After returning to the hotel, Li Mu saw the Dahe family arguing, and Miss Katori on the side lowered her head, very sad.

Li Mu stepped forward, took out the ring in his handkerchief, and handed it to everyone

"This is your ring, I found it."

Everyone was shocked after hearing this.

Miss Katori and Ohga Shinya were excited, and Ohga Mika and the old lady were surprised.

Among them, the old lady even glared at Ohga Mika.

"That's great. Where did you find it?"

Ohga Shinya looked grateful and took the ruby ​​ring excitedly.

"Oh, the old lady ordered the beautiful elder sister to take it away, and I happened to find it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Oga Shinya looked at the old lady and said dissatisfied:"Grandma, are you dissatisfied with us being together, why would you do such a thing."

The old lady didn't speak. After all, she didn't know what to say.

But Li Mu thought of something and said directly:"Maybe this is a test she gave you. I remember that this ring was placed on the hand of the goddess of love. In mythology, The goddess of love also gave her daughter-in-law a test, and finally her daughter-in-law passed the test."

Oga Shinya looked at the old lady with a look of disbelief.

The old lady also looked at Li Mu in disbelief, then turned her head, changed the subject and said:"I don't know what you are talking about."

At this time, Ohga Shinya also saw her thoughts, and his heart was filled with gratitude.

"Grandma, can we get married now?"

"Hum, you have found the ring, what else can I say.

Dahe Zhenya was overjoyed and said quickly:"Thank you, grandma.""

The old lady snorted coldly, turned around and walked away.

"Li Mu, that's great. I'm so happy. I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

Yuanzi was overjoyed and threw herself into Li Mu's arms excitedly.

Xiaolan was also very happy and walked to Li Mu's side. She hesitated but did not throw herself into Li Mu's arms.

"Okay, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, why don’t we go out for a walk? The wedding ceremony will take some time."


The two nodded slightly, followed Li Mu, and walked on Huisden Road.

They were very happy, walking here and there, buying whatever they wanted when they saw it. After that, they were very happy. After a long time, when it was almost dark, Li Mu walked to the side of a clock tower.

Looking at the empty clock tower, Yuanzi suddenly thought of something. Li Mu looked at Xiaolan again.

"Li Mu, I'm going to the bathroom. You can take Xiaolan here to take a look."


Li Mu watched Yuanzi leave, and then set his sights on Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, let’s go take a look inside this clock tower."


Xiaolan didn't notice anything unusual about Li Mu and followed Li Mu in.

After entering the bell tower, Li Mu slowly closed the door.

"Brother Li, what are you going to do? You shouldn't be..."

Not long after Li Mu and the others came in, there was a sudden loud noise. thump!

When Li Mu and Xiaolan were happy, the door of the bell tower opened and a person walked in.

······Asking for flowers·······

After this person came in, he didn't notice Li Mu at all.

Li Mu turned his head and looked at the two of them, also slightly stunned.

There was a person Li Mu knew who was also attending the wedding, a man named Gao Qiao.

This Takahashi was also carrying someone on his back, and this person Li Mu also knew, it was Miss Katori, the bride of this wedding.

But it seems that Mr. Takahashi kidnapped Miss Katori and wanted to keep Miss Katori here.


Xiaolan was also shocked. Just as she was about to say something, Li Mu quickly blocked her mouth and pointed at Xiaolan.

Xiaolan reacted immediately.

Seeing that Xiaolan was silent, Li Mu turned around slowly, and before Takahashi knew it, he raised his foot and kicked Takahashi hard.

Takahashi was immediately kicked out by Li Mu, and Miss Katori was also thrown down, and was instantly hugged by Li Mu.

Xiaolan at the back immediately tidied herself up, and then immediately walked to Miss Katori's side

"Miss Katori, are you okay?

After Miss Katori was put down by Li Mu, she quickly said:"No, Mr. Takahashi wants to harm grandma, you have to stop him.""

Li Mu didn't answer her, but looked to the side.

Miss Katori followed Li Mu's gaze and saw Mr. Takahashi fell to the side and fainted.

"Great, grandma will be fine"

"Okay, let's go back."

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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