Xiaolan also understood that Li Mu was helping her, and quickly stood up, blushing, and shyly shouted:"Brother Li, didn't you say you wouldn't tell anyone?"

It has to be said that every woman is born to be an actress, and when Xiaolan talks about panic, she is unambiguous.

Mouri Kogoro had no doubts, and just advised:"Xiaolan, you have to be careful, you almost fell down on such a flat ground.""

"Yes yes yes, I know."

Xiaolan nodded, and then continued to eat curry rice.

Conan was still a little suspicious, but it was hard to ask.

Not long after eating, Mr. Akashi also returned downstairs and ate with everyone.

After eating , , Mr. Akashi started chatting with Moori Kogoro again.

I don’t know how long it took, but Mr. Akashi asked politely:"Xiaolan, I’m really sorry, could you help me clear the dishes?"


Although it was the second request, Xiaolan did not refuse.

After all, I was eating at someone else's house today, and it was only right to do someone a favor.

"Xiaolan, let me accompany you."

Li Mu followed Xiaolan.

Although Xiaolan was shy, she did not refuse.

Conan on the side suddenly became anxious when he saw Li Mu following Xiaolan, and quickly followed Li Mu.

The three of them came upstairs together and walked When they arrived at Mr. Akashi's room, they opened the door and walked in.

After entering the room, the three of them saw an empty quilt with a drop of liquid on it.

They looked up and saw the old man hanging. on top


When Xiaolan saw the dead old man, she shouted in surprise


When Mouri Kogoro heard Xiaolan's shouting, he quickly ran to the second floor.

Once on the second floor, Moori Kogoro saw Mr. Akashi hanging above.

"Xiaolan, go and notify the police immediately"

"Got it, Dad."

Xiaolan also came to her senses and quickly ran downstairs to make a phone call.

Maori Kogoro came to the deceased's side, looked at the deceased for a moment, and started talking to himself.

"This is Gunma Prefecture, so the police here……"

Speaking of this, not only Mouri Kogoro, but also Lin Fei felt a little ashamed.

That policeman, if Lin Fei remembers it, was an idiot who insulted the policeman


Dozens of minutes later, Lin Fei looked at the officer in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

"It was the greatest honor in my life to be able to see Detective Maori and Detective Li, so as soon as I heard about the case, I rushed over. Li

Mu looked at Officer Nakamura who looked admiringly, helplessly."Officer Nakamura, aren't there any other police officers here?""

"No, of course. I just heard that there were two of you here, so I took the initiative to come over. I even brought a camera to take pictures of your reasoning process."

Police Officer Nakamura took out a camera and looked at Li Mu and Li Mu with admiring eyes.

"So, Detective Li, do you have any clues? For example, do you know who the murderer is?"

Li Mu naturally knew who the murderer was, but he still walked aside and pointed at the body of the deceased.

"There are several suspicious things about this deceased person. First, the cords of the lamps in this room are shorter than those in other rooms. Secondly, there is a tooth missing from the deceased's body. Finally, the deceased's hands seem to be tied with something."

"Oh, this is because my father sometimes hit his eye on the rope when he got up, so he cut some of it. As for the teeth, my father once had teeth extracted.

By the way, the marks on his hands should be from the rubber bands tied on his hands, which he often does."

When Mr. Akashi heard Li Mu's doubts, he quickly explained

"So that’s it, it’s indeed possible."

Officer Nakamura nodded, as if he already understood.

Li Mu helplessly covered his head, not knowing what to say.

Officer Nakamura believed in the suspect so easily, and he didn't know how he became a police officer.

In the original work If Conan hadn't secretly helped several times, it would have been pretty good if Officer Nakamura had not been dismissed, let alone promoted.

"Okay, Officer Nakamura, you'd better investigate the deceased's time of death and confirm the alibi."

Mouri Kogoro said while thinking.

······Asking for flowers·······

"Right. Officer Nakamura nodded, looked directly at Kogoro Mori and said,"Well, Detective Mori, let's start with you first and tell us about your alibi?""

Mouri Kogoro's face darkened, he grabbed Officer Nakamura's collar and roared:"You idiot, we just passed by by chance. We have no grievances against this family, why should we kill him?"

"It seems right."Police Officer Nakamura also suddenly realized

"How did this idiot become a police officer?"

Li Mu couldn't help but complain, and the policeman next to him also covered his face in shame. Officer

Nakamura didn't care, and quickly looked at Mr. Akashi aside and said:"Well, Mr. Akashi, what did you do most of the time today? What."


"As for me, after delivering food to my father this evening, I kept chatting with Detective Maori and never left, let alone killed anyone."

While speaking, Mr. Akashi was also very nervous.

After listening to Mr. Akashi's words, Officer Nakamura touched his chin and began to think.

"That said, Mr. Akashi has no doubts anymore. So, Mr. Li, do you still have any doubts?"

"Of course there is. Li Mu pointed to the spicy curry on one side and said:"Mr. Akashi, since your father had a tooth pulled out, why did you make spicy curry? And we ate a lot of curry today. Why did you prepare so much? Or did you decide to let it go?" We are witnesses"

"Yes, I remembered that my father had his teeth removed last time and it seemed that he couldn’t eat spicy food."

Xiaolan also reacted and suddenly realized

"Really? Is that really the case?"

Police Officer Nakamura glanced at Mr. Akashi with his sharp eyes, and Mr. Akashi's body trembled slightly.

"I don’t know the specific time of his tooth extraction, I just heard him say it."

Although Mr. Akashi explained it, except for the idiot Police Officer Nakamura, everyone else saw a clue.

After all, Mr. Akashi's explanation was too far-fetched.

"By the way, what about curry? Why did you prepare so much curry?"

Officer Nakamura also reacted and asked quickly.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage began with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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