"Stop, Caruvados, don't shoot."

Belmod reacted and yelled quickly.

Unfortunately, Caruvados couldn't hear it at all and continued to attack Xiaolan.

Belmod was anxious and fired several shots at Caruvados.

At this time, Caruvados also understood and stopped the attack.

"Ange1, get out of my way."

Belmode was anxious, picked up the gun, and shot several times next to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan hugged Haiyuan Ai tightly and said softly:"Xiao Ai, don't worry, I have already called the police, there is no need. It didn't take long for the police to come."

Hui Yuan Ai's body was trembling slightly, with a trace of emotion in his eyes.


Belmode picked up the gun and prepared to attack.


Suddenly a gunshot rang out, and the gun in Belmode's hand was knocked away and fell to the side.

"What, it turns out you still have a gun."

Belmod raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Teacher Judy holding a gun in the distance.

"Come on, put your hands up."

Teacher Judy endured the pain and shouted loudly.


In the dark, a figure slowly approached, holding a shotgun in his hand.

Belmode was overjoyed and said quickly:"Well done, Kahlua Doss, we will cover her from both sides and take care of her."

"How is it possible, there are still people."

Teacher Judy's pupils shrank and her body trembled slightly.

"Oh, I see, that guy’s name is Caruvados? With so many guns on him, I thought that guy was an arms dealer."

Listening to this strange yet familiar voice, the expressions of Bermod and Teacher Judy changed at the same time.

Compared to Bermod's shock, Teacher Judy was happy.


In the dark, the person walked slowly over and was gradually exposed to the street lights.

The person who came was none other than the FBI's ace, Shuichi Akai.

"Shuichi Akai?"

Belmode was startled, and suddenly became fearful in his heart.

For Akai Shuichi, even Bermode was not sure of winning.

Once the fight started, she would probably stay here.

At the same time, Bermode thought of something in his mind Li Mu's words made him feel annoyed, why didn't he believe Li Mu this time?


Bellmod and Shuichi Akai looked at each other, and then drew their guns at the same time.

However, Shuichi Akai was obviously better, and the gun directly hit Bellmod.

Bell Several of Mod's ribs were broken, and he flew backwards and hit the ground.

"Xiuyi, do you want to beat him to death?"

"Don't worry, she's fine, she's probably wearing a body armor."

Akai Shuichi replied nonchalantly, reaching out and raising the shotgun.

Belmod also stood up slowly, put a hand near his ribs, and a drop of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"See, she's not dead yet."

Akai Shuichi took out his gun and was about to continue attacking when suddenly a sense of danger came over.

Akai Shuichi did not hesitate and dodged directly.

Although he avoided the bullet attack, the bullet hit his gun.

"How is it possible? Is there anyone else?"

Akai Shuichi was shocked and hurriedly hid next to Teacher Judy, avoiding the sniper's blind spot.

When there were no snipers, Akai Shuichi was not a fool. He would be an idiot if he had to fight with a sniper. behavior.

Although Belmode didn't know what happened or who helped, he still caught Conan and drove away in Teacher Judy's car

"Why don't you take out the car keys, or I can keep her here."

Teacher Judy turned her head in embarrassment. She thought she would win this time, so she didn't take out the car key. Who knew that such a big change had happened.

After Belmode left, she stretched out her hand and looked through the rearview mirror of the car. One shot hit the car's gas tank and blew up the car.


In a forest, Belmod parked the car, took out a mobile phone, and sent an email.

After sending it, Belmod looked at Conan and murmured to himself:"What should I do with you now, little devil."

After saying that, Belmode put his hand on Conan's body.

After a moment, Belmod's pupils shrank, and he quickly opened Conan's clothes, and then saw something close to Conan's heart.

Belmode quickly stretched out his hand to pull out the thing.

"I advise you not to pull it out, otherwise the email you just sent will end up in my friend’s email address, which is your boss’s email address........"

Belmode stopped subconsciously and looked down at Conan.

Conan woke up at some point and opened his eyes

"That's your boss's email address. As long as you make any changes, I will know your boss's email address."

"Really? Let’s see whose partner feels it first. The loser will be doomed."

Belmod raised the corner of his mouth and threw a sleeping gas in his hand. A large amount of gas spurted out and surrounded the car.

Cough cough cough……


Just as Conan was about to say something, he felt dizzy and confused, and then fell asleep directly.

Belmod's eyelids were rolling, but he still took out a gun and shot himself in the thigh.

In an instant, Belmod's mind came to his senses.

Then Belmod got out of the car, but the next moment, a figure appeared and hit Belmod from behind, knocking him unconscious.

After the man knocked out Belmod, he put him in a car not far away, then came back and sorted out the traces in the car, wiping all the blood and fingerprints clean.

Afterwards, this man took Belmode away


In a room, after Belmode woke up slowly, he looked at the person wearing a black coat next to him and was startled.

"Who are you? What's the matter with you arresting me?"

The man didn't say anything. He directly picked up a mobile phone and threw it to Bermod.

Bermod opened the phone and flipped through it casually. There was only one phone number in it.

A phone number without a name.

Bermod immediately understood. , dialed this number.

On the cruise ship, Li Mu was listening to Hattori Heiji's reasoning, feeling the vibration of the phone's ringtone, and secretly left the scene.

Hattori Heiji just glanced at Li Mu and did not stop him. He wished that Li Mu would leave, so he He defeated Li Mu and indirectly defeated Conan.

After Li Mu walked away and confirmed that there was no one else nearby, he answered the phone.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-Eating Spirit begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu novel

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