Since the last bomb incident, the relationship between Li Mu and Miwako has become much better.

As long as no one is watching, Li Mu and Meihezi will not be rejected. Even if they put their hands randomly, Meihezi will not refuse.

Except for Miwako's slight resistance in the last step, basically nothing happened.

However, Li Mu did not insist on doing the last thing. Anyway, it won't be long before Li Mu can win Miwako's victory.


On this day, at the Maori Detective Agency, Xiaolan was studying at home. Suddenly, a woman wearing black clothes and a hat walked up.

After arriving at the second floor of the Maori Detective Agency, the woman in black opened the door and walked in.

Xiaolan saw the person coming and said politely:"Hello, I'm really sorry. My father is not at home right now. How about you come over some time later."

The woman in black raised the corners of her mouth, took out a book and handed it to Xiaolan

"Well, let me tell you what happened first. You ask Detective Maori to think about it first. I will come over after a while."

"Okay, then you say it."

Xiaolan stretched out her hand and didn't notice that there was another thing under the book.

When Xiaolan got closer, the woman in black didn't hide it, she took out the electric shock stick from below and hit Xiaolan.

Xiaolan's body She trembled slightly, then fell to the ground, struggled with her eyes, and then fell asleep.

Not long after, many people came from behind and took Xiaolan away.

And the man in black left a piece of paper then turned around and left


On the other side, Li Mu was resting when he suddenly received a call from Maori Kogoro and quickly drove to the Maori Detective Agency.

After arriving at the office, Li Mu saw a gloomy-looking Kogoro Mouri, with Officer Megure and Miwako standing next to him.

Miwako and Li Mu looked at each other, their faces turned red, and they lowered their heads shyly.

Li Mu did not tease Miwako and said directly:"Detective Mori, Officer Megure, what happened? Is it something big?"

Kogoro Mori's face turned pale, and he picked up a piece of paper and handed it to Li Mu.

"Xiaolan was kidnapped, and this was a note left by the kidnapper. She said that one billion yen was needed, and it would be ready within one day, and the transaction would begin tomorrow night."

After saying that, Mouri Kogoro cried loudly.

He didn't have one billion yen, but he still had 100 million yen. It was mentioned in the one billion yen robbery case.

But it was all given to Xiaolan by him. Those who stayed, even though they usually lived in poverty, still did not take action.

It can be seen that Mouri Kogoro is still a good father.

After hearing this, Li Mu frowned slightly, and there was a murderous intention in his heart.

He actually dared to threaten his woman without killing him. It's not enough for civilians to be angry and not to kill, it's not enough to strengthen the morale of the military.

Well, Li Mu just wants to teach, right?

"Don't worry, Detective Mori, I have one billion yen. I can raise it all in just one afternoon."

"Great, Li Mu, thank you so much."

Moori Kogoro's eyes were filled with tears, and he was about to pounce on Li Mu.

Li Mu quickly stretched out his hand to block Moori Kogoro's face.

One billion yen is nothing to Li Mu. Anyway, the system loosened a very big company. One billion yen is nothing to Li Mu. Japanese yen is sprinkled with water.

And all this money is prepared for Xiaolan. Plus Fei Yingli, how could Li Mu not help?

"Okay, Detective Maori, the most important thing for us now is how to prevent the other party from breaking up the vote. Everything else is unimportant."

Mouri Kogoro also reacted, with a sad look on his face.

When facing kidnappers, the most important thing is money, and the second is to prevent the kidnappers from stealing the money.

Many kidnappings are caused by kidnappers who get the money and then die behind the kidnappers. Naturally, Maori Kogoro Also worried.

On the other hand, Officer Memu came over and said seriously:"Brother Maori, don't worry, our police will definitely rescue Xiaolan, you have to believe us"

"It can only be the. (bgdf)" Mouri Kogoro nodded helplessly.

He has no choice now but to rely on the police.

Li Mu is a little worried. These police, without the help of detectives like Conan, are basically useless.

But okay As Li Mu is very domineering, it is impossible for the kidnappers to send Xiaolan to other countries.

As long as he is still in Tokyo, Li Mu can find Xiaolan.

And after the last incident of detonating a skyscraper, plus what happened this time, It is estimated that Xiaolan can be captured, and Conan can go with Hattori by then.

But now we still need to ensure Xiaolan's safety.

Thinking of this, Li Mu quickly said:"Detective Maori, you wait here, I will raise money right away. Also, investigate Xiaolan’s situation. I will definitely come back during the transaction tomorrow."

"Really? That's a problem for you."

Mouri Kogoro didn't raise his head, but just replied.

Li Mu didn't care, turned around and returned downstairs.

In the car, Li Mu gave instructions and asked someone to prepare one billion yen, while he drove the car and sensed Following Xiaolan's direction.

After arriving at an abandoned factory, Li Mu confirmed that there were no cameras around, put away his car, and walked into an abandoned factory invisibly.

Because of his invisibility, Li Mu walked into the factory unscrupulously. He was not afraid that he would be discovered.

After entering the factory, Li Mujiu sensed that there were four people nearby, one woman and three men. All three of them were tightly dressed and had hoods on their faces, for fear that they would be discovered.

This Such gangsters are not afraid of being seen by the gangsters, and generally speaking, they will not tear up their votes.

However, there is no guarantee that the kidnappers will not tear up their votes.

"Sister, this little girl’s family must be rich. Is one billion yen too much?"

A somewhat tall man was slightly worried.

After all, one billion yen is notMost people will not come up with the amount, even those big consortiums will not be able to do it.

"Don't worry, this little girl's father is not an ordinary person, he is a famous detective, her mother is also a well-known lawyer, and her boyfriend is a best-selling novel writer. One billion yen is just a small thing, you just wait to collect the money."

The woman in black has obviously done the investigation and knows everything about Xiaolan.

And after listening to the woman in black, Li Mu subconsciously pointed at himself and muttered to himself:"Xiaolan's boyfriend, that's what he said. it's me? This guy is still very discerning and will let you go later."

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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