In the end, Officer Mu Mu still did not find the murderer.

Even though Officer Takagi and others worked as plumbers, they still could not find the gloves used by the murderer.

After leaving the Mihua City Hotel, Li Mu drove Fei Yingli and others to the hospital.

Along the way, Fei Yingli was crying. If it weren't for Mouri Kogoro, an eyesore, Li Mu would definitely comfort her.

Not, of course, some degree of comfort.

After arriving at the hospital, Yuanzi ran over immediately and looked at Li Mu and others crying.

Fei Yingli looked at Yuanzi's performance, her heart trembled, her head went dark, as if she was going to faint.

"Yuanzi, how are you? Xiaolan, is she okay?"

But Li Mu still asked very calmly.

"Xiaolan is okay, her life is not in danger, just……"

Yuanzi kept crying without saying a word.

Fei Yingli's eyes darkened, her head sank, she staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Li Mu quickly stepped forward, reached out and grabbed Fei Yingli's shoulders, and pulled her into his arms openly.

Mouri Kogoro was also dizzy and completely ignored Li Mu holding Fei Yingli in his arms.


"Uncle, there's nothing serious about Xiaolan, it's just some minor problems."

Yuanzi also realized that he had made a mistake and quickly explained.


Mouri Kogoro suddenly became excited, stood up quickly, and ran quickly to the side.

Li Mu and others also followed him.

Not long after, Li Mu entered a medical room and saw Xiaolan sitting on the hospital bed. Up.

At this moment, Xiaolan's expression is indifferent, with a trace of confusion in her eyes.

"Xiaolan, are you okay?"

"Xiaolan? Xiaolan murmured, pointed at herself and said,"Are you talking about me?" Who are you?"

Suddenly, a thunder sounded, and Mouri Kogoro and others trembled.

"Xiaolan, you don’t know me, right? I am your father and you are my daughter."

"Father?"Xiaolan glanced at Mouri Kogoro, then shook her head and said:"No....I don’t know, I can’t remember"

"Xiaolan." Sonoko and Fei Yingli touched their faces, with tears streaming down their eyes.

On the other side, Doctor Fengdo, who had been silent, said:"Mr. Mori, Xiaolan has been stimulated and has amnesia from the connection line. This Needs slight stimulation to recover"

"I understand, thank you, Dr. Fuido."

Moori Kogoro also recovered and looked at Xiaolan with a solemn expression. Dr. Fengdo said hello and then left.

That night, Li Mu and others did not stay with Xiaolan until the next day. The talent left the hospital.

Outside the Maori Detective Office, it was still raining lightly.

Li Mu drove the car and parked downstairs.

Fei Yingli quickly got out of the car, came to Xiaolan's side, opened the car door, and opened an umbrella


Xiaolan exclaimed, and then huddled up in the car, her body trembling slightly, and there was a trace of panic in her eyes.

"Xiaolan, are you okay?"

Fei Yingli was anxious and quickly took a step forward.

Xiaolan was startled when she saw the umbrella in Fei Yingli's hand, and the panic in her heart was even worse.

Li Mu reacted and quickly said:"Lawyer Fei, Xiaolan is probably When I saw the umbrella, I thought of the murderer."

Fei Yingli also understood and quickly took back the umbrella in her hand.

Xiaolan saw that the umbrella disappeared. Although she was still scared, her reaction was obviously not as strong as at the beginning.

"It seems that Xiaolan did see the murderer, and the murderer did kill with his hands."

Mouri Kogoro's face was gloomy, with a trace of worry in his heart.

Now that Xiaolan has seen the murderer, the murderer will definitely find Xiaolan to kill him.

Although the others did not say anything, they were also worried in their hearts.

"Okay, Detective Maori, Lawyer Fei, don’t worry, I will help you protect Xiaolan."

Li Mu took a step forward and said righteously.

Maori Kogoro was overjoyed and his eyes sparkled.

"Li Mu, this is so great. It is an honor for me to have you as my friend in this life."

Friends' wives should not be bullied.

Li Mu is not this kind of person, so Li Mu has never regarded Mouri Kogoro as a friend.

Fei Yingli on the side also has gratitude in her eyes.

If it weren't for the wrong time, Fei Yingli would definitely throw herself into Li Mu's arms Looking for comfort.

After arriving on the second floor, Li Mu supported Xiaolan and entered the detective agency.

"Xiaolan, this is your home, see if you have any impressions"

"This guy."

Conan looked at Li Mu with disdain and complained in his heart.

But in Li Mu's words just now, he heard that 'this is the feeling of our home.'

Xiaolan glanced around and said a little confused:"I have no impression. This place is really ours. Home?"

"Yes, our home."Li Mu's eyes lit up and he quickly replied

"hateful. Conan secretly thought something bad and said quickly:"Brother Li Mu, is this your home?" Isn't this Uncle Maori's home?"

Listening to Conan's cute voice, Li Mu grabbed Conan's collar and said with a dark face:"You don't know if you want to worry Xiaolan by agreeing."

"I..."Conan paused for a moment, then felt a few murderous glances and turned his head mechanically.

He saw Mouri Kogoro and others staring at him.

Conan shuddered and said quickly:"Hahaha, I was joking. How about it? Isn't it funny?"


Xiaolan looked at Conan and the two and couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

Seeing this smile, Conan also laughed stupidly.

Li Mu put down Conan calmly, and then said with a smile:"Okay, Xiaolan, it's your first time back, I'll cook for you myself"

"That's right, I'll cook for you too, so you can see your mother's cooking skills."

Fei Yingli's eyes also showed interest, and she walked to the kitchen with great interest.

The faces of Li Mu and others changed suddenly, and their bodies trembled slightly.

If they ate Fei Yingli's food, Xiaolan would definitely die tragically in the family.

"By the way, Yingli, I think Li Mu is still cooking. Come and accompany Xiaolan."

"Yes, aunt, you should stay with Xiaolan"

"What's the meaning? Do you dislike my cooking?"

Fei Yingli glared at Mouri Kogoro and the two, and said dissatisfied.

The two smiled awkwardly, but did not explain anything.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins!_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading- Collection, recommendation

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