:"Brother Li. There are so many people here, why did we choose two rooms?"

".Oh, it's very simple. When the time comes, Conan will have a room alone, and the three of us will have a room."Li Mu said matter-of-factly.

Xiaolan's face suddenly turned red, she stared at Li Mu with a charming look, and lowered her head shyly.

Yuanzi became interested and said excitedly:"Okay, okay, the three of us will share a room. As for a certain kid The first person has a room."

The face of Conan, who was originally looking down upon him, changed. If Li Mu and Xiaolan were in the same room, he would be cuckolded.

Think about it, what Conan thinks should be done.

For example……

"Sister Xiaolan, can I share a room with you? I don’t want to sleep alone. I’m afraid of ghosts."

Li Mu's head was full of black lines. If Xiaolan was afraid, it would be understandable, but when was Conan, a scientific guy, afraid of ghosts? When Xiaolan heard about ghosts, her face changed and she said tremblingly:" Is there really a ghost here? So Brother Li, do you want us to come together? I'm afraid."

Li Mu was overjoyed after hearing (De Nuo Zhao), is this a divine assist from Conan?

"Okay, Xiaolan, come with me today. As for Conan, doesn’t he not believe in ghosts? Leave him alone. Conan also felt that he seemed to have done something wrong. With a grimace on his face, he quickly explained:"Sister Xiaolan, how about you and Sister Yuanzi, Brother Li and I? I'm scared alone.""

If he can't be with Xiaolan, then Li Mu definitely can't be with Xiaolan. This is his decision. Li Mu's expression also changed, and he couldn't help but glared at Conan.

This guy didn't mean to cause trouble for him.

But still Before it was Li Mu's turn to speak, Xiaolan nodded and said,"Okay, let Brother Li come to accompany you."

Li Mu:"…………"Giant."

Conan was overjoyed and quickly stretched out his hand and said,"Okay, thank you, Sister Xiaolan.""

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit Begins!_

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