On this day, the sky was gray and it was raining lightly.

At the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu was welcomed by countless people as soon as he arrived, naturally mainly male police officers.

Li Mu ignored everyone's gaze and came directly to a conference room

"Officer Megure, tell me what happened and call me over."

"It's like this, Mr. Li, this morning, a murder occurred near a public phone booth. The person who was shot and killed was a policeman, so I want to ask you to come over."

"murdering case? Li Mu's face darkened after hearing this, and he said with a dark face:"Officer Mu Mu, you are not kidding, are you asking me for such a thing? Do you really think I know everything?"

Li Mu was also very speechless when he thought that these policemen would come after him whenever something happened. Officer 16 Mumu also reacted and said quickly:"

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. It's like this. Your sister and these elementary school students saw the assassination." , so please come over."

Li Mu turned around and saw the Death God student looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Illya, how are you? Are you scared? Come over and let me take a look."

Li Mu ignored the little devils, picked up Ilia and let her sit in his arms.

Ilia was also overjoyed and grabbed Li Mu's neck with both hands.

"It's okay, there are so many things like this these days, I've long been used to it."

Li Mu didn't say much. He just put his hand on Ilia's head and turned to look aside.

"Officer Megure, how are you? Do you have any specific gains?"

"Not really, but the deceased was police officer Narazawa, and he seemed to be holding a police manual before he died."Officer Mu Mu shook his head and said.

Li Mu started to think after hearing this. He always felt that he had some memories, but couldn't think of anything for a while.

As time passed, Li Mu stopped thinking too much.

"Illya, you take a rest here, I will be here soon."

Li Mu looked at Miwako passing by outside, his eyes lit up, he put down Ilia and left. Instead of getting entangled in this boring case, it would be better to chat with Miwako and play with her. This is the most important thing. After leaving the conference room, Li Mu ran directly behind Miwako.

Miwako felt someone touching her, but didn't care, and said:"Yumi, didn't I tell you not to be sneaky?"

"Miwako, you are not like me"


Miwako exclaimed and quickly moved forward, looking at Li Mu with a blushing face.

"you...why are you here"

"I'm here to help with the case, but if you are so loud, others will hear it."Li Mu smiled and said.

Miwako also reacted and quickly covered her mouth and looked around cautiously.

After confirming that there was no one around, Miwako said secretly:"Li Mu, don't do this again, otherwise I will be angry. of"

"I understand, let's go, let's chat while we walk."

Li Mu nodded, patted Miwako again, and then walked forward.

Miwako blushed and glared at Li Mu

"Li Mu, are you free this Sunday? Do you want to go to the wedding celebration of Officer Shiratori's sister?"

"What, do you want me to be your boyfriend and go to the event together?"

Li Mu smiled and winked at Miwako.

Miwako blushed and shouted:"Who wants you to accompany me? I just asked you to attend and investigate by the way....Forget it, I can't let you know about this case."

As if thinking of something, Miwako quickly took back what she wanted to say.

"Sigh~" Li Mu suddenly sighed and said with emotion:"The police are always like this. When they need us, they use us, and when we are no longer needed, they abandon us."

Miwako's pretty face darkened after hearing this.

Li Mu's words sounded like they were in chaos and gave up.

"Okay, no more talking, let's go."

Miwako pulled Li Mu and wanted to walk into the elevator.

"Miwako, which floor should we go to?"

"Sixteenth floor, what's wrong?"

Miwako was puzzled, but she still replied.

Li Mu glanced at the current floor, then pulled Miwako and entered the fire stairs on the side.

"It's only a few floors away, so let's take the stairs."

Miwako did not refuse after hearing this, and followed Li Mu.

Not long after, Li Mu's Miwako came back together.

"Officer Megure, I will take Illya back first."

After coming back, Li Mu said hello and left directly with Ilia.

"I'm sorry to trouble you today."

Officer Mu Mu did not refuse and allowed Li Mu and Illya to leave.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Beloved Begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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