"By the way, I have something else to do today and I have to hurry up."

Moori Kogoro suddenly thought of something and quickly speeded up his meal.

"Something, uncle, what's the matter with you?" Hattori Heiji said in confusion.

"Oh, that's it. Last month, the president of a company was killed and died in his room. Officer Megure wanted to ask me for help."Mouri Kogoro said while eating

"It seems, I remember that Officer Megure also came to see me last time."

Li Mu also remembered that Officer Mu Mu had asked him for help, but he didn't have such free time, so he refused directly.

"Then let's go, let's go now, uncle, I will help you."

Hattori Heiji finished his meal quickly, and then left happily.

Li Mu and others also followed Hattori Heiji and came to a club not far away.

Click, click...

Hattori 16 Heiji knocked on the door. , the door was opened immediately.

Officer Megure saw Hattori Heiji and was stunned.

"Hattori, why are you here, Brother Mori, where is he? Why isn't he here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mouri Kogoro ran out from behind.

"Officer Megure, I'm sorry, they are all here, I can only bring them here."

"It doesn't matter, let's come together."

Officer Megure didn't pay attention. After all, Li Mu and others are detectives. One more person will give them more strength.

After entering the room, Hattori Heiji and the two began to investigate.

"I think the victim must have been beaten by the prisoner, so the ink fell out and spilled on the ground, right next to the victim.

And it can be seen from the blood stains on the ground that the victim had struggled."

Listening to what Hattori Heiji said so clearly, Li Mu couldn't help but sneer.

Hattori Heiji was immediately dissatisfied and glared at Li Mu:"Why, do you think what I said is wrong? Little Guitou, what do you think of what I said? Conan also nodded and agreed:"Yes, this is indeed true. I also think what Brother Hattori said makes sense.""

"Yeah? Do you really think so?"

Li Mu smiled, walked to the side, and patted the table gently. The pencil case on the table fell over and the pencils spilled.

Hattori Heiji and Conan's pupils shrank and they understood immediately.

"What, do you understand? If there had been a struggle, the pencil case would have fallen over, so the deceased must have been knocked to the ground from the beginning.

Then this ink was probably left behind intentionally by the murderer, in order for the deceased to leave a death message. I think the deceased should have left something on this toy."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth with confidence on his face.

Conan and Hattori Heiji His face changed slightly, what was coming out.

Officer Mumu was also stunned, and said quickly:"Yes, there are indeed death messages left by several deceased people here. I always thought they were left by the deceased, but I didn't expect that the murderer deliberately let the deceased leave them. But how did the murderer do it, making the deceased believe that he belonged to someone else?"

"this one……"

Li Mu squatted next to the deceased and took a careful look at the side.

"I thought that the murderer must have been wearing some special shoes and pants, and since the upper body of the deceased could not be seen, I guessed that the murderer was someone else.

By the way, Officer Megure, who is the deceased? Among his companions, do any of them like to collect something, or wear special shoes?"

"Just wait, I'm going to ask."

Officer Mu Mu quickly walked aside, picked up the phone and dialed.

Li Mu didn't say anything more and continued to observe the surroundings.

"Damn it, Hattori, we have to work hard, we must not lose to him, absolutely not. Conan gritted his teeth and looked around carefully.

Hattori Heiji nodded and said seriously:"You are right. If I lose to that uncle, I cannot lose to this guy. I must defeat him.""

The two of them can lose to anyone, but they must not lose to Li Mu, the 'love rival'.

Thinking of this, Conan and the two of them carefully searched for clues nearby.

Li Mu didn't say much, and walked to a calendar and looked at the calendar in front of him. , eyes lit up

"It seems that I already know the result."

Li Mu murmured to himself, then walked to the warehouse on the side and searched carefully.

Not long after, Li Mu found a calendar with a trace of blood on it, which was obviously the blood stain left by the deceased.

"Mr. Li, you are right. It is said that the vice president of this company does like to collect all kinds of golf shoes. The murderer may have deliberately framed him, but it is also possible that the murderer is the vice president with the same purpose. To mislead us police."Officer Megure said

"Officer Megure, this is for you."Li Mu handed the old calendar to Officer Mu Mu.

"Officer Megure, this calendar was obviously not used at the time, but was thrown away, so I suspect that the traces on it are the murderer's blood.

Go and search among the suspects to see if anyone else's height matches this height. You can also let the police dog smell the vice president's shoes. This should help you find the murderer 097."

"Really? That's great."

Officer Memu was overjoyed and quickly left with the old calendar.

"Damn it, I lost.

Conan gritted his teeth and looked at Li Mu angrily.

He was obviously about to find the murderer, but in the end it was Li Mu who got the first step. Hattori Heiji also looked at Li Mu angrily and complained:"

It's all you, dillydallying, and wasting." My time"

"What, it's obviously your fault. If it weren't for you, I might have won."

Li Mu ignored the quarrel between the two and came to He Ye's side.

"Heye, Xiaolan, I've got it done."

He and Ye were also overjoyed and felt happy for Li Mu.

"Brother Li, you are so amazing. In just a short time, you have actually found out the murderer."

"Yes, Brother Li, you are great"


Hattori Heiji also forgot about the quarrel, and stared at Li Mu dissatisfied, with jealousy burning in their hearts.

"This is my girlfriend."

Li Mu listened to the voices of Hattori Heiji and the two, and raised the corners of his mouth, talking very happily to Xiaolan and Xiaolan.

On the contrary, Conan and the others were very annoyed.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the Invincible Shokugeki Spirit begins!_See no underline For version novels, please download Feilu Novels

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