Belmode turned around silently without saying a word

"Belmode, if you encounter difficulties in the future, you can come to me and I will definitely help you. This is my promise to you."

Li Mu tapped Belmod's face, stretched out his hand to take advantage, and then left secretly.

Belmod looked at Li Mu's back, unable to speak for a long time, but with a slight murderous intent in his eyes.

Leave. After entering Belmode's home, Li Mu went directly to Yukiko's home.

Perhaps to monitor Conan and Yukiko, their homes were very close. Li Mu would naturally arrive here in the evening.

Opening the door, Li Mu came to Yukiko In the room, Yukiko was sleeping soundly at the moment."Zero Nine-Seven"

Li Mu secretly ran to Yukiko's side, pulled back the quilt and ran in.

Yukiko was startled and was about to shout when Li Mu spoke.

"Yukiko, it’s me."

Yukiko relaxed as she listened to Li Mu's familiar voice.

"Li Mu, it’s true that you didn’t notify me in advance, which made me think it was someone else."

The next morning, the sun rose, and its bright and warm eyes shone in the sky.

After Yukiko woke up, she immediately looked at Li Mu

"Li Mu, get up quickly, don't sleep in, the sun is shining on you."

Li Mu rolled his eyes, but still got up.

"Li Mu, okay, come shopping with me today. I want to buy something."


Li Mu walked to the cabinet on one side, changed his clothes, put on a hat and a scarf, and left with Yukiko.

At the same time, on the other side, Conan was walking alone on the street near Yukiko's house. , looking at the surrounding buildings from time to time

"I remember it should be here, which building it is."

Conan murmured to himself.

The building he was looking for was naturally the building where Yukiko was located. The purpose was to ask Yukiko for help and let him attend the Halloween party.

Of course, he did not attend, it was Hattori Heiji who attended, so He wanted to ask his mother to disguise Heiji Hattori.

Walking on the street, Conan was looking for it, and suddenly saw Kiko's figure not far away.


Conan was about to shout when he saw Yukiko and a man together. Seeing this scene, Conan didn't scream, but just stared at Yukiko blankly.

He subconsciously forgot that Yukiko and his job were divorced, and thought Yukiko was Kudo Yusaku's wife.

By the time Conan came to his senses, Yukiko had already gotten into the car.

"Damn it, I have to see who she is with."

Conan gritted his teeth, placed the solar skateboard on the ground, and then sped out.

In the car, Yukiko and Li Mu were chatting and looking at the rearview mirror boredly.

Suddenly, Yukiko saw Conan following behind, and she immediately startled

"Little new."

Li Mu has already noticed Conan, but he doesn't care now that he is wrapped in a hat and scarf.

And his car has been replaced, so there is no need to worry that Conan will find out.

"Yukiko, it seems like he knows, should you dump him."

Although he was asking a question, Li Mu stepped on the accelerator and flew out suddenly.

It would be bad if Conan saw him.

Yukiko hesitated for a moment, and when she wanted to answer, she could no longer look in the rearview mirror. I saw Conan here

"Forget it, I will tell him later, but don't worry, I won't tell him about you."

Now Yukiko still thinks that Li Mu is a celebrity and needs to keep it secret and not let others know about Li Mu's love affair.

For this reason, Li Mu has already dealt with many paparazzi.

"Thank you, Yukiko......."


Li Mu stayed with Yukiko all day long, and it wasn't until the afternoon that Li Mu drove Yukiko back.

After giving Yukiko a farewell kiss, Li Mu glanced at Conan, who had been waiting for a long time, and drove away.

Conan looked at Yukiko and Li Mu, hesitated for a moment, and finally gave up tracking Li Mu and followed Yukiko instead.

Yukiko did not quicken her pace, and after waiting for Conan for a long time, she arrived at her home.

After arriving at home, Yukiko looked at Conan who had followed him and said with a smile:"Xiaoxin, I didn't expect you to come here too. It's really great. I haven't seen you for a long time."

Conan looked at the men's shoes on the shoe rack. , said with a dark face:"Mom, who was that person just now? What is your relationship with him?"

"Xiaoxin, mom, I just ended a relationship. Don't you allow mom to start another one? Maybe you want your mom to die alone."

As she spoke, a tear flowed from Yukiko's eyes, and she could cry at any time.

Conan was also shocked. Only now did he remember that her parents had divorced and she could find her own happiness.

At the same time, he also thought of his own Her father was in jail, and his heart suddenly sank, and his expression became sad.

Yukiko was also a little sad, and comforted softly:"Xiaoxin, don't worry, I will be good to you in the future, and I will give you your living expenses. I won’t let you eat and drink for free at Xiaolan’s house."

Conan also felt soft, but then he smiled bitterly.

What the hell is eating and drinking for free? It sounds a bit bad.

"By the way, Mom, I'm here to ask for your help. I want to ask you to do"

After hearing this, Yukiko patted her chest and said proudly:"Xiaoxin, don't worry, I will definitely help you, don't worry." The

Invincible Spirit of the Invincible Shogun of the Great Voyage begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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