Near the fishing lake, after the police arrived, they began to investigate the surroundings carefully, but they could not find the murder weapon.

Afterwards, the police had no choice but to call all the people who participated in the fishing and ask for their alibi.

"So, Mr. Li Mu, what about you? Where was your original alibi?"

"I..."Li Mu was stunned for a moment, but still said:"I went fishing with Huiyuan in the morning, but not long after I separated from Huiyuan, I found Xiaolan and the others. After staying for a while, Yuanzi and I went shopping and then came back."

"That's it……"Officer Henggou thought for a while, then pushed his head up and said sternly:"Fishing is fishing. You have nothing to buy. Could it be to kill someone? I heard that you two had a conflict yesterday." Li

Mu understood. No wonder Kudo Shinichi is called the savior of the Japanese police. These police officers are so useless that they can actually say such things.

Conan from behind also looked at Officer Henggou with dead fish eyes.

Although he doesn't like Li Mu very much, at least Li Mu is really impossible to kill.

"Hey, Officer Henggou 097, what do you mean? Do you mean Li Mu killed someone? Yuanzi said dissatisfied.

Li Mu had been with her all the time and did some shameful things. How could he kill someone? Although she couldn't tell her about it.

"What's there to be concerned about? I was just asking, and I didn't say you were really the murderer."Police officer Henggou said nonchalantly.

"Well, let me tell you, he and I do have conflicts, but yesterday he suffered a loss and I will kill him without any problem. Also, will we, two national rich men, kill people for such a trivial matter?

The most important thing is, even if you want to say that I committed murder, where is the murder weapon and the evidence? Also, when he last appeared, we didn’t have time until he died."


Officer Henggou was stunned. He didn't know how to answer Li Mu for a moment. After all, Li Mu really seemed to have nothing to do with the case.

"Okay, I get it, if I’m not just asking, you’d better leave."

He also found that it seemed a bit difficult to question Li Mu, the detective, so he stopped worrying about it.

"Alas, I don’t want to say anything about the current police."

Li Mu sighed, completely ignoring the frowning police officer Henggou next to him.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, let's go sit there and leave this to Henggou. After all, he is a famous detective and will definitely solve the case."

Police Officer Henggou gritted his teeth in anger when he heard Li Mu's sarcasm, but he didn't do anything, he just glared at Li Mu.

"Okay, let's go, leaving him alone this time."

Yuanzi was also a little dissatisfied and took Li Mu's arm and left.

This time he didn't help. In addition to Officer Henggou making Li Mu unhappy, there was another reason, that is, the deceased also made him unhappy, so he didn't help.

Li Mu and Yuanzi Xiao Lan and the others stopped talking about this matter, sitting aside and watching Officer Henggou and others.

However, Conan and the young detective team were very excited and have been investigating this matter, hoping to find the murderer and attack Li Mu.

"Genta, let's go, (bgdf) try to find the murderer as soon as possible and let him know that we are a juvenile detective team, not a death detective team"

"Okay, Mitsuhiko, let's go."

Li Mu looked at the little gangsters who were setting off and shook his head. He didn't care that much.

Anyway, without Conan, these guys are just scum. It's strange that they can find the murderer.

But Xiaolan was very happy and said with a smile. :"They are really happy, but they don’t know if they can find the murderer."

"Xiaolan, why do you care about them? Also, if the policeman is so cruel, why should you help him find the murderer? Yuanzi said dissatisfied.

Xiaolan smiled and said nothing.

The two just started talking. Li Mu sat next to him and rested on the chair behind him.

"Okay, okay, isn't it just a joke? Forget it, let’s not talk anymore, let’s take a rest and wait for the police to solve the case."

Yuanzi saw that Xiaolan was a little angry, so she didn't say anything.

But it is basically impossible to wait for the police to find the murderer.

This time, although Miss Saori killed someone and left a handkerchief, she did not There are no fingerprints, and it cannot prove that this is Miss Saori’s.

In the original work, Miss Saori’s handkerchief was stained with Ayumi’s blood, so it became conclusive evidence.

But this time, because of Li Mu’s butterfly effect, Miss Saori did not leave any traces He made this fatal flaw.

Although he was still suspected, at least there was no evidence and there was no way to convict him. Even Conan looked helpless and kept thinking in his mind. Gradually, in the evening, the man detained by the police The crowd also began to commotion.

After all, everyone would be angry if they were detained for several hours without any reason, let alone so many people.

After a long time, Conan and the police still did not find the murderer, so they had to let everyone leave first.

Big The Beloved Concubine of the Sea and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit begin!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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