"Damn it, this kid actually dared to put down the bug. I will definitely teach him a lesson when I get back."

Yukiko waved her little hand with a look of displeasure on her face.

Li Mu can meet her. When Yukiko disguises herself for Conan, Yukiko will definitely teach Conan a lesson.

"Okay, Yukiko, it's getting late, so I'll go back first, bye."

Li Mu kissed Yukiko, and then left.

However, when leaving, Li Mu became invisible to prevent Conan from discovering his traces.

Conan also waited outside for a long time, and except for the door opening, he never saw anything. one person


A few days later, it started to rain lightly in Mihua Town. Li Mu held an umbrella and went to Mihua Hospital with Xiaolan and others to visit Teacher Judy.

Teacher Judy was injured by Belmode on the last full moon night, and ended up being admitted to the hospital.

And Xiaolan is also involved, so she naturally wants to visit Teacher Judy.

In the hospital, Li Mu and others came to the hospital and went directly to Teacher Judy's ward.

"Teacher Judy, is this true? Are you really an FBI agent? Yuanzi asked excitedly.

What this eldest lady likes most is excitement. She became excited when she heard the identity of Teacher Judy.

"I am indeed an FBI agent. I was temporarily suspended because I made a mistake, so I came here for vacation."Teacher Judy smiled.

"Yeah? So what are you in for this time? I saw photos of Li Mu and others at your home, so I followed you."

Xiaolan suddenly asked in confusion.

"That's just because I regard you as good friends, so I posted your photos. As for what happened that time, I accidentally saw Haibara Ai being taken away by others, so I followed her deliberately, and a gunfight finally occurred."

Teacher Judy quickly explained.

If she didn't explain clearly, she would definitely be suspected by Xiaolan and others.

"I see, I thought you were some kind of bad guy who followed us on purpose."

Xiaolan also patted her big chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Teacher Judy also smiled awkwardly and said with a smile:"How is this possible? I just treat you as friends, so I put it here.."

Li Mu stood aside without saying a word.

He didn't have much to do with Teacher Judy, and he didn't know what to say.

On the other hand, Yuanzi seemed to have thought of something and asked quickly:"By the way, Teacher Judy , you have nothing to do with Li Mu, so why do you have photos of Li Mu?"

"That's right, why do you have Li Mu's photo?"

Xiao Lan also reacted and looked at Teacher Zhu Di nervously.

She thought Teacher Zhu Di was interested in Li Mu and secretly showed Li Mu's photo.

Teacher Zhu Di looked at the nervous Xiao Lan and seemed to understand something, and said slightly:" I'm so sorry. I just collected his photos. After all, he is so handsome. It would be nice to collect them."

"Really? Then don't take advantage of Li Mu, he is my man."

Yuanzi took Li Mu's arm to alert Teacher Zhu Di.

Li Mu smiled, pushed Yuanzi and said,"Yuanzi, think about it, Teacher Zhu Di and I have nothing to do."

"Yes, although I want to have some kind of relationship, I'm afraid it's impossible."Teacher Judy smiled.

"Okay, let's go back. Teacher Judy, you need to cultivate yourself well. Yuanzi said hello and left with several others.

After walking out of the hospital, Li Mu said hello:"Yuanzi, Xiaolan, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first.""

"I know, you are going to pick up Illya, right? Then go ahead. Yuanzi waved his hand nonchalantly, and then took Xiaolan away.

Li Mu quickly ran away with an umbrella.

After a long time, Li Mu looked at the few little ghosts in front of him, ran over and hugged him. a small figure among them

"Little girl, how are you? Do you miss me?"

Ilia was about to get angry when she heard Li Mu's voice and stopped quickly.

"Huh, I'm very unhappy. You're actually late for so long this time. I will definitely teach you a lesson."

Ilia snorted coldly, jumped off Li Mu, then grabbed Li Mu's arm and squeezed it hard.

But although it was hard, it was nothing to Li Mu.

······Asking for flowers·······

"Okay, let's get going, and it's time for you to go home, it's getting dark."

Li Mu picked up Ilia and walked forward slowly.

Ilia's dissatisfaction disappeared instantly, and she happily squeezed into Li Mu's arms.

"Got it, big brother."

The people from the Young Detective Team nodded and then left.


Not long after Zheng left, Li Mu and others heard Bumi's scream before they had gone far.

Conan and others rushed over immediately.

"Really, why is it the Young Detective Group again? It looks like someone is either dead or robbed and set on fire."

Li Mu sighed, sighed, and then followed the young detective team.


As soon as he passed by, Li Mu saw a person hurriedly walking past him.

"Hey, catch him quickly."

Conan looked at Li Mu and shouted.

Li Mu glanced at Conan, then at the escaping man, and ignored him.

He was not a person with a strong sense of justice, so why did he have to catch the murderer.

Conan suddenly became anxious and shouted quickly:"Li Mu, that guy is a murderer, catch him quickly."

Li Mu slowly took a step forward, put down Ilia, and reached out to pinch Conan's face.

"Little Guitou, first of all, you can't catch him now. Secondly, you shouldn't call me Brother Li Mu, but you actually called me by my name. Don't you know how to be polite? Conan

's face froze, and he kept complaining in his heart, but on the surface he said respectfully:"I'm sorry, brother Li Mu, I was wrong.""

Li Mu put down Conan, took out a phone, and murmured to himself:"It's better to call the police. Let the police handle this kind of matter."

"So lazy."

Conan complained, but didn't say anything. He could only stand there and wait patiently.

The police were still very fast, and in the blink of an eye, Miwako arrived with her younger brother, Officer Takagi.

After Miwako arrived, she looked at the smile Li Mu's face turned red, but he still came over.

"Excuse me, were you the ones who discovered the murderer?"

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit Begins with!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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