After leaving Yumi’s house, Li Mu felt refreshed and couldn’t help but look at the moonlight above.

"Alas, my life is so hard and tiring."

If other men heard what Li Mu said, they might hack Li Mu to death.

No, they would definitely hack Li Mu to death.

On Sunday, Li Mu came to the police station.

Because of Yumi's kidnapping last time, Li Mu still needed to take notes..

This is the most troublesome thing, so every time he solves a case, Li Mu will give the credit to Officer Mu Mu, so that he doesn't have to come every two days. As soon as he arrived at the police station, Li Mu was 'welcome' by everyone.

Li Mu With the welcome of everyone, he walked into the police station and came to 16 Miwako's office.

At this time, Miwako's gunshot wound had healed and she was discharged from the hospital to work.

"Yumi, I've heard about it."

In the office, Miwako, who had just been discharged from the hospital, looked at Yumi seriously.

Yumi's body also trembled and she was very nervous.

Could it be that she had been discovered?

The first thing she thought of was that her relationship with Li Mu was known, and she couldn't help but Got nervous

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have been with Li Mu……"

"I know everything. You were kidnapped? Yes or no?"


Yumi was stunned for a moment and looked at Miwako in disbelief.

She thought it was something, but she didn't expect that Miwako was talking about her kidnapping.

"Oh, I'm fine, don't worry"

"Well, okay, by the way, what happened to you and Li Mu?"Miwako asked in confusion.

Yumi's face froze and she quickly said:"Li Mu and I had a drink. I want to ask what you did that day?"

"What? Miwako was startled and asked quickly:"Did he talk nonsense?""

Now Miwako is also shrewd and will not say anything that makes people misunderstand.

The policemen around them secretly raised their eyebrows.

"Nothing, nothing."

Yumi waved her hand, as if nothing happened, but no one knew what she was thinking.

"Miwako, Yumi, hello."

Li Mu walked in, looked at the two of them, and waved hello.

"Li Mu, you are here."

Miwako was immediately delighted and spoke at the same time.

"Well, I'm here to record a confession. Miwako, come and record a confession for me."

"OK, I'll do it."

Miwako took out a piece of paper and sat under the desk.

Not long after, a confession was recorded.

As soon as the confession was recorded, Miwako answered a phone call

"What, I know, you wait."

Miwako hung up the phone and looked at Li Mu with an apologetic look.

"Li Mu, I'm sorry, there is a case nearby and I have to go out."

"It doesn't matter, you go ahead."

Li Mu waved his hand, not caring.

"Well, I'll leave first."

Miwako tidied up and left immediately. There were also many police officers who left at the same time. For a while, most of the police officers in the entire office area left, leaving only Li Mu and Yumi.

Li Mu glanced at the empty office District, looked at Yumi again, and walked over.

Yumi was startled, seeing no one around, and said softly:"Li Mu, you are serious, this is a police station, what if you are discovered?"

"It doesn't matter, there is no one else here, most of them have left, and the rest are in other office areas."

Not long after, a voice came from outside.

As soon as he came in, Officer Mu Mu was stunned for a moment when he saw Li Mu.

"Li Mu, why are you here? Officer Sato and the others aren't there?"

"Officer Megure, Miwako and the others have gone out to work. I have just taken the notes and are about to leave."

"Oh, then leave as soon as 097:00. The police station generally doesn't allow people to stay here alone."

Officer Megure ordered, without paying too much attention, turned around and left.

Manager Matsumoto on the side did not say a word, nor did he care about Li Mu.

Li Mu often helped the police and did not care about the credit, so he deeply To win the favor of the police.

Unlike others, they care about honor, which makes everyone think that the police are useless.

In the afternoon, when Miwako came back from work, she was sorting out documents when she suddenly saw white marks on a document.

"How is this going? Who did this?"

Yumi next to her was shocked. She looked at the white mark and didn't know what it was.

"Ah, Miwako, I'm so sorry. I did it accidentally. I'll clean it up for you right now."

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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