On that day, Li Mu and everyone spent the day happily until midnight, when Li Mu secretly left the hotel alone.

On this beach, there is a small forest, which is very small, but enough to block a person.

Li Mu set up a camera in the woods and acted as if someone was secretly taking photos here. Then he ran to the beach, made a knife-throwing motion, and threw the knife into the distant sea.

This action happened to be captured by the camera

"Great, it's solved. All we have to do next is develop the photos."

Li Mu put away the camera, and then left the beach regardless of the knife he threw.

That night, Li Mu developed the photos in the camera, looked at the 'murderer' in the photo, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

This 'murderer' was naturally It's what Li Mu pretended to be


At night, after Li Mu returned, he happened to see Yukiko, secretly walked behind her, and hugged her into his arms.

"Yukiko, what's wrong? Do you miss me a little?"

Yukiko was startled, but after hearing Li Mu's words, she calmed down.

"Damn you, you scared me to death. Why don’t you enter quickly? Do you want to be discovered by Xiaolan and the others?"

Li Mu thought about it, and quickly opened the door and took Yukiko into his room.

As soon as he entered the room, Li Mu hugged Yukiko and kissed her passionately.

The two were passionate for a moment, and Yukiko pushed Li Mu away, breathing rapidly. sat aside

"Tell me, where have you been so late? Did you go to Yingli's place?"

"No, I was looking for the evidence left behind by the murderer. Now that I have found it, I can go there tomorrow."Li Mu shook his head and said

"evidence? Have you found it? Yukiko said in surprise.

It has only been less than twenty-four hours, and neither the police nor Mouri Kogoro have any clues, but Li Mu has actually found it.

"Yes, we found it, let’s celebrate now."

Li Mu reached out and hugged Yukiko and ran into the room on the side.

Not long after, a charming voice came from the room.


The next day, Yukiko left early, and Li Mu also got up early, preparing to go to the police station to learn about the case.

Otherwise, they would still be here to assist in the investigation these days.

After arriving at the police station, Li Mu happened to see Officer Henggou at the door of the police station.

"What, is it possible for you to come over and surrender? If you still want to know something, it’s impossible for us, the police, to tell you."Officer Henggou said first.

When Officer Henggou said this, everything Li Mu wanted to say stayed in his mouth.

"Alas, I just found a photo taken by someone. It is said to be a photo of someone discarding the murder weapon. But the police don’t want it, so I can only leave."

Li Mu sighed, picked up the photo and was about to leave.

Officer Henggou's expression changed and he rushed towards him, reaching out to grab the photo in Li Mu's hand.

"Really? show me?"

Li Mu dodged and avoided Officer Henggou.

"Officer Henggou, it’s not that I can’t give it to you, but you need this, so how can we cooperate with the police and the citizens, don’t you think so? Officer Henggou froze, his body trembled slightly, and he said awkwardly:"Well, can you lend this photo to our police?""

"Yes, of course. I am one of the five good citizens of the new century. I give you this photo."

Officer Henggou didn't care so much and quickly took the photo.

Looking at the person who threw something in the photo, Officer Henggou said with a cold face:"Humph, I knew it must be him. Now, Oda Ryoichi, you're done."

Li Mu glanced at him disdainfully.

Without this photo, Officer Henggou might not have known who the murderer was.

"Okay, here comes someone, go arrest Oda Ryoichi and bring him to justice."


An hour later, Oda Ryoichi was taken back to the police station.

After entering the police station, Oda Ryoichi was very nervous.

Although he was sure and had left no evidence, there was no guarantee that the police station would catch him.

Oda Ryoichi After sitting in the interrogation room, Officer Henggou threw the photo on the table with a cold smile on his face.

"Humph, Mr. Oda, I'm afraid you never would have thought that the scene of you discarding the murder weapon was actually photographed by someone else, Tianwang Huihui."

Oda Ryoichi trembled and slowly picked up the photo.

In the photo, a figure stood on the beach with a murder weapon thrown in his hand.

······Asking for flowers·······

Although it was dark, his figure and face were so clear under the bright moonlight

"How...How is it possible, how could I be discovered, this...This is impossible."

Oda Ryoichi murmured to himself, and at the same time he was also doubting himself whether he was really discovered accidentally.

He was actually not sure. He was too nervous at the time. There was a small forest nearby, and there was a person hiding in it. He may not be able to find it.

Officer Yokomori, who had been paying attention to Oda Ryoichi, immediately confirmed his thoughts and shouted sharply:"Oda Ryoichi, you still don't tell the truth."

Oda Ryoichi's body trembled and he fell paralyzed on the ground. His face was gloomy and he vomited out all the words in his heart.


"It's all her fault, it's all her fault. We are obviously boyfriend and girlfriend, but she actually hooked up with those two people behind my back. Last time she even sent me 7p photos and threatened me to give her one billion. I couldn't hold it back for a moment.

Wait...by the time I reacted, she had been killed by me. I was panicked for a moment, wiped off the fingerprints on the knife, and then threw the knife away. I didn't expect that it would be so unlucky that it would be discovered."

"I'll go, it's so awesome."

Not only Li Mu, but also other people couldn't help but sigh.

After meeting such a cheating girlfriend, what kind of evil did he commit in his previous life? Did he destroy a world?

Being cuckolded by his girlfriend was still 7p, He also took photos and sent them to his boyfriend to blackmail him. Even Li Mu would probably beat him up.

"Okay, no more talking, just take me to find the murder weapon."

Although Officer Henggou also felt that he was a little pitiful, killing was killing, and he could not engage in malpractice for personal gain.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Oda Ryoichi, the police came to the beach, found the discarded murder weapon, and gave it to Oda Tian Liang was convicted.

On the coast, Officer Henggou looked at the murder weapon in front of him and gave an order, and the police began to close the case.

After Officer Henggou finished solving everything, he walked towards Li Mu

"Thank you, but can you go to the police station to make a record?"


The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit begin with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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